Creator: Cape Ann Symphony; various
Dates: 1948-2002 (bulk 1952-2002)
Quantity: 4 boxes
Identification:  A81 ; Archive Collection #81
Citation: [Document Title]. The Cape Ann Symphony 1952-2002 Collection, [Box #, Folder #, Item #], Cape Ann Museum Library & Archives, Gloucester, MA.
Copyright: Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be addressed to the Librarian/Archivist.
Language: English
Finding Aid:  Updated by Karla Kaneb, June 2020.


The Cape Ann Symphony had its beginnings in February 1952, when Sam and Helen Gordon, an East Gloucester couple — who were both devoted amateur musicians, conceived the idea of a local orchestra, using the talents of local people. Their goal was to offer Cape Ann "the music you love by the people you know.” Beginning as a volunteer group, thirty or so individuals pooled their talents — serving not only as musicians but as a board of officers as well. Calling themselves the “Gloucester Civic Symphony Orchestra,” they delighted some 800 concertgoers on July 10th, 1952 in the Gloucester high school auditorium with a presentation of Beethoven’s First Symphony.

For the next 28 years, Sam Gordon presided over what soon become known as the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra. Performances were free to the public. Any expenses not covered by Sam's constant efforts to glean support from friends and local businesses were dealt with by Sam himself, paying "out of pocket."

After Sam’s death, new by-laws were adopted in December of 1980 stating that a professional conductor, printing, music, hall rental, insurance, postage, soloists, and additional instrumentalists would all be paid for, as they were in other community orchestras, by charging admission to performances.

Today, the Cape Ann Symphony is an all-professional orchestra, evolving from an all-volunteer one over many years, and with a performance level to rival any regional Symphony in the country. The quality of the orchestra is such that the organization is now working to bring Cape Ann Symphony concerts to venues throughout Boston’s North Shore, and beyond.

Previous music directors and conductors were Bertram Whitman, John Murray and Armand Vorce at the Symphony’s inception, followed by Royston Nash and Kay George Roberts in the 1980’s and Richard Vanstone for nearly a decade in the 1990’s. The present artistic director and conductor (2017), Yoichi Udagawa, came to the symphony in 2000, when he guided the Cape Ann Symphony through the celebration of its 50th anniversary to standing ovations in performance after performance. 

The Cape Ann Symphony’s mission is to foster and promote symphonic music to increase the musical enjoyment and knowledge of the public of Cape Ann and Boston’s North Shore. The Cape Ann Symphony provides the means and opportunity for accomplished musicians to perform together. It supports and encourages the musical appreciation and development of people of all ages, with an emphasis on youth, taking an active role in the community. The Cape Ann Symphony aspires to national recognition as a leading regional orchestra renowned for artistic excellence, financial stability, and civic spirit.


This collection includes ten scrapbooks kept by the Cape Ann Symphony from 1952 to 2002 and separate folders of newspaper clippings, catalogs, and programs.



Scrapbook 1: 1952-1953

Scrapbook 2: 1954-1956

Scrapbook 3: 1959-1961

Scrapbook 4: 1957-1958 - handwritten

Scrapbook 7: 1962-1968

Scrapbook 8: 1972-1974

Scrapbook 9: 1975-1982

Scrapbook (2) 10: 1982-1987

Scrapbook (3) 11: 1987

Scrapbook (1) 12: Jan. 1991-July 6, 1995

1967-1972: Newspaper clippings and programs

1977-2002: C.A. Symphony program booklets


Box 1

Scrapbook 1: 1952-1953 Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra

Misc. Newspaper Clippings, 1952


1. Gloucester Daily Times (no date) - Article by Barbara Erkkila, "Audience pleases symphony players"

2. Gloucester Daily Times (no date) - Article by A. Myron Tarr, "Symphony, singers please big audience"

3. Article in G.D. Times - Monthly meeting of the officers and trustees of the C.A.S.O. Assoc.

4. Players named for concert, photo by A. Malishi - rehearsing for the concert

5. Harold R. Collins article - ". . . crowd of 1300 packed the High School auditorium to hear the Symphony's second concert of the year."

6. Hanna Grover Letter to the Editor, G.D.T. - "Something for the Scrapbook"

7. Article by Barbara Erkkila - "Symphony Members Include Man with Sea-Going Cello"

8. Cape Ann Summer Sun - "Symphony's Concert, Dance Beneath Stars Accent Music Week"; photos by George Southwick, orchestra rehearsing

9. Gloucester newspaper clipping - Article by Arthur Myett - sports editor comments on the Symphony (no date)

10. Gloucester Daily Times, Aug. 14, 1955 - newspaper photo - Saul Goodman, tympanist of the New York Philharmonic, may have discovered a new method of eating lobsters; kettledrum hypnosis

11. Odd, unrelated newspaper clippings

Page 1

1. Gloucester, 9-30-52 - clipping, article - "Strange Odyssey of Leonid and Greta Milk"

2. 10-2-52 - "Orchestra Meets, Elects New Board of Officers"

3. 11-20-52 - "Symphony Player Joins the Navy"

Page 2

1. 12-3-52 - "Next Symphony Concert at High School Jan. 14"

2. 12-13-52 - Article by George Koski - "Honor Society Hears Trumpeter Who Doubles as Ham"

Page 3

1. Forrest L. White Letter to the Editor of the Times regarding the Festival Program

2. Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra membership card form

3. Gloucester Daily Times, Cape Ann Advertiser and members

4. Editorial Page - "Good Music and Children"

Page 4

1. Photo of C.A.S. Orchestra at rehearsal

2. "Symphony in Second Concert on Wednesday"

3. Civic Symphony Orchestra Presents Concert Tomorrow Evening

Page 5

1. Gloucester Daily Times, Jan. 29, 1952 - Editorial page article written by Esther McLaughlin

2. "Symphony Plays Tonight at High School," program for the evening

3. Chamber of Commerce photo - Ken Gore, artist, presenting to Sam Gordon an oil painting for the benefit of the Orchestra's treasury

4. Photo of Leonid Milk conducting the Cape Ann Civic Symphony

Page 6

1. Article - "World Harmony Through Music"

2. Cape Ann Civic Symphony program, Leonid Milk, conductor

Page 7

1. Jan. 1, 1953 - "Symphony Trustees Give to Band Fund"

2. Gloucester Daily Times, Jan. 8, 1953 - Article by Mrs. Madeline Alexander, "Busy Housewife, Mother Finds Time to Play with Symphony"

3. Photo of the Alexander family

4. Symphony players in radio interview

Page 8

1. The Manchester Cricket, Jan. 9, 1953 - Article - free symphony concert offered

2. Mastman, Jan. 9, 1953 - Cape Ann Symphony gives its second musical program Jan. 15, 1953

3. G.D.T., Jan. 10, 1953 - Symphony's first concert of the year

4. Photo - Hovey School Sixth Grade helps to promote free concert to be held on Jan. 14

Page 9

1. G.D.T. editorial, Jan. 19, 1953 - "Enjoyment and Distinction"

2. Magnolia, Jan. 13, 1953 - Article by Mrs. John P. Hartt, Jr. on Civic Symphony

3. G.D.T., Jan. 12, 1953 - "Colored Scenes of Gloucester Shown at Stevens Fellowship"

4. Empty envelope, Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra


1. Jan. 13, 1953 - Photo of ushers for the concert at H.S., article - public cordially invited to attend the first concert of the year

2. Jan. 14, 1953 - Article on Symphony in first concert of the year, ad for Free Cape Ann Symphony Concert

Page 11

1. G.D.T. article by Harold R. Collins, Jan. 15, 1953 - "Many Hear Third Concert"

2. Jan. 20, 1953 - Appreciative audiences

Page 12 G.D.T., Jan. 23, 1953 – Capt. H. Banta, tuba player, Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra; photo of the Banta family

Page 13 

1. Jan. 30, 1953 – Symphony Notes; letter of Sam Gordon, Manager of the C.A.S.O. to the Editor of the Times, Jan. 31, 1953

2. Feb. 5, 1953 – Article – Symphony’s next concert during April

3. Photo – Mrs. Dorothy Baxter Primm; article, Feb. 9, 1953, about Mrs. Primm, clarinetist with the Symphony

Page 14

1. “Lookout,” Feb. 10, 1953 – Article on Symphony sympathy

2. Gloucester Daily Times, Feb. 10, 1953 – Photo of Alfred E. Bernard, cellist; article by Esther P. McLaughlin regarding Alfred E. Bernard, “Cellist Is Loyal, Enthusiastic Musician”

Page 15

1. Feb. 12, 1953 – Various Symphony notes

2. Feb. 18, 1953 – Notes – Ralph W. Parsons, member of the Symphony, was admitted to the Quigley Memorial Hospital in Chelsea

3. Feb. 21, 1953 – Sylvester Ahola host to Tri-Hi-Girls

4. Feb. 24, 1953 – Symphony Notes

5. Feb. 26, 1953 – Melvin Rubin, John Nikola join the Symphony; Isaac Patch, Jr. in Munich post to aid liberation

Page 16

1. March 2, 1953 – Personals – Ralph W. Parsons, well known trumpet player in the C.A.S.O., has returned home; several Cape Anners enjoying St. Augustine

2. March 3, 1953 - Symphony Notes

3. Feb. 27, 1953 - Photo of Mrs. Henry O. Vidal, clarinetist, joining the Orchestra

4. Rockport, Ma., Feb. 28, 1953 - Dr. Cummins will speak Tuesday 5. March 4, 1953 - Orchestra Group plan activities

Page 17

1. Photo of G. Allyn Brown, Gloucester Daily Times, March 5, 1953. Article by Esther P. McLaughlin sketches the background and personal achievements of Mr. G. Allyn Brown

2. March 7,1953 - "Lookout" notes

Page 18

1. March 10, 1953 - "Honor Mrs. Gordon, Violinist, at Buffalo Meeting"

2. March 17, 1953, March 31, 1953 - E.P. McLaughlin, Symphony Notes

Page 19 (No date) - "Symphonically Speaking," by William MacInnes; membership card form

Page 20

1. G.D.T., April 2, 1953 - Photo of James P. Boratgis, violinist, combines science, music

2. "Lookout," April 7, 1953 - "Music Gets Around"

3. April 8, 1953 - "Symphony Heads Plan New Concert"; monthly meeting of the officers and trustees of the C.A.S.O.

Page 21

1. April 11, 1953 - "Fashion Show Set for May 6 by Hadassah and Sisterhood" - an annual Fashion Show

2. G.D.T., April 17, 1953 - Photo of Francis M. Findlay; "Mr. Findlay Will Conduct Symphony in Its May Concert"

Page 22

Editorial, April 24, 1953 - "World Harmony Through Music"; Francis Findlay, Conductor resume

Page 23

1. (No date) - Symphony Concert on May 20th was approved by the officers and trustees of the Symphony

2. April 30, 1953 - Leonid Milk, Conductor, presented concert at St. Augustine

3. May 2, 1953 - Symphony Notes

Page 24

1. Photo - "Director Russell Scatterday Looks Over a Small Portion of the Stack of Music"; May 24, 1953 - article by Barbara Erkkila, "Truckload of Music for Rockport Band"

2. May 5, 1953 - Symphony Notes

Page 25

1. May 7, 1953 - "More Than 300 Women at Jewish Temple for Summer Fashion Display"

2. May 11, 1953 - "Symphony Group Play at Haverhill"

3. Symphony Notes

4. Ad - Free Concert May 20, 1953 at G.H.S. Auditorium, Francis Findlay, Conductor

Page 26

1. May 13, 1953 - G.D.T. Social and Clubs Section - Concert, Mrs. Boratgis, piano soloist

2. Manchester Cricket, May 15, 1953 - Free concert on Wednesday; College Club postpone May 16, 1953 meeting

3. Rockport, Marion Clark writing for G.D.T. - Seven people from this community will be among those performing in the second C.A. Symphony Concert May 16, 1953; Social Calendar for coming week

