Abbott, James N.

Abbot, Lyman

Adams, Lella Norward

Agassiz, Louis

Ahola, Sylvester

Ahonen, “Tut” Verner

Aiello, Louis

Allen Family

Alling, Elizabeth

Alper, Leo

Amarel, Antone P.

Ames, Adelbert (family)

Anastas, Peter

Anderson, John

Andrew, Richard

Andrew, A. Piatt

Andrews, Albert C.

Ansley, Albert Henry

Aplin Family

Appleton Family

Arvilla, Joseph F.

Atkinson, John

Austin, Joan R.

Axson, Stockton and Stockton, Ellen



Babson, Ann M.

Babson, Edward

Babson, Isabel

Babson, John Jones

Babson, Nathaniel

Babson, Thomas

Babson, Warren

Babson, Roger

Babson Family

Bachel(d)er, A. W.


Bacon, Emily Choate

Bacon, Mrs. Frederick

Bailey, Jacob

Baird, Gordon

Baker, James

Bales, Dorothy

Balestriaci, Carle

Barlow, Samuel L.

Balter, Marie Rose (Barbara)

Banks, Ann

Barber, George

Barbour, Nalworth

Barker, Ralph

Barlial, Bob.

Barnard, George

Barnd, George

Baron, Joseph Barbosa

Barry, Reverend Thomas

Bartlett, Evelyn

Bates, Simeon

Baylis, Jonathan


Beane Family SIngers

Bell, Harold

Benet, William

Benham, Carrie

Benhan, Gerald

Bennett, Frances

Benson, Sal

Bent, Antone

Bentley, WIlliam

Benton, Clara

Bernstein, Leonard

Berton, Joseph

Berry, Lorenzo


Bickford, John
Birdseye, Clarence

Bixby, Thomas, E.

Blackburn, Howard


Blanchett, Roland

Blatchford Family

Blend, Louis

Blood, Elizabeth

Blynman, Richard

Bocles, Dorothy

Bodin, Fred

Bohlin, Thomas

Bogyo, Lola

Bolger, Phil

Bollman, Henry

Booth Family

Booth, Junius, Brutus, Jr.

Bott Family

Boyonton, Nehemiah Grover

Bowen, Catherine Drinker

Boyonton, Nehemiah Grover

Bradford, George Richard

Brancelone Family

Bray Family

Bray, Maria

Brazier, Ebenezer

Breed, Fred

Brigham, Charles H.


Brooks, Alfred Mansfield

Brooks, Bobbie

Brooks, Lawrence

Brooks, Nancy ALlen

Brooks, Philip

Brooks, Reuben (et al)

Browne, ALlyn

Brooks, Reuben (et al)

Browne, Allyn

Bruce, bob

Bruen, Obadiah

Bryant, Gridley James

Buck, Fred

Bulkley, Albert

Bundy, McGeorge

Burke, John C.

Burgess, Samuel W.

Burgess, Thornton

Burns, Joseph J.

Burnham Family

Burnham, Gorham

Burnham, Elias P.

Burnham, Thomas, Oliver Hazard Perry

Burroughs family

Burt, Samuel

Burton House

Buswell, H. Leslie

Butman Family

Byors, John

Buzzi, Ruth



Cahil, BIll

Cahoon, Wilson

Calder Family

Calef, John C.

Calomo, Vito

Cameron, Myrtle

Cameron, Ned

Cameron, Reuben

Campbell, Mrs. Agnes Wilcox

Campbell, Lloyd

Cann, William

Cardone, Caroline

Carpenter, Ephriam

Carter, Ray

Carrroll Family

Caswell Family

Caton, Manuel

Cauffman, Mabel

Center Family

Center, Addison (from Nancy Barlow)

Chamberlain, Sarah

Chandler, Samuel Reverend

Chapelle, Howard I.

Chard, Ezekiel W.

Charlton, Emanuel C. and Charles Magnus (Fishermen’s Institute)

Cheney, Joseph

Chetwynd, Henry

Cheves, William

Chiancola, Joan A.Tysver

Ciarmitaro, Captain Carlos

Ciluffo, Tony “Nino”

Cioffi, John

Clarcey, Harold

Clark (photographer)

Clark Family

Clarkson, James R.

Clement, Abigail Grover

Cleveland, WIlliam

Clough/Duley families

Clough, Harriet

Clough, Nathalie D

Cluett, Hubert Sally

Coas, William Captain

Cody, Joseph M.

