Creator: Robert Malone and Gardner Marchant
Dates: 1888-1985
Quantity: 2 linear feet (1 portfolio, 4 manuscript containers)
Acquisition:  Accession #: 2008.34 ; Donated by: Arley Pett
Identification: A65 ; Archive Collection #65
Citation: [Document Title]. The Gloucester R.O.T.C. Collection, [Box #, Folder #, Item #], Cape Ann Museum Library & Archives, Gloucester, MA.
Copyright: Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be addressed to the Librarian/Archivist.
Language:  English
Finding Aid:  Processed by Peter Brown, 2010, for Stephanie Buck, Librarian/Archivist. Updated by Karla Kaneb, June 2020.


Military drill was introduced on a compulsory basis for boys in 1884 by Mr. Albert W. Bacheler, a Civil War veteran and Principal of Gloucester High School. While a confederate prisoner, Bacheler noted a need for leadership training among young men. During subsequent years, the Gloucester High School cadets comprised one of the battalions of the Second Massachusetts Cadet Regiment. In 1921, the high school cadets became a Junior R.O.T.C. unit under the National Defense Act of 1916. M.S.G. William E. Dailey became the first instructor and a Dailey Medal as well as a Bacheler Medal are still presented at the annual R.O.T.C. field day. The most prestigious award, presented annually, is the Haskell medal. Edward H. Haskell, a local Civil War veteran, offered a gold medal to the best drilled cadet in 1886. It has been offered in all the subsequent years.

The J. R.O.T.C. sponsors a formal dance, the Military Ball, which originated in 1893. A military Gymkhana Night is held during January when competitive individual and squad drills are held. Other activities are a Field Day in the spring and a band concert.

R.O.T.C. was traditionally a male organization; females originally had separate drill squads. Following WW II, the squads became mixed.


From the estates of Robert Malone (class of ’44) and Gardner Marchant (class of ’46) and donated to the Cape Ann Museum by Arley Pett. 


The material presented to the Cape Ann Museum was collected by Robert Malone, Class of 1944, and Gardner Marchant, Class of 1946. Malone was the cadet Colonel in 1944 and Marchant was the Drum Major in 1946. Both continued to be active supporters of the Gloucester R.O.T.C. in the following years. The collection includes photos, newspaper clippings, and brochures.


Box 1

Folder 1

Dance cards: 1912/1946/1948/1949

Brochure:   (4) Military Field day 100th Anniversary

(2) Gloucester High School Song copyright 1913

Brochure: Spring Concert R.O.T.C. Band 1946

Photo: R.O.T.C. officers 1943/44, 1945/46

Brochure: 46th Anniversary 1931

Brochure: 60th Anniversary 1945

Brochure: 61st Anniversary 1946

Music Festival, R.O.T.C. Band 1946

Brochure: Spring Concert R.O.T.C. Band 1947

Folder 2

Letter from Richard Shoemaker enclosing documents of Colonel Russell G. Spinney army career, awards during career

Photos – Retirement from Army

Battle maps of 1st Division – N. Africa 1942, Sicily 1943, Europe, 1944/45

Folder 3

50th Anniversary

Newspaper clippings

Photo – 4 cadets (unknown)

Photos – Cadets marching (1927)

Pin – Pat Goodwin, Class of 1927


1. Cadets marching 1930’s

2. Cadets marching

3. Field Day 1930’s 

4. Parade Float 1930’s

5. Cadet 1930’s

6. Cadets marching 1930’s

7. Vets marching 1930’s

8. Crowd 1930’s

9. Cadet 1930’s

10. Cadet 1930’s

11. Band Parade 1930’s  1930’s

12. Cadets marching 1930’s

13. Field Day 1930’s 

14. Cadets Field Day 1930’s 

15. Band marching 1930’s 

16. Field Day 1930’s

Folder 4

Pamphlets donated by Bob Malone

Gloucester High 25th reunion 1944-1969

High School Drill Competition 1981

R.O.T.C. Band Spring Concert 1945/1947/1950/1961

Military Field day1960/1965/1969/1971/1975/1976/1977/1978/1979/1984

Folder 5

Misc. newspaper clippings 1957-58

Photos: Col. Mike LaFond, Maj. Charles Bruce, Capt. James Curtis, Cadets marching