Page 27

1. G.D.T., May 16, 1953 - Article by Esther McLaughlin - "Rosalind Calder, G.H.S. Junior, Violinist with the Symphony"; May 18, 1953 - Three from Riverdale will be playing with the C.A. Symphony Orchestra

2. May 18, 1953 - Lanesville News - Symphony players

3. May 18, 1953 - "Civic Symphony Orchestra Presents Free Concert Wednesday"; Manchester residents have been invited to attend a free concert on Wednesday

Page 28 May 19, 1953 - G.D.T. editorial - "Symphony of Cape Ann"; Gloucester High School student photo - ushers for tomorrow's concert

Page 29

1. May 19, 1953 - "Music for All Tastes on Symphony's Program and Roster"

2. May 19, 1953 - Mrs. Florence Martin, Lanesville, Letter to the Editor regarding Wednesday concert; Margaret Lyle, E. Gloucester, Letter; May 20, 1953 - "Symphony Plays Tonight"

3. "Symphony in Fourth Concert Tonight at 8"; Emma C. Conley, Pigeon Cove, Letter, Symphony Concert; May 20, 1953 - Annisquam has players in concert; Fresh Water Cove items - Miss Amelia J. Lopes, letter on Concert tonight

Page 30

1. May 20, 1953 - Photo by Adam Maliski, C.A. Symphony Orchestra rehearsal, Conductor, Francis M. Findlay 

2. May 21, 1953 - "1200 People Enjoy Symphony Concert," article by Harold R. Collins

Page 31

1. June 3, 1953 - Symphony Notes by E.P.M.

2. June 6, 1953 - Next Symphony Concert, July 8

3. Ad - "Come to the Anniversary Concert, C.A.S. Orchestra, Wed., July 8, F.M. Findlay, Conductor"

Page 32

1. June 17, 1953 - Symphony Notes

2. June 25, 1953 - Symphony Notes 3. Summer Sun editorial - "Four Festivals Promise Spicy Summer"; "Concert Marks First Birthday," June 26, 1953

Page 33

W.J. MacInnis, Pres. - Letter to the Trustees of the C.A. Symphony regarding admission charges

Page 34

1. Aug. 1, 1953 - Mrs. Virginia Pearson speaks at Rotary Club about island of Majorca

2. Aug. 18, 1953 - Red Roof, Eastern Point, opened, coffee with Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kieran

3. Aug. 22, 1953 - Rotarians to hear Symphony Director at the next meeting

4. Aug. 25, 1953 - "Music Big Business in U.S. Says Symphony Conductor," speaking at Rotary Meeting

5. Aug. 20, 1953 - Kieran's guests at symphony coffee party

6. Aug. 27, 1953 - Symphony Notes

Page 35

1. Summer Sun, July 3, 1953 - Photos of the Symphony members rehearsing

2. July 23, 1953 - "Symphony's Concert, Dance Beneath the Stars Accent Music Week," Second Annual Festival of Music and the Dance

Page 36

1. Summer Sun, July 3, 1953 - Photo of the Civic Symphony, one year old, tuning up for concert

2. July 16, 1953 - Special bus for concert, provided by the Gloucester Bus Co.

Page 37

1. July 7, 1953 - "Symphony Concert Wednesday Marks First Anniversary"

2. July 8, 1953 - "Sax Player Andy Jacobson Comes Back for Concert," with photo

Page 38

1. July 8, 1953 - Gloucester Daily Times editorial - "Cape Ann Music"

2. July 8, 1953 - "Music You Love by People You Know," tonight at G.H.S.; roster of players

Page 39 July 8, 1953 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra, Francis Mason Findlay, Conductor - program of the evening concert

Page 40

1. May 9, 1953 - "Symphony Enjoyed by 1300," article by Harold R. Collins

2. Summer Sun, July 10, 1953 - Ken Gore's painting to be sold and the proceeds to go to the Symphony

3. Summer Sun - Readers Forum - Letter to the Editor; "Musical Day Keeps Milks from Souring”

Page 41

1. Plans and notes for future events from Sept. 30, 1952 - March 7, 1953

2. Summer Sun article by J.E.B., "As We Saw It"; July 10, 1953 - Cape Ann Symphony; "The Male Animal"

3. July 10, 1953 - Photo - "Boy Scouts Usher at Cape Ann Symphony"

4. Summer Sun editorial - "$ymphony $ituation"

Page 42

1. G.D.T. article - "Concert Set for September 2"; July 17, 1953 - Acoustic improvements needed

2. July 20, 1953 - Symphony Notes

3. August 8, 1953 - Rockport - "Ten Directors for Concert at Rockport Sunday Night"; Symphony Notes

Page 43

1. Photo - "Francis Findlay, Conductor, rehearses with the Cape Ann Symphony"

2. Summer Sun, Aug. 8, 1953 - "Cape Symphony Offers Summer Finale"

3. Summer Sun, Aug. 28, 1953 - "Oboe Soloist's Skill Developed by Working with 3 Orchestras"; summer calendar - music

Page 44

Summer Sun photo, Aug. 28, 1953 - Mrs. Helen Gordon, Concertmistress, and Mrs. Elizabeth Bernheimer rehearse Bach's concerto

Page 45

1. Summer Sun, Aug. 28, 1953, photo of Francis Findlay

2. G.D.T. article, Sept. 1, 1953 - Miller, Wyman works on Symphony; article by Dee Bethel of the Summer Sun, Aug. 28, 1953 - "Symphony Violinist Leads a Triple Life as Concertmistress"

Page 46

Gloucester Daily Times editorial, Sept. 1, 1953 - "Freedom and Music-Making"; photo - Symphony Orchestra rehearsing for tomorrow's free concert

Page 47

Sept. 1, 1953 - "List of Players Named for Concert"; free bus provided for free concert; concert program for evening of Sept. 2, 1953

Page 48

1. Sept. 2, 1953 - Symphony Orchestra program, Francis Findlay, Conductor; list of members of C.A. Symphony Orchestra

2. Sept. 3, 1953 - Photo of usher at the C.A. Symphony Concert; article by Harold R. Collins, "Composer-Players Feature Concert by Local Symphony"

Page 49

1. Sept. 17, 1953 - Gloucester Daily Times article - "A Concert Each Season Recommended for Symphony"

2. Sept. 18, 1953 - Rev. Forrest White, Letter to the Editor - enjoyed the Festival; Sept. 18, 1953 - Gloucester Daily Times article - "Augmented Chorus Concert at Universalist Church"; Sept. 22, 1953 - Symphony cited, E.P.M. - Symphony Notes

Page 50

Sept. 26, 1953 - Leonid Milk now conducting in Brookline; E.P.M. - Symphony Notes; October 17, 1953 - Symphony Notes; Nov. 6, 1953 - photo of Sam Gordon, Leo Linquata, with artist Joseph Margulies

Page 51

Nov.7, 1953 - "Artist Margulies Gives Watercolor to Symphony"; Nov. 12, 1953 -

Page 52

1. Nov. 10, 1953 - Boston University presents University Concert, Francis Findlay, Conductor

2. Oct. 2, 1953 - Symphony seeks new members

3. Dec. 17, 1953 - Gloucester Daily Times editorial - "A 'Plus' City"

Page 53

Season of 1955 – A letter of appreciation to the Cape Ann people from Wm. J. MacInnis, President of the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Assoc. for supporting and continuing to support the Orchestra

Page 54

1. May 7, 1955 – G.D. Times editorial, “A Dollar for Democracy”

2. May 17, 1955 – Andrew Jacobson, well known band leader, will conduct the C.A.S. Orchestra in its observance of the Jan Sibelius Festival Year

3. May 18, 1955 – Art Festival opens July 23 for a month

4. May 18, 1955 – Sam Gordon Talking – Mr. Gordon starts welcoming back to Cape Ann people who spent winter elsewhere

Page 55

March 14 1957 – Gloucester High School – Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Concert, Armand Vorce, Conductor, Dorothy Primm and G. Allyn Browne, soloists; photo of the C. Ann Symphony at its first 1957 concert; March 15, 1957 – “Symphony Again Triumphs in Annual Spring Concert”

Page 56

1. Photo of Gloucester High Glee Club – members will usher at the Symphony; Symphony plays on March 14, 1957

2. Manchester Cricket, Dec. 6, 1957 – C.A. Symphony Concert Dec. 12 – hope to see many Manchester faces in the audience

Page 57

Gloucester, Dec. 10, 1957 – Photo of the Addison Gilbert Hospital Practical Nursing School – will usher at the C.A. Symphony Orchestra; some original members to play Thursday

Page 58

1. Gloucester Daily Times editorial page, Wed. Dec. 11, 1954 – “How to Enjoy Our Concert”

2. G.D. Times, Thursday, Dec. 12, 1957 – “Symphony Plays Tonight”; photo – Helen Gordon, practicing for tonight’s concert

Page 59

1. Feb. 24, 1954 – “Cape Ann Symphony Gives Concert Tomorrow Night,” free concert bus available

2. Irene Zager, soloist, will sing at concert

3. Feb. 25, 1954 – Symphony Concert program for tonight

Page 60

1. Feb. 25, 1954 – Photo by Barbara Erkkila – “3 Members of the Symphony are Faithful Rehearsers”; Cape Ann Symphony quiz

2. Gloucester Daily Times editorial page, Feb. 25, 1954 – “Good Even If It Is Free”

3. Feb. 26, 1954 – “Cape Ann Symphony Pleases Big Audience”; photos of Francis Findlay, Conductor, Irene McCollum Zager, soloist, and Helen Gordon, concert mistress


Box 2

C.A. Symphony program booklets 1977-2002

1. Sunday, April 17, 1977 – Spring Youth Concert program sponsored by the City of Gloucester

2. 25th Anniversary of the Cape Ann Symphony $25,000 Growth Fund brochure

3. Cape Ann Symphony – Night at the Pops, Saturday, April 23, 1977, sponsored by Gloucester Rotary Club at Gloucester Armory

4. Cape Ann Symphony 26th Season program and program notes, Dec. 1, 1979, sponsored by Mass. Council of the Arts & Humanities and Gloucester Engineering Co. Inc.