Coffin Family

Cogswell Family

Cohen, David Dr.

Colby, Ben

Cole, Paula

Collins, Joseph

Collins, William

Conant, Jeremiah

Coolidge, Catherine Kuhn

Coolidge-Lastavica Family


Colson Charles


Connolly, James B.

Conrad, Charles

Contrino, Anthony

Cook Family

Cooley, John L.

Coon, Carleton

Cooney, Harold

Coose Family

Copeland, Melvin

Corliss, Dale

Corliss Family

Corliss, Beatrice

Corliss, howard

Cotton, Moses

Coull, Janette

Courant, Reginald

Cox, Lee

Cox, Hyde

Cox, Frank

Coyle, J J

Crawley, James

Cressy Family

Critchett, William

Crittenden, Carl

Crockett, William

Croft, Rebecca

Cronin, Mary “Irish”

Crouse, Russell

Crouse, TImothy

Crowell, BIlly

Croy, Homer

Cugumano, Philip 

Cunningham, Florence

Cunningham, Michael

Curcuru Family

Currier, Josiah

Curtis Family

Curtis, Dr. Ever.

Cusumano, Philip

Cushman, Robert



Dade, Daniel F.

Dagle, Neal

Dagley, Curtis L.

Dahlgreen, SOnja

Dale Family

Dalton, GLoster

Damon, Foster S.

Dane, John

Daniels Family

Darcy, Jackie

Davidson, Herman E.

Davis, Elias Family

Davis Family

Davis, Frank E.

Davis, William Fuller/Lucy Brown

Davis James Judge

Davis, John

Davis, John

Davis, Saville

Davis, Washington

Day, Anthony (16th + 17th century)

Davidson, Sarah M. (Bowker)

Day Family (19th + 20th century)

Cahota (adopted son of S.S. Day 1849-1928)

Cohota, Edward D.

Capt. Sargent S. Day (1820-1902)  Lucy Green leaf Day (1824-1870)

DeCosta, Dolores

Dedcovich, John A.

Deering, Red ( Sylvester)

Degagne, Joseph

Demaine, Lucy

Demmon, Isabel

Dennen Geneology

Dennis, George H.

Dennen Family

Dennison Family

Destino, Frank

Dexter, Harold and Eleanor

DeVries, Henry

Diliberti, Mike

Dinsmoor, William B.

Dion, SIlas T.

Dixon, Jean O.

Dodd, Captain Stephen 

Dolin, Eric Jay

Dolliver, E.S.L.

Dolliver, William H.

Domingo, Captain Manuel

Donohoe, Shelagh (Olympic Medalist)

Douch family

Douglass Family

Douglass, Fred

Douglass, Orrin

Downie, Thomas O. (1874-1925)

Drohan, William Joseph

Duart, August S. / Duwart

Dudley, Holmes, Bradstreet, Ann

Dugan, Patti

Duley/Clough Families

Dulong, Norman J.

Dulong, Norman J.

Dundas, Ralph W

Dunell, William (alias Growler)

Dunkenson, Charles

Dunn, Robert A.(kayaks)

Dunton, Lillian (professional name Lilia Ballatti)

Dustin, Joe

Dutra, David

Dyer, Franklin J.

Dyson, Robert E.



Edmunds, Elijah

Ehler, John C.

Eliot, T.S.

Eliot, T.S. (CAM exhibit:9/20-10/9/22) Letters from Houghton Library (Harvard University)

Ellery Family

Ellsworth, Charles

Elwell Family

Emerson, Edward Waldo

Emerton, Oliver S.

Emery, Enoch

Emmanual Richard The Reverend

Erkkila-Ricker, Barbara (2 folders)

Ervin, Adele

Erwin, John

Eustis, Harry T.

Evans, Jack

Eveleth Family

Everdean, Joseph 

Everett, George



Farrington, Charles F.