Folder 6

Misc. newspaper clippings 1958-59


Rifle team

Bus trip 1959

Officials Field Day 1959

Folder 7

Misc. newspaper clippings 1960/61

Folder 8

Misc. newspaper clippings 1970’s

Folder 9

Photos – 1970’s/80’s

1. Honor Guard 1985/86 

2. Adults holding trophy

3. Presentation – School letter

4. 2 adults, female holding 

5. Trophies

6. Cadets cleaning guns

7. Cadets looking at target

8. R.O.T.C. Drum

9. Cadets on tank

10. Firing range

11. 4 officers – Field Dress

12. 3 students receiving awards 

13. Cadets marching

14. Band marching

15. Female cadets marching

16. Cadet awards 

17. Band – Field exercise

18. Cadet kissing girl on Field Day

19. Field Day photos (6)

20. Award Winners 1985

21. Regular officers

22. Cadets with Gov. Dukakis

23. Cadets with rifles

24. Weapons training (2)

25. David Mitchell

26. Sgt. Hubbard

27. Tower climbing exercise

28. Band

29. Rifle range

30. Rife range instructors

31. Award ceremony

32. Award ceremony

33. Officers – Field Day 1976

34. Students with trophy

Folder 10

Misc. Newspaper clippings/Pamphlets 1970's

Article, Gloucester Times, May 29, 1976, Edward H. Haskell


1. 3 cadet officers 1977 

2. Female drill team

3. Charles Buckley 1973 or 1974

4. Cadet – unknown drill team 

5. Cadets with Gov. King, R.O.T.C. Day, Nov. 27, 1979

6. Honor Guard Field Day 59/60

7. Honor Guard

8. 6 male cadets - 1 female cadet

9. Lt. Col. Brophy/M.Sgt. Cannizaro

10. 92nd Annual Sgts. Party 1976

11. Cadets reenacting Iwo Jima Flag

12. Female cadets 1975

13. Female cadet M.Sgt.

14. Female cadets

15. Male officer cadets

16. Female officer cadets 

17. Female cadets marching

18. Cadets at attention

19. Cadets with flag

20. Female cadets at attention

21. Female cadets at attention

22. Rifle team

23. Flag bearers

24. Female rifle team

25. R.O.T.C. officers with Gov. Dukakis

26. Drill team 1974-75

Folder 11

Misc. Newspaper Articles/Pamphlets 1970's


1. Drill team (male)

2. Cadets at attention

3. Female Rifle Team 1971/72

4. Female Drill Team 

5. Female Drill Team marching (5) 

6. Female cadet Deb Olson

7. Jump Tower - Ft. Devens Nov. 1978

8. Male cadets at attention 

9. Female drill team

10. Male cadets Co. C

11. Sgt. Critch

12. Sgt. Cannizaro

13. Principal Gentile, V.P. Shirley Cohen, Lt.C Brophy

14. Female Drill Team

15. Field Day

16. Field Day

17. Cadets at attention

18. Field Day Band

19. Cadet at attention

20. Cadets Co. D

21. Cadets - Flags

22. Cadets at attention

23. Female - rappelling tower

24. Cadets at attention

25. Female cadets marching

26. Males - marching Field Day

27. Males Co. C

28. Males and Females Co. C


Box 2

Folder 12

Misc. newspaper clippings - pamphlets 1980's


1. Cadets at attention

2. Officers and officials 1984

3. Cadets lined up

4. Cadet officers

5. Female Honor Guard

6. Officers party

7. Officers receiving proclamation 

8. Color Guard 1984

9. Cadet officers 1982/83

10. Couple - Officers Ball

11. Guests 1983/84

12. Officers Ball 1984

13. Officers Ball 1984

14. Officers Ball 1984

15. Officers Ball 1984

16. Officers (regular army) 1984

17. Awards 1984

18. Cadets 1980/81 

19. Cadets at attention 1984

20. Cadets at attention 1983/84

21. Officials 1983/84

22. Officials/cadets 1983/84

23. Male drill team 1984 

24. Drill team 1984

25. Army officers 1984

26. Cadets with Gov. King 1982/83

27. Officials with cadet Col. 1984

28. Cadets with Gov. King 1982

29. Drill team 1984

30. Officers 982/83

31. Army officers with Gov. King 1982

32. Cadets relaxing 1984

33. Flag Day ceremony 1983