5. 27th Anniversary Concert, July 14, 1979, Walter Eisenberg, Conductor, sponsored by the Banks of Cape Ann

6. (3copies) 28th season of Symphony Orchestra, March 30, 1980 program notes

7. Booklets of 29th season of the Symphony Orchestra, November 29, 1980, March 29, 1981, July 11, 1981, program and notes, Royston Nash, Music Director

8. (2 copies) booklets, Cape Ann Symphony 30th season - program and program notes

9. Cape Ann Symphony 31st season Fall Concert, Oct. 16 and 17, 1982, Royston Nash, Conductor; Holiday Concert, Dec. 18 and 19, 1982

10. The Gloucester Rotary Club presents the Cape Ann Symphony in the 8th Annual Pops Concert, May 15, 1982 in the O'Maley Rink

11. Music for a Summer Evening, July 9 and July 10, 1983, Royston Nash, Conductor

12. 31st season, 1982-1983, programs from Oct. 16, 1982 to July 1983

13. 32nd season, Christmas concert, Royston Nash, Conductor, featuring the North Shore Scandinavian Dancers and the Fuller School Chorus, Janet Trefry, Director, Dec. 17 and 18, 1983

14. April 16 and 17, 1983 - The Symphony Orchestra presents a Beethoven Concert at Fuller School, Royston Nash, Conductor

15. Cape Ann Symphony presents Music for a Summer Evening, July 9 and 10, 1983 at Fuller School, Royston Nash, Conductor

16. Cape Ann Symphony presents "Beethoven and the Great 5ths," featuring William Wolfram, pianist, on April 7 and 8, 1984

17. June 23 and 24, 1984 - Concert, Music for Opera and Ballet, featuring Carol Ann Page, soprano

18. Cape Ann Rotary Clubs - Gloucester and Rockport present Cape Ann Symphony in the Eleventh Annual Pops Concert, May 18, 1985 at O'Maley Rink

19. Cape Ann Symphony 84/85 season programs; subscription for 84/85 series concerts

20. June 22 and 23, 1985 concert, Royston Nash, Conductor, Virginia Eskin, piano soloist

21. April 13 and 14 - Cape Ann Symphony presents Bach-Handel-Beethoven

22. Three programs of 85-86 season

23. Five booklets of the 35th Anniversary of C.A. Symphony Orchestra, 1986, Kay George Roberts, Music Director and Conductor

24. Holiday Concert, Dec. 5 and 6, 1987, Kay George Roberts, Conductor

25. Cape Ann Symphony concert, Oct. 22 and 23, 1988, Richard Vanstone, Conductor

26. Holiday Concert, Dec. 3 and 4, 1988, Guest Conductor, Neal Hampton

27. Winter Carnival "Pops" Concert, Jan. 28, 1989, Alan Hawryluk, Conductor

28. Symphony 38th Anniversary Spring Concert, May 5 and 6, 1990 - A Salute to the Friends of the Cape Ann Symphony

29. Youth Concert, May 17, 1990, Richard Vanstone, Conductor

30. 39th Anniversary, Oct. 13 and 14, 1990 - Cape Ann Symphony Festive Beginnings

31. Music Magic - C.A. Symphony, May 31, 1986, program featuring Marco the Magi, Royston Nash, Conductor

32. March 21 and 22, 1992 - Cape Ann Symphony Winter Concert, Richard Vanstone, Conductor, program

33. May 9 and 10, 1992 - Fortieth Anniversary Concert, Richard Vanstone, Conductor, program

34. 1990-91 Subscription series, Dec. 1 and 2, 1991; March 22 and 23, May 12 and 13, 1992 - programs

35. Cape Ann Symphony Anniversary Concert, Oct. 19 and 20, 1991 program, Richard Vanstone, Conductor

36. Cape Ann Symphony, 1997-98 - 46th season Opening Concert, Richard Vanstone, Conductor. Featuring guest pianist Lenny Cavallaro, Oct.25 and 26, 1997, program

37-39. C.A.S.O. celebrating 50 years of excellence - 2001-2002 subscription series, Yoichi Udagawa, Conductor, Music Director. May 18-19, 2002 - Fiftieth Finale Concert, Irina Muresanu, soloist, In Memory of Nicholas Psalidas. Sponsored by Cape Ann Market Realty, Yoichi Udagawa, Conductor Sept. 29-30, 2002 - Yoichi Udagawa, Music Director, Frederick Moyer, pianist Nov. 24, 25, 2001 - Family Holiday Concert program

40. Cape Ann Symphony celebrating the next 50 years - 2002-2003 subscription series. The Symphony presents "All Mozart Extravaganza" sponsored by Citizens Bank. Yoichi Udagawa, Music Director; Randall Hodgkinson, pianist, Sept. 28 and 29, 2002

41. Two programs – “Mozart for Mine” (no dates or year)

42. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 8 and 9 (penciled on cover: 1973, 1974 - 1984). Royston Nash, Conductor

43. C.A. Symphony presents "An Afternoon with Gilbert & Sullivan," Royston Nash, Conductor; Elena Gambulos, soprano; Peter Cody, lyric tenor. (no dates – penciled on cover, “1970”)


Scrapbook 12 (1): Jan. 1991 – July 6, 1995

Page 1

1. Article by George W. Harper, critic – “Cape Ann Symphony ends season with a rousing finale,” 1989-1990 season

2. Letter of Patricia to Miss Shea regarding support for the Symphony, 1990

3. Jan. 30, 1991- “Symphony concert canceled”; April 17, 1991 – “Pre-concert lecture, brunch”

Page 2

April 12, 1991 – Article by Dianne Palmer, Times staff, “Friends of Symphony stay dedicated,” photo of members of the Cape Ann Symphony cutting ornaments to sell at the Christmas concert

Page 3

1. June 1991 – C.A. Symphony subscription on sale for 1991- 92 season

2. Photo, April 13, 1991 - Alyssa Benjamin and her teacher Patricia Doucette perform a Brahms waltz during a recent concert

3. Photo of Bonnie Bewick of Boston Symphony

4. June 1991 – Friends of Symphony pie sale

Page 4

1. Letter of Patricia Watson to all subscribers regarding Pops concert Feb. 2, 1991 – “Les Pops Parisien” – tickets now on sale

2. March 22, 1991 – Cape Ann Symphony concert – “Romanticism”

3. March 19, 1991 – Ad for Symphony Concert “Romanticism,” March 23, 24

4. Symphony booklet for March 23, 24 program

Page 5

1. Photo of Bonnie Bewick – joined the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1987 and will appear as a soloist with the Cape Ann Symphony

2. March 7, 1990 – Concert theme is “Seldom Heard Masterworks”

3. March 19, 1991 – Rockport article about concert March 23 and 24

4. March 19, 1991 – “Cape Ann Symphony features violin soloist”

5. North Shore Magazine, March 28, 1991 – Article by Deidre Waz – “Violinist Bonnie Bewick highlight of local concert”

Page 6

1. Program for May 11 and 12, 1991 concert – “Art in Music,” Richard Vanstone, Conductor

2. “Cape Ann Symphony places emphasis on art,” Gloucester Times, May 7, 1991

3. June 14, 1991 – “C.A. Symphony subscriptions” on sale for 1991-1992 season

4. Cape Ann Weekly, May 9, 1991 – “Friends of the Cape Ann Symphony Art Exhibit”

Page 7

1. Photo of Richard Vanstone, Conductor of Symphony

2. Art in Music article by George W. Harper, May 16, 1991 – “Vanstone concludes season with three modern works”

3. May 31, 1991 – “Friends’ Tanglewood trip”

4. Notice – Cape Ann Symphony Gala 40th Anniversary Season – subscription series on sale

Page 8

1. Photo by Bart A. Piscitello – “Rummaging around”

2. “Rummage and Pie Sale to benefit Cape Ann Symphony,” Sept, 1991

3. Oct. 18, 1991 – “Symphony aims for innovative season”

4. Oct. 1991 – “C.A. Symphony opening concert”

Page 9

1. Program – Cape Ann Symphony 40th Anniversary Concert, Oct. 19th, 20th, 1991, Richard Vanstone, Conductor

2. Nov. 7, 1991 – “C.A. Symphony Casino Night”

3. Nov. 27, 1991 – “Friends of Symphony boutique,” “C.A. Symphony holiday concert”

Page 10

1. Around the Cape, Gloucester Daily Times, Nov. 26, 1991 – “Symphony plans Mozart tribute for the holidays”

2. Photo of soloist George Arthur Kott performing with the C.A.S. at a past Christmas concert

Page 11

1. Dec. 3, 1991 – Photo – C.A.S. Youth Chorus joined with the Symphony in its “Mozart and Mistletoe” concert

2. Dec. 5, 1991 – Article by Kevin Wesley, “Cape Ann Symphony starts strong, ends strong but flags after intermission”

Page 12

1. Program - Cape Ann Symphony, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1991 - Richard Vanstone, Conductor

2. Letter, Dec. 1991, of Patricia Watson to the supporters of the Cape Ann Symphony encouraging continued support of the Orchestra

Page 13

1. Jan. 3, 1992 – “Cape Ann Symphony Annual Meeting”

2. Notice - Annual meeting on Jan. 9, 1992

3. March 19, 1992 - C.A. Symphony performs this week

4. Winter Concert, March 2, 1992, article by George Harper - "Cape Ann Symphony's winter concert a tribute to the group's talent, efforts"

Page 14

1. June 2, 1992 - "Cape Ann Symphony concludes 40th season"

2. Jan. 11, 1992 - Talk of the Times - Photo - Outgoing C.A.S.O. President Patricia Watson honored for her service

Page 15

1. March 21 and 22, 1992 - Booklet and program, Cape Ann Symphony Winter concert, Richard Vanstone, Conductor; Benjamin Shapira, soloist

2. April 2, 1992 - North Shore magazine, article by Bill Plante - "The joy of music celebrated at Cape Ann Symphony concert"

3. May, 1992 - "Symphony performs Beethoven” as part of the orchestra's 40th anniversary celebration

4. May 1, 1992 - "Cape Ann Symphony performs” Beethoven on May 9 and 10, Richard Vanstone, Conductor; Rockport Community Chorus will perform

5. May 26, 1992 - Cape Ann Symphony Youth Chorus will perform “Les Miserables” directed by Anne Connolly Potter

6. C.A. Symphony "Pops Salute to America” June 6," 1992, at O'Maley Rink, Gloucester - "POPS a-la-Fiedler," Beer & Wine, Music & Merriment

Page 16

1. May 5, 1992 - Friends of Symphony T-shirts - Friends of the symphony taking orders for the official Cape Ann Symphony T-shirts and sweatshirts

2. May 7, 1992 - Symphony will be performing Beethoven's 9th Symphony May 9 and 10

3. Booklet and program for May 9 and 10

4. May 14, 1992 - Article by George W. Harper, "A rousing Beethoven's ‘Ninth’ from Cape Ann Symphony” 40th Anniversary concert

Page 17

1. Cape Ann Weekly, May 21, 1992 - Photo of Cape Ann Symphony Youth Chorus, Spring Concert

2. June 2, 1992 - C.A. Symphony Pops concert - Richard Vanstone will conclude the Orchestra's 40th anniversary season with gala, fund-filled “Salute to America"

3. June 8, 1992 - Photo by Bart Piscitello - Orchestra at the season finale

4. June 19, 1992 - "Symphony Trip to Tanglewood"

5. Sept. 28, 1992 - C.A. Symphony subscription now available for four-concert season - opening concert, Oct. 17 and 18

Page 18

Oct. 16, 1992 - Article by Dianne Palmer - "Vanstone elicits Symphony's best"; photo of Conductor R. Vanstone; subscription brochures for 41st season

Page 19

1. Oct. 6, 1992 - Article by Gail Mountain, "Symphony to premiere Jones' ‘Waltz’”; picture of Mr. Jones

2. (2) Brochures – Concert, Celebrating Columbus’ Discovery of the New World, Oct. 17 and 18; Family Holiday Concert, Nov. 28 and 19

3. Oct. 12, 1991 - Columbus 500th - Re-Discovering Gloucester and America - Gala Concert, assisted by members of Cape Ann Symphony and St. Ann Festival Men's Schola at St. Ann's Church, Gloucester

3. March 14 and 15, May 8 and 9, 1993 - concert tickets for subscribers available

Page 20

1. Oct. 14, 1992 - Symphony pre-concert lecture

2. Gloucester Times, Oct. 16, 1992 - Photo of Richard Vanstone

3. Oct. 16, 1992 - "Vanstone leads Symphony into new season”

Page 21

1. Nov. 12, 1992 - "Seniors invited to concert” Nov. 29,1992 as guests of the Symphony

2. Nov. 25, 1992 - C.A. Symphony Holiday Concert and Symphony Friends Craft Show

3. Booklet and program for Symphony Holiday Concert Nov. 28 and 29, 1992

4. Nov. 30, 1992 - Photo - Violinist Mariana Green performs a solo during C.A. Symphony Holiday Concert

Page 22

1. Nov. 24, 1992 - “Symphony schedules holiday concerts”

2. Jan. 6, 1993 - “Symphony Association meeting”

3. Feb. 4, 1993 - “Young Artists Competition”

4. March 1993 - “C.A. Symphony performances”

5. March 9, 1993 – “Symphony blooms in weekend concerts”

Page 23

1. March 15, 1993 – “Storm postpones symphony concert”

2. March 25, 1993 – Article by Deidre Waz, “Cape Ann Symphony presents gripping, accomplished program”

3. March 24, 1993 – Photo of trumpet soloist John Schnell and Conductor Richard Vanstone

Page 24

1. May 5, 1993 - "Cape Ann Symphony performs twice"; May 10, 1993 - Richard Vanstone from the podium conducting annual Spring Concert