Faulk, Alston (Al)

Favazza, Salvatore

Favazza, Thomas Captain

Fears Family

Feener, Forbes

Feldman, Michael

Fellows, Ernest

Fennimore, Charles

Fenton, Archibald


Ferrante, Peter

Ferrini, Henry (Videos) filmmaker

Ferrini, Vincent  8/21/71- 12/13/94

Ferrini, Vincent 3/08/1995- 12/26/97

Ferrini, VIncent 1/2/98 -11/25/99

Ferrini, VIncent 12/27/07 - 3/27/08

Ferrini, VIncent 1/5/2000- 12/13/14


Ferson, William G.Fialho, Olga Mary

Fialho, Olga Mary

Fields, John James (photographer)

Fields, Annie

Fiers, Carl

Filfallt, Elias

Fillmore, John

Firth, Lemuel R. Captain 1879 - 1967 wife, Annabelle Firth)

Fish, Prudence Paine

Fisher, Barry

Fisher, William

Fishermen’s and Seamen’s Widow & Orphan’s AId Society

Fitting, Wendy

Fitz, Betsey B.

Flagg, Mary Smith (Cotton)

Flint, Rockwood

Foote, Gus

Floyd the Clammer (empty folder)

Flowers, Amos K.


Foote, Gus

Forbes, Eli

Forest Family

Foss, Peter

Foster Family

Fowler, WIlliam Jr.

Frazier, Howard

Freeman, Robert

Freitas, Tony

French, Jonas H.

Friend Family

Friberg, Barbara (Shute)

Frisch, Howard

Frontiero Family

Frontiero, Joseph (Cigar Joe)

Frost, Marion

Frost, Robert

Fuge, Arnold W.

Full, Captain



Gaffney Family

Gale, John S. MD

Gallison, Henry

Garland, Helen

Garland Family

Garland, Joseph (biographical material, articles by, book review)

Garland, Joseph (folder of article)

Gamage Family

Gampel, Dorothy

Gardner, Walter

Garran,(Geering) Family

Geary Family

Geller, Myron

Geller, Simon

Gentile, Antonio

George Family

Gibb, Bobbi

Gibbons, Robert (poet)

Gibbs, William Francis

Gibson, Galen

Gibson, Greg

Giglio, Joseph and Mary

Gilbert Family

Gilbert, Frederick

Gilbert, Addison

Giles, John J. Captain

Gilfillan, Edward

Gill, Ernest A.

Gill, Israel

Gilman, Samuel

Gladder, James A.

Glidder, James

Glover, Charles A.

Gokey, Edward P.

Goldberg, Molly

Golden, Billie

Golden, Joe (Caulker Joe)

Goldrup, John M.

Goodman, Nelson

Goodwin, R. Donald

Griffin, Kenward R. 

Griffin, Morgan and related Goodman, Tarr and Fish and Hodgins families pictures

Gooch, Harriet

Gordon, Helen

Gorman, John (died 1890)

Gorton, Slade

Goss Family

Gott, Hannah

Gracie, James A.

Grandy, L. Munro

Grant, Chester H.

Gray, Emma J. (died 1899)

Gray, Russell

Greeke, Donald L.

Green, Joseph

Green, George H.

Greenbaum, Daniel

Greenlaw, Linda


Griffin Family

Griffen, Gert

Grillo, Madeline

Grimes Family

Groschke, Katherine

Grover Family

Guidotti, James

Gund, Graham



Hagstrom, Ruth

Hahn, Ina

Hale, Nancy

Hale, William Dr.

Hale Family

Hall, Arthur C.

Hall, Family

Hall, George, E.

Halstead, Isabella

Halstead, Thomas

Hammond, Harris

Hammond, John Hays, Sr.

Hammond, John Hays, Jr.

Hammond, Natalie Hays

Hamilton, Reed

Hanscom, B

Hanson, HalfDan

Haraden Family

Haraden, Nathaniel

Harriman, Elisha

Harper, John

Harris, Hortense

Harrison, William

Hart, Charles

Hart, Robert/Joyce, Ernest R.

Harvey Family

Haselgard, William

Haskell Family

Haskell, Elizabeth

Haskell, Leonidas

Haskell, Madge

Haughton, Rosemary

Hautala, Rick

Hawkes, William S.

Hawson, Capt. John (of 1888)

Hayden, Sterling

Hayes Family

Haynes, Frank

Hazel, Charles M./ Hazel, Edwin

Head, Frederick, E.

Healy, Rev.

Heath, Edward

Heath Family

Heberle, Charles Captain and Family


Herman, Bruce

Herrick Family

Herring, Caroline

Hews, John

Hickey, Roger

Higgins, Reverend Albert G.

Hildreth, Hosea

Hildonen, Emil

Hillard, Frenchy

Hillier Family

Hines, Hervey T. Captain

Hintlian, Patricia

Hoagland, Mahlon

Hodgen, Edmund

Hodgkins, Ellis

Holberg, Ruth

Holdsworth, Frederick, Jr.