34. Ed Pasquince, Lt. Col. Warren Silva, Cadet Capt. James Officer

35. Drill 1978

36. Joe Lautin, Mike Frances, Bruce Maciel

37. Cadet officers 1984

38. Color Guard 1984

39. Color Guard 1982/83

40. Flag Day 1984

41. Flag Day 1984

42. Flag Day 1984

43. Trophy winners 1984, Gerry Wheeler, Tina Nelson, Andrew Roberts

44. Trophy winners 1984

45. Trophy winner 1984

46. Trophy winner 1984 - Tina Nelson

47. Co-ed rifle team 1983/84

48. Flag Day 1984

49. Trophy winner

50. Girls' Rifle Squad 1980/81

51. Boys' Rifle Squad 1973

52. Cadet officers

53. Cadets at attention

54. Cadets at attention

55. Cadet Col.

56. Cadet Col.

57. Cadet Col.

58. Cadets at attention

59. Cadets at attention

60. Cadets at attention

61. Cadets Co. B

62. Cadets Honor Guard

63. Cadets at attention

64. Cadets at attention

65. Award ceremony

66. Cadets at attention

67. Cadets - indoor drill

68. Cadets - Co. A

69. Cadet drill team 1984

Folder 13

Pamphlets/Newspaper clippings - 100th Anniversary

Folder 14

Information re: Awards, medals, uniforms, curriculum

Folder 15

Field Day programs/awards 1980's

Folder 16

Cadet rosters 1963-85, Haskell award winners 1960-1985

Folder 17

Misc. information - Robert Malone, Class of 1944


1. 2 photos: cadets at attention 1920's/30's, cadets marching

2. Football coaches 1943  Curcuru, Frigard, Twomey

3. Basketball team 1943/44

4. Girls - group includes Phyllis Malone (Douglas)

5. Bob Malone and Phyllis Douglas

6. Basketball team 1941 

7. Bob Malone and Phyllis Douglas

8. Bob Malone and service friends

9. Phyllis Douglas

10. Unknown sailor

11. Malone 1944

12. Malone and friends

13. Malone and friends

Folder 18


1. Robert Thompson Col. 1904

2. Cadets marching 1895/1900 (2) 

3. Individual drill - Jeff, Eddie, Gardner

4. Award ceremony 1940 

5. Band marching 1942/43

6. Band

7. Female cadets 1948/49

8. Band marching 1944/45

9. Prize squad winners 1941/42

10. Rifle team 1944

11. Cadet officers 1896: Herman Herrick, DeScott Mooring, Ralph Parsons, William Gamage, Joseph Proctor, John Somes, Jeremiah Foster, Ralph Cunningham

12. Cadets marching, etc. (14)

13. Awards (8)

14. Field Day exercises 1927 (5)

15. Band 1923


Box 3

Loose Photos

1. Band 1965

2. Group of cadets 1930's

3. Band marching 1938

4. Female marching 1938

5. Female cadets 1949

6. Band 1949

7. Cadet officers 1944 (R. Malone)

8. Cadets 1943 (R. Malone)

9. Female marching 1957

10. Cadets - swords 1954

11. Cadet officers 1910 

12. Cadets at attention 1909

13. Cadets marching 1910's

14. Officers at attention 1973

15. Cadets 1970's

16. Female cadet officers 1977

17. Cadets 1920's

18. Cadet 1960's

19. Sergeants Party 1976

20. Cadets marching 1943

21. Rifle team 1976

22. Honor Guard 1973

23. Medal award 1941

24. Marching Band 1946

25. Cadets at attention 1910's

26. Cadets at attention 1972

27. Female cadets 1976

28. Male/female officer cadets 1986

29. Cadet officers 1980's

30. Cadet officers 1980s

31. Band 1926

32. Medal pinning 1959

33. Cadet review 1959

34. Color Guard 1957

35. Officers (identified) 1905


Box 4

Scanned Documents in Notebooks

Notebook #1 - 1885-1939

Notebook #2 - 1940's


Box 5 Flat File

Large Photos

1. Cadet officers 1916

2. Cadet officers 1900

3. Parade 1910

4. Field trip Washington, D.C. 1953 (3 copies, 1 signed by all present)

5. Co. I, R.O.T.C. Ft. Mead 1949

6. Robert Malone and Friends 1944

7. Female cadets marching 1959

8. Female rifle squad 1888

9. Large photo - cadet 1900's

10. Band 1922-25

11. Football team 1942

12. Robert Malone

13. Band 1943