2. June 2, 1993 - Reggie and Gloria Bonnin will be performing with the C.A. Symphony

3. Brochure - Pops Concert June 5, 1993 - Fabulous 40's Concert - Pops Night

Page 25

1. Two Symphony programs - Magnificent soloists Maestro and Moyer celebrate 42nd season of the Symphony, March 19 and 20, and May 7 and 8, 1993-1994 season

2. Early bird subscription discount for11993-94 season tickets

3. May 8 and 9 - Spring Concert ad - Richard Vanstone, Conductor; ad – concert with Maestro, soloist, March 19 and 20

4. Oct. 29, 1993 - "Cape Ann Symphony concert” opens the 42nd season

Page 26

Oct. 29, 1993 - Article by David Benjamin, “Veterans of the War of 1812” - Symphony plans to honor players dedicated to the Symphony Orchestra

Page 27

1. Dec. 1, 1992 and Sept. 1993 - Letter of C.A. Symphony Association Board of Directors to Helena regarding fund-raising and subscription for the new season

2. Nov. 23, 1993 - "Symphony does 'Nutcracker.'" Photo of Russell Burleigh, narrator of the "Nutcracker" story

3. Symphony ad - "Family Holiday Concert," Nov. 22, and 28, 1993

Page 28

1. Symphony Gala 42nd Anniversary Season, 1993-94, booklet and program, program notes by Helen Faddis - May 7 and 8, 1994, "The Magic of Moyer"

2. Oct. 1994 - "Symphony Opens Season"

Page 29

1. Nov. 24, 1993 - Photo - 47 young men and women who make up the C.A.S. Youth Chorus will sing in the C.A. Symphony performance

2. Dec. 2, 1993 - Article by George W. Harper - "C.A. Symphony string section shines in holiday concert"

Page 30

1. Nov. 29, 1993 - "Holiday Music" - "The C.A. Symphony Youth Chorus performed excerpts from the 'Nutcracker' . . . "

2. Jan. 20, 1994 - Photos of Symphony Annual Meeting electing officers for 1994 season

Page 31

March 15, 1994 – “Conductor R. Vanstone lays down his baton - and will pick up bow to play violin as soloist” in Mozart's "Violin Concerto #4

Page 32

1. March 21, 1994 - Photo - Richard Vanstone played solo violin at C.A.S. concerts

2. Mach 24, 1994 - Article by George W. Harper on winter concert

3. May 3, 1994 - "Making music on Mother's Day - Symphony to conclude season"

Page 33

1. Early bird subscription discount for 1994-95 season

2. 43rd Symphony season highlights 3. Invitation to C.A. Symphony annual trip to Tanglewood on Aug. 21, 1994

Page 34

1. (2) Booklets - Gala 43rd Anniversary Season, 1994-95. Oct. 22 and 23, Nov. 26 and 27, 1994; March 18 and 19, May 6 and 7, 1995

2. Sept. 1994 - Photo - Members of the C.A. Symphony Youth Chorus – “Friendship and music at chorus workshop”

Page 35

1. Sept. 10, 1994 - Jennifer Lyn McKay, a freshman at Gloucester High School and member of the C.A.S. Youth Chorus, writes about a week in August spent at Brewster Academy for rehearsal, concerts, and as American ambassadors to the Hitosugi Institute of Study Abroad from Japan. H.I.S.A. is comprised of Japanese students who come to the United States to study our culture, language, traditions, music and people

2. Oct. 18, 1994 - "Symphony to open season with Strauss"

3. (2) Booklets and subscription for 1990-91 series season

Page 36

1. Nov. 24, 1994 - Photo - Youth Chorus under the direction of Ann Connelly-Potter will perform in a holiday concert with the C.A.S.

2. Nov. 28, 1994 - Photo - Youth Chorus performs with C.A. Symphony in the Annual Christmas Concert

Page 37

1. Nov. 26, 1994 - Article by All Hands, Times staff - "Rush Limbaugh as Prokofiev's bird?" - Dick Flavin, Boston radio personality and political humorist, will narrate "Peter and the Wolf" in his own way

2. Dec. 1, 1994 - C.A. Symphony holiday concert - article by Jason Breitkopf, "Impressive holiday performance by C.A. Symphony"

3. Nov. 22, 1994 - Symphony will present “Peter and the Wolf” narrated by Dick Flavin

4. Jan. 18, 1995 - C.A. Symphony annual meeting to be held tonight

5. C.A.S.O. gift solicitation card

Page 38

1. March 24, 1995 - Photo - Violinists Zinoviy Bogachek and Sophia Sogland were the featured performers at C.A.S. Winter Concert

2. April 16, 1994 - Photo of father and daughter duet - Alyssa and David Benjamin perform Minuets I and II during the concert sponsored by the library Friends

Page 39

1. April 30, 1994 - Article by Alisha MacLean, "Alcohol ban cans concert"

2. May 20, 1994 - Article by Alisha MacLean, "Symphony revives Pops in new style"

3. Cape Ann Symphony will perform on May 7 and 8

Page 40

1. May 2, 1995 - "Cellist joins Cape Ann symphony for season finale," Israeli cellist Benjamin Shapira, soloist

2. May, 1995 - "Cape Ann Symphony Youth Chorus performs Spring Concert” on May 26 and 27

3. May 3, 1995 - Symphony closing season

4. July 5, 1995 - "Symphony Pops Concert” presenting the theme “The Pops Goes Hollywood'"

Page 41

1. May 20, 1995 - Article by Gail McCarthy, "Pops sees stars" - Symphony plans July extravaganza

2. "Hollywood comes to Cape Ann Pops" (no date)

3. July 6, 1995 -Photo - Lynne Jackson and Mike Palter will appear at C.A.S. Pops concert at Dorothy Talbot Memorial Rink at O'Maley School

Page 42

1. July 6, 1995 - "Cape Ann Symphony Goes Hollywood"

2. July 7, 1995 - Article by Ryan Mercer, "A Pop-ular alternative"; photo - Lynne Jackson, Mike Palter, David Benjamin, and Robert Bradshaw practice for Saturday's concert

3. July 29, 1995 - "Yard Sale to benefit Friends of the Cape Ann Symphony"

Page 43

Application forms for 1995-96 season tickets Scrapbook 10 (2): 1982-1987

Page 1

1. Community News, G.D. Times, June 21, 1982 - Article by Steve Hatch, "The Symphony’s big step"

2. June 21, 1982 - Article - "Symphony tickets will sell"

Page 2

Gloucester Daily Times, July 6, 1982 - Ad for Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra 30th Anniversary Concert, Royston Nash, Conductor, July 10, 1982

Page 3

1. May 11, 1982 - Symphony subscription drive

2. June 18, 1982 - "Cape Ann Symphony” will present its 30th Anniversary Concert July 10

3. June 16, 1982 - Symphony auction booklet - proceeds to benefit the Symphony

Page 4

July 7 1982 - Photos by Jim Mahoney of the Symphony supporters' auction

Page 5

Community News - Gloucester Times, July 8, 1982 - "Charles Currier buys baton"

Page 6

Ad for July 10 concert

Page 7

July 12, 1982 - Article by Steve Hatch, "Plumber raised his plunger and the music began"; photo of C.A. Symphony on stage

Page 8

Gloucester Times, Aug. 23, 1982 - Photos of Cape Ann Symphony in its first Waterfront Festival outdoor pops concert

Page 9

1. Goings On, Gloucester Times, May 14, 1982 - Tanglewood trip

2. A note from the Symphony acknowledging supporters of the orchestra

3. Sept. 27, 1982 - Subscriptions available for the 1982-83 season

Page 10

C.A. Symphony opens 31st season - 1982-83 program and subscription form

Page 11

1. Oct. 18, 1982 - Review article by Steve Hatch, "Paid Symphony a success"

2. Ad - The Gloucester House Restaurant is happy to offer "Bella Musica Italiano," Italian specialties in conjunction with the Symphony's Italian program

Page 12

1. Oct. 19, 1982 - "Italian music opens concert season - Symphony to perform works by Rossini, Puccini and others"; photo - C.A. Symphony in concert earlier in the year

2. Dec. 9th, 1982 – “Kinderkonzert” - Symphony plans second annual Kape Kinderkonzert to be held on Feb. 12 at Gloucester High School

3. Gloucester Daily Times, Dec. 16, 1982 - Best Bets - Symphony's Christmas concert on Dec. 18 and 19

Page 13

1. Dec. 1, 1982 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - Cape Ann symphony will celebrate the holiday season with a festive Christmas concert

2. Dec. 20, 1982 - Article by Steve Hatch, Times Managing Editor - "Ballet, symphony combined gracefully"; photo of Rachel Whitman in scene from "The Nutcracker"

3. Gloucester Times, Jan. 12, 1983 - Notice - Cape Ann Symphony Association urges attendance at the Annual Meeting, Directors for 1983 will be elected

Page 14

1. Booklet for Cape Ann Symphony Holiday Concert, Royston Nash, Conductor, Dec. 18 and 19, 1982

2. Subscriber notes regarding Holiday Concert Dec. 18 and 19, 1982

Page 15

1. Letter, Dec. 1982, from Luis Molina, President, to members and friends asking for support of the Symphony and help in planning for the future

2. Empty envelope, membership drive

Page 16

1. Notice from President Luis Molina to all members asking them to attend Annual Meeting, Jan. 18, 1983

2. Jan. 8, 1983 - Notice to the Board Members - C.A.S. Association will hold the Annual Meeting on Jan. 18, 1983

Page 17

Jan.17, 1983 - Report from Luis Molina, President of the Symphony Association, regarding the history of the Orchestra, the death of Sam Gordon and noting his accomplishments and lasting influence

Page 18

Efficiency expert criticism of Symphony Orchestra concerts

Page 19

1. April 12, 1983 - Article in Community News by Steve Hatch, Times Managing Editor, "Symphony tackles all-Beethoven bill"; photo of piano soloist David Witten

2. May 1983 - A Letter to the Editor from Helen Gordon responds to Mr. Steve Hatch's comments on April 17 regarding David Witten and C.A.S.O.

Page 20

1. Jan. 29, 1983 – Letter from Michael Costello, Exec. Director, Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, presenting check to C.A.S.O.