Holgerson, Chester

Holdsworth, Frederick, Jr.

Hollett, Lester Graham

Holloran, Timothy and Robert

Holly, Daniel James, Captain

Homans (the ice dealer)

Hooper Genealogical Chart

Hopkins, Jeremiah H.

Hoppin, Benjamin

Horovitz, Israel

Hough Family

Hough, Elizabeth Bradford

Houghton, Rosemary

Hovey, Theron

Howard, A.L.

Howland, SImon O.

Hoy, Eleanor

Hoysradt, Robert M.

Hoyt, William

Hubbard, Robin

Hudder, Robert R.

Hunt, Vilma

Hutchings, Sydney

Hutt, Frank Walcott

Hurwitz Family

Hyatt, Alpheus

Hynes, Leo Captain



Ingalls, Jeremy


Ingersoll/Irwin Families

Irving, Margaret

Irving, Margaret E.

Irving, Thomas

Ives, Ann



Jackman, Charles K

Jackson, Daniel

Jacobs, Henry S.

Jacobs, Solomon

Jacobson, John A.

Jackel, Ederne

Jamison, William T.

Jaques Family

Jaquith, Aaron

Jarvie, George Kendall

Jedrey, Robert Dr.

Jensen, Mike

Jodrey Family

Johnson, Alfred “Centennial” + The Dory Centennial

Johnson, Carl E.

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Louis, MD, family

Johnson, Thomas

Johnston Family

Jones, John Paul

Jones Family

Jordan, William H.

Joseph, Philip

Joyce/Hart Family

Jumper, Hannah

Jumpers of Cape Ann



Kaknes, Joseph

Kanzo, Uchimura

Karcher, John

Keeney (Kenie) Family

Kennedy, Michael

Kenny, Herbert A.

Kenyon, Paul

Keyser, Margaret

Kidder, Joseph

Kieran, John F.

Kimball, Theodore

King, William A.

Kipling, Rudyard

Kippen, Priscilla

Kirton, Lawrence

Kirkwood, William

Kiiskila, Eli

Kittridge, Charles

Kizevich, Merry

Kleimola, Mimi

Knight, Elias D. Captain

Knowles, Edith

Knowlton, Barnet

Knutsford, William

Kor, Oleg

Kroger, Elynn

Kuehne, Olive

Kyrouz, Fred J.



Ladd, Anne Coleman

Lancaster, Sewell

Lane, George

Lane, Gideon

Lane, Harriet

Lane, Isabel Babson

Lane, Osborne W.

Lane, Sargent B.

Lang Family

Langsford, Caroline A.

Lantz, Owen

Larkin, ALbert

Lash, Mary Ann

Leahy, Christopher

Leary, Richard

Lehman, Arthur

Leonard, John Reverand

Leighton, Isaiah

Lepage, Lucille

Lepage, William

Lepionka, Mary Ellen

Lesch, “Shorty” Gene

Lilly, Eli

Lind, Jacob

Lindsay, Captain 

Lingard, Eric Adrian Alfred

Linnekin Family

Lingguist, Arthur

Linguata, Michael

Linsky, Tom

Lipton, Sir Thomas

Little, Edna Hilburn (Greenwood)

Locke Family

Loiacano, Phyllis

Longan, John

Lothrop, Llewellyn D.

Low Family

Low Family Low, Captain David and Eliza

Lowe, Ralph

Lucas, Harry

Luce, Henry T.

Lufkin Family

Lufkin, Caleb

Lund, Nils

Lurvey, Jacob

Lundberg, Robert N.

Lutz, Paula Rose

Lyle, Isaac

Lynch, George W. Dr.

Lynd, Robert S.



MacDonald, Cecilia

MacDonald, Edith P. Brodie

MacInnis, Robert M.

MacLeod, BIlly

MacMillan, Robert

McArdle, David

McCarl, Henry and Mary

McClain, George Melville (McLavin)

McClure, Raymond

McCormack, William T.

McCulloch, Henry S.

McCurdy, Daniel

McDonald, James Captain

McGrew, Frances

McGuire, Mary A.

McInnis, Stuffy

McIntire, Dudley

McIntosh, Fitz

McKay, Barry

McKenzie, Albert

McKinney, Jean Curry

McKinnon, John R.