2. Feb. 15, 1983 - Letter of thanks from Mr. L. Molina to the Chamber of Commerce for the donation sent on Jan. 29, 1983

Page 21

1. Jan. 28, 1983 - Times article, "Silva and the symphony take top chamber honors"

2. Jan. 19, 1983 - Letter to the Editor from Lee Cunningham and Deborah Pearce, co-chairmen, Kape Kinderkonzert - "Merchants have been generous"

3. Photo – “The Cape Ann Symphony and its Director, Royston Nash, earned the recognition of the Chamber of Commerce for improving the quality of life on Cape Ann”

Page 22

1. Organizational chart for concert production volunteers

2. Feb. 1983 - More Letters - Letter to the Editor from Luis Molina, President of C.A.S. Association, "Kinderkonzert" to be rescheduled because of date conflict with Youth Concert and Gloucester Folklife Festival

Page 23

1. Photo - Royston Nash leads the C.A. Symphony

2. April 8, 1983 - Goings On - "Kinder Konzert" rescheduled to April 30, 1983

3. May 9, 1983 - Community News - "Pops planners promise 'joyful evening'" - 9th annual pops concert

Page 24

1. April 19, 1983 - Article by Steve Hatch, Editor - "All-Beethoven concert 'powerful'" - criticism of Mr. David Witten as "hollow"

2. April 1983 - "Symphony review rankles:” Letters to the Editor from Paulette Bowes, AllNewton Music School; Carlos Neu, M.D.; and Elizabeth C. Olson – writers were not pleased with Mr. Hatch's review of the performance of David Witten, pianist

Page 25

April 6, 1983 - Community News - Photo of dancers rehearsing for the Kape Kinderkonzert. Article by Tracy Carlson, "Muppets and Mary Poppins, E.T. and Annie . . . Kinderkonzert full of kids' favorites"

Page 26

1. April 1983 - "…C.A. Symphony will present the second annual ‘Kinderkonzert’ Saturday…“

2. Photo - Mary Poppins drifting down from above during Kinderkonzert performance

Page 27

1983 - Review article by Peter Watson, "Technology gives boost to laudable pops concert"; photo of Diane Mauser, violinist

Page 28

1. Community News, June 21, 1982 - Article by Steve Hatch - "The symphony’s big step"

2. June 1983 - Times article - Friends of the Symphony hold a pot uck supper and Chinese auction at Bass Rocks golf Club this spring; Friends . . . will prolong the 4th of July sparkle with a dance just three days later on Thursday, July 7

Page 29

1. July 7, 1983 - "Symphony chooses light, popular melodies"

2. June 30, 1983 - ". . . Cape Ann Symphony will perform its 'Music for a Summer Evening'”. . . on July 9 and 10 3. Article and review by Steve Hatch, "Symphony pleases with 'soft' concert"; photo of harpist Judy Ross

Page 30

1. June 30, 1983 - Friends of the symphony plan a whale watch cruise

July 25

2. July 22, 1983 - Goings On - Sunset whale watch

3. July 1983 - Tickets on sale for whale watch benefit for the Symphony

4. Oct. 3, 1983 - Article by Suzanne Williams, "Symphony launches second telethon"

5. Oct. 14, 1983 - Article by Tom Mooney, "Symphony concert a celebration"

Page 31

1. Oct. 15, 1983 - Booklet - C.A. Symphony and Rockport Community Chorus with Royston Nash, Conductor and Sonja Pryor, Guest Conductor, honoring the 200th Anniversary of the Treaty of Paris (1783)

2. Oct. 1983 - Article and review by Steve Hatch, "Freedom and symphony ring"

3. Dec. 2, 1983 - Article by Laura Brennan, "G.H.S. art students sweep logo contest"

4. Oct. 17, 1983 - Photo of John Eager playing the timpani during performance at Symphony concert

Page 32

1. The Cape Ann Symphony Association 32nd Season announces 1983-84 subscription series of four concerts

2. Featured performances of 1983-84 season – William Wolfram, pianist; Carolann Page, soprano; Var Glad Dancers

Page 33

1. Dec. 1983 – “Holiday concerts Saturday, Sunday”

2. Dec. 6, 1983 – “Holiday events - Gloucester features music, dance and Christmas fun”

3. Dec. 1983 - Best Bets - Symphony Concerts

Page 34

1. Dec. 1983 – “Dancers spark holiday program”

2. Photos – “Royston Nash conducts C.A. Symphony while the Fuller School Chorus sings”; “The North Shore Scandinavian Dancers whirled across the stage”

Page 35

1. Feb. 1984 - Symphony Association annual meeting and election of officers and directors

2. Feb. 1984 – Letter from W. Luis Molina, "Ms. Nevin inspired our young cast"

3. March 1, 1984 - Article by Sean Murphy, "Leap Year baby will still eat cake"; photo – “Sally and David Benjamin gaze proudly upon their new child Jonathan, who was born Feb. 29”

Page 36

Feb. 4, 1984 – Program - Royston Nash, Conductor, presents Cape Ann Youth Concert featuring “Peter and the Wolf”' narrated by Chester Roberts

Page 37

Feb. 6, 1984 - Various photos by Ken Shrader - scenes from performance of "Peter and the Wolf"

Page 38

1. March 23, 1984 - Community News – “Spring Concert all Beethoven”

2. Goings On , April 1984 - Cape Ann Symphony April 7 and 8

3. April 5, 1984 - Ad for Symphony tickets

Page 39

1. April 9, 1984 - Photo - Pianist William Wolfram performs with the C.A. Symphony in program entitled "Beethoven and the Great Fifths"

2. 1984 - Invitation card to an afternoon of music at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Demarco, Eastern Point, on April 15, 1984

3. Cape Ann Symphony Assoc. meeting held on May 9, 1984, Symphony report

Page 40

1. April 1984 - Best Bets - Beethoven concert

2. May 1984 - Goings On - Rotary Pops concert on May 19, 1984

3. June 7, 1984 - Symphony Friends elected officers and members of the Board of Directors for 1984-85 year

4. June 19, 1984 - Concert Focus: Ballet and Opera - Article by Ed Ballam, "Accomplished soprano is soloist for Symphony's weekend concerts"; photo of soprano Carolann Page

Page 41

1. June 23 and 24 - Goings On - ". . . Symphony will present its final concert of the subscription series . . “ on June 23 and 24

2. June 25, 1984 - Community News - Article, review by Davis Carter - "Enthusiastic audience hears 'something special'"

3. June 21, 1984 - Best Bets - Music for Opera and Ballet

Page 42

1. August 1984 - Cape Ann Symphony subscription drive will run from Sept. 7 to Sept. 21

2. Photo of Margarita Lampropoulos, member of the Symphony; article by Tori Carlstrom, "Notes from a musician’s kitchen"

Page 43

Sept. 7, 1984 - Gloucester Daily Times article - "Symphony schedule promises guests: cellist, harpist, dancers"

Page 44

1. August 1984 - Special fund raiser invitation sent out for a private Sunday afternoon concert on Aug. 19, 1984

2. Aug. 10, 1984 - Community News, article by Ed Ballam - "State awards $9,000 - Theater, symphony earn grants"

3. Aug. 1984 - Friends of Cape Ann Symphony newsletter sent by Gigi Prindiville, President

Page 45

1. Aug. 16, 1984 - Profile article by Tori Carlstrom, "Rockport heir with a musical flair," photo – “Violinist Margaret Cranston relaxes in her Rockport home”

2. July 27 Cape Ann Symphony Association meeting report submitted by Judith A. Williams at Sept. 12, 1984 meeting

Page 46

Oct. 15, 1984 - Community News, Review article by Paul McGeary – “Symphony ‘comes of age’”

Page 47

1. Oct. 1984 - Best Bets - Symphony will present its first concerts of the fall season 2. Program booklet, C.A. Symphony Fall concert, Oct. 13 and 14, Soloist: Andre Emelianoff, cellist

Page 48

1. C.A. Symphony Assoc. meeting at Sandy Bay Yacht Club, Rockport, Oct. 17, 1984 - Secretary's report, Judith A. Williams

2. 1984 - Article by Kristine Snow - "New York cellist performs with symphony Oct. 13-14"; photo of Andre Emelianoff

Page 49

1. C.A.S. Association meeting at Sawyer Free Library, Nov. 14, 1984, Luis Molina presiding, Judith A. Williams, Secretary

2. Community News, Nov. 30, 1984 - Article by Kristine Snow, "Dancers, singers join orchestra for holiday concerts next week"

Page 50

1. Ad - Dec. 8 and 9, 1984, Holiday Concert program

2. Dec. 6, 1984 - Symphony special - Symphony will present “The Night Before Christmas”

3. Jan. 11, 1985 - Goings On – Planning for third annual Kinder Koncert by the Cape Ann Symphony

Page 51

Jan. 7, 1985 - Letter of Judith A. Williams, Secretary, to the Director of the Assoc. regarding the annual meeting to be held at Gloucester House Restaurant on Jan. 23, 1985

Page 52

1. Minutes of the Jan. 23, 1985 meeting presented by Judith A. Williams

2. Jan. 28, 1985 – Photo - Symphony's P.R. agent, Big Bird, visits fourth grade class at Fuller School

Page 53

1. Jan. 31, 1985 – This weekend on the Cape – Kinder Konzert

2. Jan. 1, 1985 – Notice - Kinder Konzert at Fuller School Feb. 2, 1985

3. Feb. 1, 1985 - Photo - Rehearsal with youngsters for Kinder Konzert Feb. 2

4. Jan. 23, 1985 - "Symphony's Kinder Konzert Feb. 2 presents 'Big Bird Around the World'"

Page 54

Feb. 1, 1985 - Community News - Photos - Rehearsal of some scenes for Kinder Konzert

Page 55

Feb. 1, 1985 - "Kinder Konzert offers cast of kids” – “Big Bird Around the World” theme of concert

Page 56

Jan. 1985 - Symphony Assoc. wishes to all the members a Happy New Year and Happy Listening in 1985. Meeting at Gloucester House Restaurant on Jan. 23

Page 57

1. Feb. 4, 1985 - Photo of Big Bird singing to the kids in the audience

2. Photos of scenes from the concert

3. Feb. 25, 1985 - Feb. 2 concert will be shown on cable TV Channel 12

Page 58

1. Feb. 13, 1985 - The Association will have a regular monthly meeting on Feb. 13, 1985

2. March 20, 1985 - Assoc. regular monthly meeting held on March 20

Page 59

1. Letter from Gigi Prindiville, President, to Friends of the Symphony - Annual Meeting will be held on March 27, 1985

2. March 1985 - The American Institute for Foreign Study appointed Emily Nickerson of Rockport as local coordinator for the 1985 Homestay in America on Cape Ann

Page 60

1. April 10, 1985 - Regular monthly meeting of the Cape Ann Symphony Association

2. 1985 – “Cape Ann Symphony presents Spring Concerts”

3. April 4, 1985 - Goings On - Cape Ann Symphony will perform its third concert this spring April 13 and 14; photo of harp soloist Sandra Bitterman

Page 61

1. April 1, 1985 - Article and review by Susan Bulba, "Symphony strings a strength"

2. April 16, 1985 - Photo at concert - Royston Nash conducts the Cape Ann Symphony Page 62 May 20, 1985 - Photos of musicians playing their musical instruments

Page 63

1. June 10, 1985 - Cape Ann Symphony under the direction of Royston Nash will perform its last concert of the series June 22 and 23

2. June 13, 1985 - Tickets on sale for Cape Ann concert June 22 and 23

3. June 18, 1985 - Gloucester Daily Times article – “Work of local composer on symphony's program”; photo of soloist Virginia Eskin, pianist

Page 64

1. Poster and program for concert June 22 and 23

2. June 25, 1985 - Article and review by Susan Bulba, "Symphony series: broad, showy"

Page 65

July 17, 1985 – Symphony Association monthly meeting; July 19, 1985 – copy of amendments to by-laws

Page 66

Letter of President Luis Molina to the Friends of the Cape Ann Symphony regarding the 1985-86 concert subscription series, "Which Way, Cape Ann Symphony?"

Page 67

C.A.S. Association subscription series announcement - four concerts from Oct. 19-20 to April 12- 13

Page 68

1. Sept. 16, 1985 - Symphony fashion preview to be held on Sept. 19, 1985 at Woodman’s Function Hall

2. Sept. 26, 1985 – “Symphony audition held” for qualified area musicians

3. Oct. 1985 – “Symphony subscriptions” on sale for the season’s concerts

4. Oct. 16, 1985 - Article by Jane Fosberry, "Symphony opens season this weekend"

5. Oct. 16, 1985 - Regular monthly meeting at Sawyer Free Library, report by Emily H. Nickerson, Secretary

Page 69

1. 6-82 - Mr. Molina's notes regarding the Symphony's big step

2. Letter of W. Luis Molina to all members of the Board of Directors regarding a meeting, Oct. 16, 1985, at Sawyer Free Library about the shortfall of subscribers and financial problem

3. Oct. 29 - Letter of Luis Molina to all Board members regarding a special meeting Nov. 6. Top priority and purposes: to personalize annual appeal to contributors with a handwritten message, and to help implement Finance Committee's plan to solicit major corporate gifts

4. Oct. 21, 1985 - Article and review by Susan Bulba, "Symphony provides classical performance"

Page 70

1. Letter of Pres. L. Molina to all Symphony supporters encouraging continued support of the Symphony

2. Catalog of 1985-86 season

Page 71

1. Notice of meeting Dec. 18, 1985 - To be discussed: current financial condition and preparation for the Jan. annual meeting

2. Notice for a special meeting of the Board of Directors on Nov. 6, 1985 3. Booklet for 1985-86 season

Page 72

1. Nov. 22, 1985 - Goings On - "Symphony holds concert” - Symphony will perform its second concert Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, 1985

2. Dec. 18, 1985 - C.A. Symphony Association regular meeting of the Board of Directors, report submitted by Emily Nickerson

3. Jan. 27, 1986 - Notice of Symphony regular meeting on Jan. 29, 1986 at the Gloucester House Restaurant

4. Feb. 1986 – Notice - C.A. Symphony will perform all-Beethoven concert on March 1 and March 2

Page 73

1. Jan, 1986 - Letter of Pres. W.L. Molina to all Symphony Assoc. members - Annual meeting will be held on Jan. 29, 1986 at the Gloucester House Restaurant

2. Feb. 1986 - Letter of Emily H. Nickerson to all the Friends, subscribers, patrons and members announcing the third concert of the season on March 1 and 2, 1986

Page 74

1. Feb. 1986 - Photo - Luis Molina steps down after 4 years as C.A. Symphony Assoc. President, Robert Stewart to take over the job

2. Feb. 11, 1986 – “Stewart to head symphony association”

Page 75

1. Feb. 15, 1986 - The Music Director of the C.A. Symphony Assoc. for the past 6 years, Royston Nash, has decided to leave that post after this season

2. Feb. 1986 - Violinist Magdalena Suchecka will perform during the 3rd concert of the season

3. March 4, 1986 - Article by Susan Bulba,"Symphony delivers shining performance"

4. April 1986 - "Symphony to perform season's last concerts” - Marshall Swan will be the narrator in the last concerts of the Symphony series

Page 76

1. Notice - Annual meeting will be held on March 19, 1986 at Bass Rocks Country Club

2. April 8, 1986 - Symphony to hold concert on April 12 and 13, the fourth and final concert of the series

3. Letter of Sarah F. Van Auken, President, Friends of the Cape Ann Symphony, to all members listing achievements during the year

Page 77

1. March 1, 1986 – “Nash to leave Symphony after 6 years"

2. March 10, 1986 - Photo by Amy Sweeney - Royston Nash conducts the C.A. Symphony at Fuller School

Page 78

Gloucester Daily Times - Article by Jill Lang, "Cape Ann bids farewell to Nash"

Page 79

1. May 19, 1986 - "New conductor to pick up baton - Kay Roberts is chosen to lead Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra"

2. May 14, 1986 - Letter of Robert G. Stewart, President, to the Friends of the Symphony announcing the new music director, Kay George Roberts, to lead the Symphony

3. Photo of the new conductor Kay George Roberts

Page 80

1. Photos of Marco the Magi performing

2. May 28, 1986 - "Magic, music to share stage for Kinderkonzert," photos - two 10-year-old violinists, Karen Chang and Catherine Crofoot, will perform at the Kinderkonzert

3. Cape Ann Symphony presents Kinderkonzert with Marco the Magi on May 31, 1986

Page 81

1. Sept. 3, 1986 - Bangkok, Thailand - Article by Arnold Zeitlin, "Success in Siam - Cape Ann symphony’s conductor wows Thailand audience"

2. Symphony pamphlet - Celebrate Our 35th Anniversary New Beginnings with Kay George Roberts and the C.A. Symphony

Page 82

1. Letter of July 1986 from Robert G. Stewart to the Friends of the Symphony announcing the subscription program for the 35th symphony season with the new music director, Kay Roberts

2. Sept. 18, 1986 - Symphony starts subscription drive 3. Oct. 7, 1986 - "Symphony holds bake sale"

4. Oct. 25, 1986 – “Symphony series begins” - Symphony will present the first concert of the 1986-87 series on Oct. 25 and 26

Page 83

1. Oct. 24, 1986 – “Symphony opens season this weekend”

2. Photo of Sally Pinkas, who will perform the Mozart concerto 3. Sept. 23, 1986 - Photo - Kay George. Roberts, conductor of the C.A. Symphony

Page 84

1. Photo - Kay George Roberts will conduct her first concert with the Symphony 2. Oct. 25, 1986 - Article by Tom Lane, Times staff - "Towards a broader realm of music"

Page 85, 86 Oct. 29, 1986 - Community News – Article by Susan Bulba, "Symphony makes strong start - Kay Roberts, Sally Pinkas team up for opening night"

Page 87

1. Letter of Robert G. Stewart, President, to the Friends of the C.A. Symphony asking for contributions before the end of the year

2. Nov. 1986 – “Kay G. Roberts will make an appearance on THE classical music radio program, Robert J. Lurtsema's "Morning Pro Musica"

3. Dec. 2, 1986 - Cape Ann Symphony concert Dec. 6 and 7 Page 88 (copy of article previously entered on p. 85)

Page 89

1. Dec.3, 1986 - "Winter music on program Dec. 6 and 7"

2. C.A. Symphony program booklet, Dec. 6 and 7, program notes

Page 90

1. Notice - Annual meeting of C.A.S. Association will be held on Jan. 30 at 9:00 PM

2. Community, March 24, 1987 - Photo of Kay Roberts and the C.A. Symphony Orchestra

Page 91

1. Notice - Jan. 14, 1987, C.A. Symphony meets Jan. 30

2. March 21 and 22, 1987 - Symphony program booklet, K.G. Roberts, conductor Page 92 March 24, 1987 - Review article by Susan Bulba - "Symphony sparkles playing Ginastera - Ann Hobson-Pilot shines as soloist”

Page 93

1. March 23, 1987 – “Potluck benefits symphony”

2. “Virtuoso harpist Ann Hobson Pilot is guest soloist” Page 94 May 2, 1987 - Article by Marybeth Lapin - cellist Winifred Nason has been with the Symphony for 35 years, photos of Winifred Nason

Page 95

April 29, 1987 - "Symphony celebrates 35 years”; photo – “Singer Rawn Spearman will be soloist at this weekend's concert"

Page 96 May 2 and 3, 1987 - Program booklet and program notes Page 97

1. Envelope addressed to Helena Glenn

2. Ned Riddle cartoon - Futuristic new home of our symphony orchestra

Page 98

1. Community - Photo of Kay G. Roberts and soloist Rawn Spearman

2. Card for 35th Anniversary raffle sponsored by C.A.S. Orchestra Page 99 May 5, 1987 - Review article by Susan Bulba, "Mixed-media concert a dazzler" Scrapbook 11 (3): 1987

Page 1

1. Sept. 20, 1987 – “Diversity rules in 36th season of Symphony”

2. Oct. 14, 1987 – “C.A. Symphony to kick off 36th season”

3. Oct. 19, 1987 - Photo of guest clarinetist Peter Hadcock with guest conductor Tony Kalam – “Opening notes”

Page 2

1. Oct. 15, 1987 – “Symphony opens 36th year”

2. Nov. 24, 1987 – “Symphony Friends entertained” - Friends of C.A.S. held their first annual "Bring a Friend Tea" at the Sawyer Free Library

3. Dec. 1987 – “Elders are Symphony guests”

4. Dec. 1987 - Article by Susan Bulba, "Symphony shines in holiday concert"

Page 3

1. Oct. 28, 1987 - Letter of Mr. Robert Stewart, President, to Miss Helena M. Glenn asking for a donation

2. Letter of Phyllis Kaplan, Dec. 19, 1987, to all the Friends of the Symphony thanking them for their contributions towards the success of the Symphony

3. Booklet – 36th season C.A.S.O.

Page 4

1. Nov. 28, 1987 – “Cape Ann Symphony rings in the holidays”

2. Notice of Annual Meeting to be held on Jan. 13, 1988 at the Tavern, Western Ave.

3. Goings On, Dec. 1987 - Symphony to elect officers at its annual meeting on Jan. 13

Page 5

1. Essex County Newspapers - Manchester, Feb. 29, 1988 - Article by Amy Ash Nixon, "Students get conducting lesson"

2. March 9, 1988 - Cape Ann Symphony will present guest soloist Michael Thomopoulos in the 3rd concert of the season

Page 6

1. Ad for C.A. Symphony Spring Concert March 12 and 13 at Fuller School auditorium

2. March 11, 1988 – “Michael Thomopoulos will be Cape Ann Symphony's soloist,” with photo

3. March 1988 - Review article by Susan Bulba, "Cape Ann Symphony celebrates Brahms"

4. Feb. 24, 1988 - "Orchestra to perform"

Page 7

Poster, symphony booklet and program for concert on March 12 and 13, 1988, letter from Robert Stewart asking for continued financial support (no date)

Page 8

May 10, 1988 - "Roberts directs final Cape concert"; photo by Stephen Smith of the Symphony's brass section

Page 9

1. Annual meeting and dinner, Friends of the C.A. Symphony, March 30, 1988, at Bass Rocks Country Club

2. Booklet for C.A. Symphony program on May 7 and 8 at Fuller School auditorium

3. May 1988 - Photo – “Musical director and conductor Kay G. Roberts turns a page during Sunday's concert”

Page 10

1. Community, April 22, 1988 – “Kay Roberts plans to leave symphony after this season”

2. May 1988 – “Symphony offers Read”

3. May 4, 1988 – “Roberts' farewell concert”

Page 11

1. The Friends of the C.A. Symphony present "Aida" weekend in Montreal June 17 to 19, 1988

2. May 1988 - Notice - "’Aida’ weekend in Montreal”

Page 12

1. “June 8, 1988 - Cape Ann Symphony Pops Orchestra offers free concert”

2. Photos by Bart A. Piscitello, June 1988 - Allison Sigrist performs on the French horn, John Eager handles the drums – “Gentile Bandstand swings on Sundays”

Page 13

1. Rockport, Mass., Aug. 1988 – Obituary -Hannah R. Grover, 95, played piano, violin with the C.A. Symphony

2. Aug. 17, 1988 – Obituary -William Johnson, was trumpet player for Legion Band, Cape Ann Symphony

3. Summer 1988 concert program at Antonio ("Tony") Gentile Bandstand

4. Community - July 11, 1988 - Photo – “Alan Hawryluk conducts the Pops Orchestra of the Cape Ann Symphony at the Tony Gentile Bandstand last night”

Page 14

1. Notice - C.A. Symphony's 37th season subscription drive for 1988-89 season

2. Booklet - C.A. Symphony 1988-89 season programs

Page 15

1. Poster for the 1988-89 season

2. Letter from Robert Stewart asking for financial support

Page 16

1. Sept. 26, 1988 – “Cape Ann Symphony schedule released”

2. Nov. 9, 1988 – “Friends of Symphony cruise” Nov. 16 at 7 PM - a fundraising cruise for C.A. Symphony

3. Sept. 22, 1988 – “Symphony President: Please help”

Page 17

Oct. 18, 1988 - Photo - Kathryn Fields DiCola is featured as the oboe soloist for the C.A. Symphony; photo – “Guest conductor Richard Vanstone leads the symphony's debut” – “Cape Ann Symphony debut set”