McLellon, Rufus

McManus, Charles

McNeil, Bruce

McNish, J

McQueen, Laila

McQueston, Ed

McRae, Barbara

McVicker, Joseph

Mackay, Henry Collin Captain

Mackay, Sarah Somes

Mackaye, Percy

Mackey, David



Magoon, Scott

Mahoney, George

Main, Jesse

Maletskos, Constantine

Malmi, John

Mann, Charles E.

Manning, Coleman

Manning, William

Mansfield Family

Marchant, Gardner

Marchant, James R.

Marsh, George

Marshall, Wayne

Marston, Charles G.

Martell, Bob

Martin, David

Martin, Reino

Martin-Bittman, Lawrence

Martins, Francis Friar

Martyn, Henry Clay

Mason, John

Masters, George M, Dr

Mattson, Andrew

Mayo, Amory D.

Mayo, Harry Lawrence

Mayor, A. Hyatt

Meager, M. J.

Mellow, James

Mellon, Reverend W. R. G.

Memhard, Scott


Merry, William H.

Mesquita, Joseph P.

Meuse, Zacharie

Milhouser, Dave

Milk, Leonid

Miller, Captain Bob

Millett, Arthur

Milliken, Rhoda

Mollinski, Frank

Mills, Lewis

Militello, Dominic

Molloy, Emma Barrett

Mondellos, Frank

Monell, Lila Swift

Montgomery, Nicholas W.

Montrose, M. E.

Moore, Joseph (“Master”)

Moore, Lillian

Moore Family

Moore, Joseph A.

Moral, Herbert

Morey, George W.

Morgan Family

Moriarty, John

Morin, Ernest

Morrill, Florence

Morrill, Fred L.

Morris, Floyd

Morrissey Family

Morse, Tom

Moses, Ws

Mosher, Donald Allen

Munsey, William

Murray, William

Murray, John Reverend

Murray, Judith Sargent (1 of 2)

Murray, Judith Sargent (2 of 2)

Muse, Paul

Muzzey, David Saville

Myett, John



Nash, Emma C.

Natti, Anne

Natti, Lee Kingman

Natti, Robert

Natti Family

Neilson, Nels C.

Nelson Family

New, Edna

Newcomb, E.

Newell, Edward Dolliver

Newman, Charles Franklin

Nickerson, Enos Captain

Nickerson, Doane

Nickerson, Jonathan Doane Snow

Nicolosi, Lawrence

Niemi, Andrew

Niemi, WIlliam E.

Niles, Thomas and William

Noble, Sue

Nogelo, Sinikka

Noias, Mary Jo and Jose

Nolan, Thomas C.

Norman, Richard

Norris, Sidney L.

Norton, Frederick

Norwood, Lew

Novello, John B.

Novello, Lena

Novello, “Sum”

Nugent, Dave

Nunan, Charles F.

Nutbrown, Richard



O’Brien Family

O’Connel, Harry W.

O’Connor, Carolyn and WIlliam

O’Donnell, Gene

O’Gorman, James

Ojantakanen, Ruth

O’Maley, Michael

O’Neil, GIlbert and Jerry

Oakes Family

Oliver, Edna Mae

Olson, Captain Carl

Olsen, Einar

Olson, Charles (1 of 2)

Olson, Charles 1910-1970 (2 of 2)

Olson, Charles  poet

Olson, Norm

Orange, Joe

Orlando, Antonia and Mariano

Osborne, Allan

Oxnard, Edward

Oxton, Nellie and Oxton Family



Pallazola, Sam

Parisi, Ambrose

Parker, John E.

Parkhurst, David

Parkhurst/Low Geneology

Parks, Kathryn

Parks, Christy

Parrott, George

Parsons, Albert

Parsons, Gorham

Pascucci, Henry

Patch, Isaac

Patillo Family

Paul, James Dennison

Payne,  Joseph A.

Peabody, Abijah

Peabody Family

Pearsall, Ralph

Pearce Family

Pearson, James

Pellier (MacInnis), Daniel

Pendelton, George W.

Penney, Thomas

Perkins Family

Perry Family

Peterson, Christine

Pettingill, Susie Mac

Pew, John

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart

Phelps, R W

Phillips, Ezra

Phillips, Lura

Phillips, N. Carelton

Pigeon, Henry

Pike, Harold

Pina, Henry

Pine, Ben

Pinkham, Georgianna

Pinper, Leonora Evelina Simonds

Piscitello, Joseph

Pistenma, Dave

Pittee, Charles Rodney

Plumer, David and Plumer, Daniel

Poindexter, Leon

Polack, Louis

Poland, Warren

Pomeroy, Herb

Poole, Frederick C.