Page 18

Oct. 22 and 23, 1988 - Photo - Richard Vanstone will conduct season's first program for the Cape Ann Symphony; photo - Neal Hampton will conduct holiday program Dec. 3 and 4

Page 19

1. 1988 - Photo of George Monseur

2. Nov. 29, 1988 – “Cape Ann Symphony presents 2 concerts”; Photos of mezzo soprano Gloria Raymond, guest conductor Neal Hampton, and soprano Lynn Torgove

Page 20

1. Jan. 16, 1989 - "’Mardi Gras’ at Easterly”

2. Jan. 5, 1989 – “Cape Ann Symphony meeting”

3. Jan. 25, 1989 – “Pops Concert on Saturday”

4. C.A. Symphony program booklet for Oct. 22 and 23 concert

5. Invitation card - The Friends of Cape Ann Symphony presents "Mardi Gras" Feb. 4, 1989

Page 21

1. Jan. 28, 1989 - "Cape Ann Symphony offers diversity"; photo of violin soloist Ayano Ninomiya

2. Booklet for Winter Carnival “Pops” concert, Jan. 28, 1989, Alan Hawryluk, Conductor

Page 22

1. Feb. 6, 1989 - "Symphony musicians plan visits to schools"

2. Feb. 1989 - John Stewart shows his double bass instrument to the Beeman fifth graders

3. Feb. 28, 1989 – “Symphony spotlights Larson”

4. March 1, 1989 - Friends of C.A. Symphony will present lecture, "A Note to You," by Professor Roland Nadeau of Northeastern University Dept. of Music

Page 23

1. March 2, 1989 – “Symphony enters local classrooms” - Manchester Memorial School, Feb. 17

2. Feb. 28 – “Lecturer Nadeau appears Sunday”

Page 24

Feb. 28, 1989 - Photo - Elizabeth Larson, 17, featured soloist with the C.A. Symphony

Page 25

1. March 9, 1989 - Concert review article by Susan Bulba – “Elizabeth Larson gives a lyrical performance”

2. Rockport, March 14, 1989 – “Musicians visit classrooms”

3. March 20, 1989 - Essex – “Musicians delight pupils”

Page 26

1. March 21, 1989 –Essex - Photo - Peter Stickel demonstrates the violin to the classrooms

2. March 11, 1989 - Community – “Musicians score a hit in classroom”

Page 27

1. March 23, 1989 - Article by Lyn LeGendre, "Cape Ann Youth Concert open to the public"

2. March 21, 1989 – “Saturday's Youth Concert spotlights violin virtuoso”

3. March 23, 1989 - Symphony pot luck dinner on March 29, 1989

Page 28

1. Photo – “Beeman School student Alyssa Benjamin, 7, concentrates as she plays her violin”

2. Brochure for 1989-90 season

Page 29

1. Booklet for C.A. Symphony Holiday Concert Dec. 3 and 4, 1988

2. April 1989 – “Symphony Youth Concert triumphs”

3. Photo of C.A.S. Youth Concert

4. May 1989 - Letter from Patricia Watson, President, encouraging subscription to Symphony

Page 30

1. April 28, 1989 - Community - Photo of Rockport Chorus

2. “Symphony, Rockport join forces” May 6 and 7

Page 31

1. April 1989 - "Symphony Friends flower sale” on May 6 and 7

2. May 1989 - Letter from Patricia Watson, President announcing that Richard Vanstone will become the music director and conductor with the 1989-90 season

3. Survey form

Page 32

1. April 22, 1989 – “New conductor joins symphony”

2. May 6 and 7, 1989 - Program and program notes, Cape Ann Symphony in concert with the Rockport Community Chorus of the North Shore - Sonja Dahlgren Pryor, guest conductor; program for October 14 and 15, Richard Vanstone, conductor

3. July 25, 1989 – “Friends of Symphony cruise”

Page 33, 34

North Shore Magazine, Sept. 28, 1989 - Article by John Finnegan, "Symphony's new conductor a busy man"

Page 35

Oct. 17, 1989 - "Successful debut for Vanstone"; Nov. 22, 1989 - "Holiday Concert for seniors"

Page 36

1. Oct. 10, 1989 - "Cape Ann set for 38th season - Conductor Vanstone takes over baton"

2. Nov. 28, 1989 - "Youth Chorus unites with symphony"

3. Oct. 17, 1989 - Fund-raising letter from the President to supporters of the Symphony asking for generous contributions to the Symphony

Page 37

Dec. 4, 1989 - Community - Photos of the C.A. Symphony performing its Christmas program with the help of city six and seventh graders and soloist George Arthur Kott

Page 38

1. Dec. 2, 1989 - Photo – Jennifer Belleau and Allison Latusky, members of C.A.S. Youth Chorus, join in rehearsing "Silent Night" under Ann Connolly Potter, director

2. Jan. 11, 1990 - C.A. Symphony Assoc. notice of Annual Meeting on Jan. 18, 1990

Page 39

1. Program of the Symphony Holiday Concert Dec. 2 and 3, 1989

2. Subscription form, Annual Winter Pops Concert, "From Vienna to New York,” Jan. 27, 1990

3. Jan. 22, 1990 – ‘From Vienna to New York’ 4. Jan. 23, 1990 - "Cape Ann Symphony offers Winter Pops concert"

Page 40

1. Jan. 30, 1990 - Photo- Young star, Julia Park, a 10-year-old violinist with the Symphony Annual Winter Concert

2. Feb. 1, 1990 - Review article by George W. Harper, "Cape Ann Symphony presents classics with style, wit"

3. Friends of C.A. Symphony present Mardi Gras/Casino Gala at "Sadler Hill" February 10, 1990

Page 41

Quarterly Notes, a Cape Ann Newsletter, Jan. 1990 - Annual meeting, Jan. 18; Pops concert, Jan. 27; Mardi Gras, Feb. 10

Page 42

Jan. 30, 1990 - Gloucester Community page - Article by Janette Sabo, "Pops concert a flight of fantasy"; photo of C.A. Symphony violinists

Page 43

1. March 9, ad - Winter Concert March 10 and 11, 1990

2. March 20 – “C.A. Symphony dinner meeting”

3. “Friends of Symphony flowers” - Friends of Symphony will sponsor a pre-Mother's Day spring flowering plant sale May 5 and 6

4. March 10 and 11 - Program, Cape Ann Symphony salute to the banks of Cape Ann, R. Vanstone, conductor

5. "Cape Ann Symphony performs this week"; photo of clarinet soloist Patricia Shands

Page 44

1. May 4, 1990 - "Showpieces mark symphony's finale” - Conductor R. Vanstone conducts last concert of the season

2. May 5 and 6, 1990 - Program, Symphony Spring Concert - A Salute to the Friends of Cape Ann Symphony

Page 45

1. May 10, 1990 - Review page - Article by George W. Harper, "C.A. Symphony ends season with a rousing finale"

2. May 7, 1990 - Photo of Patty Doucette during performance of Classics Masterworks and Showpieces

Page 46

1. May 26, 1990 – “Youth Concert offered range of music,” photo of secondary school music students with the Symphony concert

2. June 21, 1990 – “C.A. Symphony subscriptions” - drive for the 1990-91 season

3. July 12, 1990 – “Harbor cruise planned”; “Symphony to create wreaths” to sell at the fall concert

Page 47

1. Copy of North Shore magazine article, May 10, 1990, by George W. Harper, "C.A. Symphony ends season with a rousing finale" (see p.45, above)

2. Brochure - programs for 1990-91 subscription season

3. Oct. 9, 1990 – “Cape Ann Symphony launches 39th season with Rockport tribute” saluting Rockport's 150th anniversary

4. Oct. 18, 1990 - Article by Susan Bulba, "Cape Ann Symphony sparkles"

Page 48

Oct. 15, 1990 - Photo - Symphony's 39th year begins

Page 49

1. List of sponsors

2. April 24, 1976 - Pops of the C.A. Symphony in evening concert program

3. Spring youth concert program, April 11, 1976

4. Program booklet for C.A. Symphony, Dec. 1 and 2, 1990 concert

5. Pride Stride, 1990 - Walk for the Cape Ann Symphony, Oct. 21

6. Nov. 27, 1990 - "Cape Ann Symphony offers annual holiday concert"; photo of the Symphony Children's Chorus under the direction of Ann Connolly Potter

Page 50

1. Dec. 6, 1990 - Review by Deidre Waz, "C.A. Symphony presents festive Christmas concert"

2. Nov. 28, 1990 – “Symphony’s English Christmas”

3. Ad for Symphony - "Holiday Concert on Dec. 1 and 2, 1990"

Page 51

Dec. 3, 1990 - Photo of C.A. Symphony Children's Chorus singing the "Messiah"


Box 3

1. Boston Univ. 1961, Helen Gordon's yearbook

2. Folder #1 - Various photos of Helen and Sam Gordon and friends

3. Folder #2 – Ad, Bank Night Concert, July 20, 1974, Concert programs for May 27, 1970, Aug. 25, 1960 and Christmas concert, Dec. 14, 1977

4. Blue Folder #3 - Misc. reports of the Symphony Orchestra Association - Annual Report, meetings, annual financial report, income and expenditures journal, By-Laws from 1979- 1982

5. Folder #4 - C.A. Symphony – North Shore Music Theater - Benefits, contracts; letters of appeal for contributions, Festival concert 1955, 1956 contributors list

6. Folder #5- C.A.S.O. Treasurer's reports from 1954-1959

7. Folder #6 - Manager's report Sept. 12, 1980; rehearsal dates for Carmina Burana; rehearsal and performance dates 1980-1981; letters Feb. 11, 1996; orchestral library inventory; Christian Science Monitor article, Sept. 23, 1974; 1958 report of Study on Governing Boards of Symphony Orchestras by Helen M. Thompson

8. Folder #7 - Notes on Hindemith, 1895; Bartok, 1881-1945; Debussy works and their technique; DeFalla. George Bornoff resume

9. Folder #8 - June 12, 1958 - Memo 184 of the American Symphony Orchestra League, Inc., Study of legal documents of Symphony Orchestra; 4 booklets regarding formation of the Community Symphony Organization; Bornoff's Finger Patterns for Violin; Nov. 13, 1949; Toledo Blade, Nov. 13, 1949, Article by Aline Jean Treanor, Art and Artists; Florida Symphony Orchestra 1963-64 season booklet; schedule of the Ohio State University Institute on Instrumental Music Education, July 19-24, 1948, brochure

10. Binder - Cape Ann Symphony Secretary's reports 1979-1980


Scrapbook 9: 1975-1982

1. 26th Anniversary concert program, July 15, 1978

2. Gloucester Daily Times, article by Barbara Carton - Symphony, soloist Berenice Branson, soprano, will perform on Saturday (no date)

3. Invitation to the 7th Annual Meeting of the New England booksellers Assoc., Oct. 19-20, 1980 in Dunfey's Hyannis Hotel

Page 1

Spring Youth Concert, April 6, 1975, Alan Grishman, Conductor, sponsored by Mass. Council on the Arts and Humanities

Page 2

1. March 28, 1975 - Violinist to play at concert, photo of soloist

2. Gloucester Daily Times, - article, “High School soloist wins overwhelming applause”

3. Gloucester Daily Times editorial, 4-29-75 – Good things on Cape Ann

Page 3

1. Spring Youth Concert, April 6, 1975 - program, list of members of the Orchestra

2. April 7, 1975 - Gloucester Daily Times, photos of the C.A. Symphony Orchestra

Page 4

1. 4-24-75 - Ad – “A First for Cape Ann - Symphony Orchestra Presents a Pops Concert”