Porper, Robert

Powers, John

Pratson, Dawn

Pratt, Joseph

Prentiss, Colonel John W.

Prentiss, Caroline

Presson, WIlliam (1 of 2)

Presson, William (2 of 2)

Price, Ethel

Priestly, Naomi

Pringle, James

Procter, Denmark

Procter, Joseph

Procter Family

Proctor Family

Proulx, Edmund and Claudia

Prybot, Peter K.

Publicover, William Captain



Quimby, Summer F.

Quincy, Josiah

Quinn, James T.




Ralph, Jessie

Ramos, George A.

Randall, Captain R.R.

Randazza, Pauline

Randazzo, Marco

Rantoul, Neal

Ratti Family

Ray, Alan

Ray, Martin

Ray, Waino

Raymond, Jonathan S.

Raymond, Eleanor

Reed, Thomas E.

Remick, Rufus

Revitt, George E.

Reynolds, Frederick

Rhinelander, Bishop Philip

Rich, Malcolm

Richardson Family

Ricker, George

Riegel, Elizabeth P.

Riggs Family


Riley, Robert


Robbins, Sarah Fraser

Robbins, Roland Wells


Robinson, David and Robinson, John

Robinson, Andrew

Robinson Family

Robinson, Helen and Emma

Robinson, David I.

Robinson, WIlliam Austin

Robinson, WIlliam H and WIlliam H. Jr.

Rochford, WIlliam

Roderick, GIl

Roe, Richard

Rogers, Allen

Rogers, Daniel

Rogers, Elliot and Sarah

Rogers, Ernestine

Rogers Family

Rogers, George H.

Rogers, Harold

Rogers, Issac

Rogers, John

Rogers, John S.

Rogers, Sarah Friend

Rogers, WEPR

Ronan, John

Ronka Family

Ronnberg, Erik

Roosevelt, F. D.

Ropper, Sumner

Rose, Antone

Rose, Arthur

Rose, BIlly

Ross, Lawrence

Ross, Norman “Nate”

Roth, Albert

Rotimi, Hazel Mae

Rouse, Henry C.

Rowe, John Story

Rowe Family

Rowley, William Dr.

Rudolph, Wylie

Runkle, Lloyd O.

Rust Family

Ryan, Arthur Norman

Ryan, et al

Ryder, Richard



Saari, Frederick R.

Saltonstall, Lucy S.

Sanborn, Joshua

Sanbourn, Levi (financial documents)

Sanburg, Sumner H.

Sands, Terry

Sanders, Charles

Sanfillippo, Angela

Sanfillipo Family

Sanfords Family

Sargent, Epes

Sargent Family

Sargent, Gustavus

Sargent, Nathaniel/Fulton, Robert submarine

Sargent, Winthrop

Sauer, David

Saunders, Henry

Saville Family

Saville, William

Saville (Hovey)

Sawyer Family ( 1 of 2)

Sawyer Family (2 of 2)

Sayles, Bruce Dr.

Sayward, William

Schwartz, Ceil

Schweitzer, Claudia

Scripture, Emma B.

Seaver, James T.

Seeley Family

Selig, Morton

Seppala Albert

Severino, Orlando

Shapiro, Gladys

Sharp, John and Ada

Shaugnessy, Pearl

Shaw Family

Sheckford Atlantic Crossing

Shepherd, George C.

Sherburne, Alice

Sherburne Family

Sherman, Russell

Short Family

Shute, Allan Henry

Sibley Family

Siegel, Robert E. Pfc.

Silva, Manny

Silva, Rita

Skobe Family

Sleeper, Henry

Slocum, Joshua

Smith, Benjamin Family

Smith, Charles Card

Smith, Reverend Daniel D.

Smith Family

Smith, Elizabeth Gordan

Smith, Geneva Glenda

Smith, Jacob and John (architects)

Smith, Syllvanus

Smith, Russell “Jerry”

Smith, Peter

Soloman, Joseph

Solomon, Ellen/William Greenbaum

Solomon, Sanders

Somes, Abraham

Somes, John J.

Somes, Samuel, Somes, Abigail

Somes Family

Somes, Isaac, Parson at Stanley

Soule, Henry

Souza, Richard

Spear, Thomas Captain

Speck, Frank Staniford

Speller, Elanor

Spindler, Andrew

Spinney, Ern

Spofford, Mabel

Sprague, Nathaniel

Spurling, Warren

Stacey Family

Stacy, George O.

Stangel, Donald J.

Stanley, John L.

Stanley, Joshua

Stanwood Family

Stanwood, J. Edward

Stanwood, Amanda

Stanwyck, Barbara

Steele Family

Steer, David

Stein, Helen

Stelluto, Janis

Stenberg, Carl

Stevens Family

Stevens, Joseph R  (Father of Barbara Stanwyck)

Stewart, Bill

Stickney, Alfred Fritz

Stone, Hugh


Strong, Charles F.

Stockbridge, Clayton

Story, Dana

Story, Margery

Story, Lewis H.

Stream, Frank Captain

Stuart, Louis Roy

Sturgis, Russell

Sullivan, TIm

Surrette, Zacharie

Svenson, Gor

Swan, Laurence

Swan, Marshall

Swani, Vivekananda

Swett Family

Swift Genealogy

Symonds, Annie Laurie



Tappan, Colonel

Tarbox, Ester

Tarr Family

Tarr Genealogy

Tarr, Robert Captain

Taylor, Francis Henry

Taylor, George Dr.

Terry, Sarah

Testaverde, Salve

Thatcher, Caroline BIllings


Thomas, Eugenie

Thomas, Gordon (1 of 2)

Thomas, Gordon (2 of 2)

Gordon, Thomas and Jeff

Gordon, Thomas

Thomas, Gordon

Thomas Collection (references  for use with)

Thomas, William and Mary “Uncle Billy”

Thomas, Howard

Thompkins, Alma

Thompson, Charles P.

Thompson, Maxine

Thomsen, Carl

Thurston, George E.

TIbbetts, Charles P.

Tietjens, Paul

Tikkanen, Jonas

TIlton, Phoebe

Tingley, X. D.

Tobin, Thomas

Todd, Emily and George

Tolman Family

Tompkins, Alma

Toneatti, Ultimo

Towle, George

Trask, Israel

Trask Family

Tryon, Warren

Tuck, Azor H.

Tuck, Wallace

Tucker Family

Tufts, Alonzo

Twomey, Virginia



Upton Anna C.

Usen, Irving

Usher, Donald



VanAuken, Kathryn

Verga, Jennie

Verry Family

Viator, Bob

Vibert Family

Vicari, Horatio

Viereck, Peter

Vincent, H. A.

Virgilio Family

Vivian, George E.

Von Rosenvinge, Ted

Vose, Abbot  and Marcia



Waetjen, Richard

Wainwright, RIchard, Lt. Commander

Waite, Elias

Walen, Chester N.

Walker, Wallace

Wallis, John

Wallius, Arvo

Walsh, Joseph T.

Walton, Mason Hermit

Warner, Philemon

Wass, Lester

Watson Family

Webber, Agnes

Webster, Harriet

Welch, Louis Martin

Welch, Martin L.

Weiler, Joseph Flack

Weissblum, Aaron

Weld, John Garner

Weld, Philip

Wells, Lena Clark

Wells, WIlliam Nichols

Welsh, John

Wetherell, Morson

Wennerberg, John E.

West, Rudolphus

Whalen, Maurice Capt.

Wharf Family

Wharton, Lewis

Wheeler, Moses

White, Dave

White, John Reverend

White, John and Lucy

Whitman, Harriet Greenleaf


Whittemore, Gene James

Whittemore, Sammuel

Wickey, Bertha H.

Wilkins, John

Wilkinson, Franklin

Williams, Abraham

Williamson, Samuel

Willis, Thomas

Wilson Family

Winchester, Joseph

?WInd, Leslie

?Winn, Benjamin

Winslowe, Edward

Winter Family

Winter WIlliam

Wise, John Reverend

Witham, James G.

Wonson FamilWonson Obits

Wood, William

Wood-Kelly, Ann

Woodbury Family Capt.

Woodbury Genealogy

Woodbury Family

?Woodruff, Bruce

Woodfall, Mabel

Worcester Gurdon

Whynott, Robert



York, Samuel

York Sumner D.

Young, David

Young, Russell

Younger, Tommy