2. April 29, 1975 - Photo - Trombonists play beneath Rotary emblem

3. 4-25-75 - Gloucester Daily Times article by Bill Cahill, "600 expected at pops concert"

Page 5

1. April 29, 1975 - Community News - Photo of Rotary Club banquet

2. April 29, 1975 - Gloucester Daily Times, article by Marilyn Myett - "Champagne corks pop at pops" 3. Photo - David Marsh, John Flannagan and Dick Brown pop corks

Page 6

1. June 19, 1975, Gloucester Daily Times - Article by Bill Cahill, "Symphony and chorus join forces"

2. June 26, 1975 - Photo - Rockport Community Chorus rehearsing with the C.A. Symphony Orchestra, combined concert a first for the two groups

Page 7

July 10, 1975 - Article by Phyllis B. Mann – “Concert to be, in part, tribute to bicentennial”; photo of Sonja Dahlgren Pryor

Page 8

Ad - Bank Night Concert July 12, 1975 featuring the Rockport Community Chorus

Page 9

July 15, 1975 - Photo of Chorus and Orchestra concert, photo of Sonja D. Pryor conducting

Page 10

1. Gloucester Times article by Phyllis B. Mann, “Combined concert draws 'biggest crowd ever'”

2. Program of 23rd Anniversary concert, July 12, 1975, with Rockport Community Chorus

Page 11

List of members of the Chorus

Page 12

1. Oct. 29, 1975 - Article by David Reed – “Guest pianist to play with local orchestra at Christmas concert,” photo of David Brunell, pianist

2. Nov. 26, 1975 - Photo – “Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra will give its Christmas concert Dec. 6”

Page 13

Dec. 4, 1975 - Ad - Symphony Orchestra presents a Christmas concert Dec. 7, 1975 - Guest Conductor, Alan Grishman

Page 14

Dec. 4, 1975 - Photo - Alan Grishman leads Orchestra; article by David Reed, "Grishman returns to lead symphony Sunday concert"

Page 15

1. Program of Christmas Concert Dec. 7, 1975 sponsored by Gloucester Engineering Co., Inc.

2. Dec. 8, 1975 – Photos - Alan Grishman conducting the Orchestra; audience at Christmas concert

Page 16

(No dates) Photos - John Eager mans the kettle drums; Frances Merrill, Treasurer

Page 17 (Empty)

Page 18

April 7, 1976 – Photo – “Conductor Alan Grishman shows how he wants it done at symphony rehearsal”; article by Tony Mauro on Youth Concert – “Cellist to play Haydn solo Sunday”

Page 19

Ad - C.A. Symphony Orchestra presents a Youth Concert on April 11, 1976 - soloist: Royce Miller, cello

Page 20

April 12, 1976 - Article by George Manlove – “Concert features cellist, 15”; photo

Page 21

1. June 23, 1976 – “Soprano soloist to sing with Symphony July 10”; photo of Berenice Bramson

2. July 8, 1976 - Photo – “Symphony and soloist rehearse for concert”

Page 22

Ad - C.A. Symphony presents 24th Anniversary concert July 10, 1976 sponsored by the Banks of Cape Ann

Page 23

1. Symphony program for July 10, 1976

2. Photo – Margaret Cranston and Hollis French rehearse

3. List – Members of the orchestra

4. Photo – “Symphony and soloist rehearse for concert”

Page 24

July 12, 1976- Community News - article by Kevin Baker, “Soprano brings audience to its feet”; photos of Berenice Bramson, audience

Page 25

Sept. 27, 1976 - Article by Jo Bower – “Orchestra hires new conductor”; photo – “Walter Eisenberg conducts his new orchestra”

Page 26

Nov. 15, 1976 - Article by John Christie, "'Rhapsody in Blue' to be highlight of Holiday Concert"; photo of Walter Eisenberg, Conductor

Page 27

1. Dec. 2 - Ad - C.A. Symphony presents a Christmas concert on Dec. 5, 1976, conductor, Walter Eisenberg

2. Dec. 4 - Gloucester Daily Times article – “Christmas music – free”

Page 28

Symphony brings you Christmas music Sunday c. Dec. 5th Page 29 Christmas concert program sponsored by Mass. Council on the Arts and Humanities, floral decorations by Silva Brothers, Rockport

Page 30

1. Dec. 6, 1976 - Community News - Article by Jo Bower, "Symphony wins plaudits, financial support"

2. Dec. 10, 1976 - Letter to the Editor from Sam Gordon, "Orchestra expresses appreciation"

Page 31

1. April 2, 1977 - Article by Milly McLean – “Youth, Pops concerts coming up this month”

2. Ad - 3rd Annual Pops Concert April 23, 1977 sponsored by the Gloucester Rotary Club

Page 32

1. April 21, 1977 – “Pops Concert” will feature popular music, a violin solo, a sing-along and dancing

2. April 23, 1977 – Gloucester Rotary Club sponsors third annual pops concert

3. April 25, 1977 – Article by Deborah Laskey, “500 attend pops concert”

Page 33

(continuation of 4-25-77 article by Deborah Laskey – see p.32)

Page 34

1. April 14, 1977 - Ad - Youth Concert April 17, 1977 sponsored by City of Gloucester

2. Photos - Walter Eisenberg, musicians rehearsing

Page 35

1. Program of spring Youth Concert April 17, 1977

2. May 6, 1977 - Letter to the Editor from Walter Eisenberg - "Symphony Needs Community's Help"

3. Community Calendar June 25 to June 30

4. June 6, 1977 – The Lookout - Article by Paul Kenyon about C.A.S.O. 5. C.A.S.O. survey card

Page 36

April 19, 1977 – “Youth concert attracts lively audience of 400”; Article by Milly McLean, “Concertgoers make note-worthy contribution”

Page 37

1. June 10, 1977 - Gloucester Times article – “Revelry in castle will boost orchestra”

2. May 23, 1977 – “Symphony tunes up for ball, sing”

3. June 1977 - Gloucester Times article, "They'll be waltzing at Hammond Castle"

4. Photos – Hollis French, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lannefeld, Frances Lowe, Dorothy Cahill

Page 38

1. July 27, 1977 - Article by Barbara Carton, “Symphony, soloist perform Saturday”

2. July 28, 1977 – “Soprano soloist coming”

Page 39

Ad – “Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra presents 25th Anniversary Concert” July 30, 1977 sponsored by the Banks of Gloucester and Rockport

Page 40

25th Anniversary Concert program, July 30, 1977

Page 41

1. 1973 - Patti Knowlton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Knowlton, will study at Tanglewood

2. 7-29-77 – “Free concert by symphony”

3. 8-3-77 - Letter from Mary Baptiste to the Editor - "Symphony gave fine performance"

Page 42

Aug. 1, 1977 - Article by Barbara Hoffman, "A melodic anniversary for Cape Ann Symphony"; photo of Walter Eisenberg conducting orchestra during solo by Berenice Bramson

Page 43

Sept. 27, 1977 - Community News - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony starts season on upbeat"; photo of Walter Eisenberg and orchestra

Page 44

1. Nov. 21, 1977 - Article by Barbara Carton, "Violinist, cellist to spark Christmas concert"

2. Nov. 26, 1977 – “Eisenberg will perform in Gloucester”

3. Dec. 1, 1977 – Ad – “The Cape Ann Symphony Presents a Christmas Concert” on Dec. 4, 1977 sponsored by Gloucester Engineering Co., Inc.

Page 45

1. Program, Dec. 2, 1977 - Messiah sing-along at Trinity Congregational Church, Gloucester, Ma.

2. Dec. 1977 - Article by Mary Sales - "'Messiah’ lovers, you are invited to join the chorus”

3. Dec. 5, 1977 - Fine, fun music, photos – Sonja Dahlgren Pryor, audience members

Page 46

Christmas concert program, Dec. 4, 1977

Page 47

1. Dec. 5, 1977 – Photo – “1,100 attend free concert” 2. Dec. 5, 1977 - Review article by Barbara Hoffman, "Christmas present from orchestra"

Page 48

March 28, 1978 - Article by Mary Sales, "Gypsy music and dances dominate concert program"; photo of Carlton Schneider, flute soloist

Page 49

1. Jan. 20, 1978 – “Cape Ann Symphony” - news

2. Jan. 25, 1978 – “Leo's ball brings in $3,618” for the Mayor's Inaugural Ball

3. Ad – “Cape Ann Symphony presents a Spring Concert” on April 2, 1978

4. March 30, 1978 – “Toes will be tapping Sunday”

Page 50

Program, April 2, 1978 – Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Spring Concert

Page 51

April 3, 1978 - Review article by Mary Sales - "Symphony gets it together"; musician members list

Page 52

April 20, 1978 - Goings On – “Cape Ann Symphony Auxiliary voted to change its name to Friends of Cape Ann Symphony”

Page 53

1. Program, May 6, 1978 - The Rotary Club of Gloucester presents the Pops Orchestra of the Cape Ann Symphony

2. May 3, 1978 - Article by Mary Sales, "Rotary invites you to sing, dance"

3. May 8, 1978 - Article by Mary Sales, "Armory crackles with Pops fever - Large crowd attends"

4. June 14 - Gloucester Times article - "Symphony's ball a formal affair"

5. May 23, 1978 - Goings On - Friends of the Symphony will have the first fund-raising of the year

Page 54

Ad – “Benefit performance by the C.A. Symphony for the Hammond Castle Organ Restoration Fund” July 8, 1978; program for the evening

Page 55

1. Program for July 15, 1978 concert - Guest soloist, Sheila Gayle

2. July 13, 1978 - Photo of soprano Sheila Gayle; “Symphony hires soprano soloist”

3. Aug. 31, 1978 – “Symphony orchestra seeks new members”

4. Oct. 10, 1978 – “Cape Ann Symphony” - news

Page 56

July 17, 1978 - “Audience cheers after cannons boom”; photo – militia company during 1812 Overture; David Porper chats with Sheila Gayle at intermission

Page 57

1. July 17, 1978 - Review article by Mary Sales, “. . . Cape Ann Symphony celebrating summer and its 26th year with a blast of cannon and militia fire . . . “

2. July 13, 1978 - Article by Barbara Freid, "Gunfire part of zesty concert"

Page 58

1. Nov. 28, 1978 - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony adds 'Sound of Music' to sing-along holiday concert"

2. Ad – “Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Presents A Christmas Concert” on Dec. 2, 1978

Page 59

Program of Annual Christmas concert

Page 60

Program notes for Dec. 2, 1978 Christmas concert

Page 61

Dec. 2, 1978 - List of donors' names

Page 62

Dec. 4, 1978 - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony, students warm hearts of all"; Dec. 6, 1978 “Concert, chorus praised” – letter from Richard Silva

Page 63

List of Trustees of the Cape Ann Symphony for the year 1979; March 28, 1979 letter from Emily Nickerson to Helena regarding increasing the conductor's salary and other items; June 1979 letter from Emily Nickerson to Friends; Budget, 1979; and Treasurer's Report, 2-14- 79 – 4-11-79

Page 64

Jan. 18, 1979 – “Cape Ann Symphony” – trustees’ meeting, music scholarships. Agenda for April 11 meeting

Page 65

April 5 and 6 - Ad for Spring Concert, April 7, 1979; program

Page 66

1. April 9, 1979 - Community News - Article by Mary Sales, "Young trumpet solist [sic] a hit"; photo of Robert Savastano and conductor Eisenberg

2. April 5, 1979 – “Trumpet soloist performs”

Page 67

1. May 8, 1979 - Article by Mary Sales, "Drink, dance and sing along at pops concert Saturday”

2. May 14, 1979 - "Symphony sparkles at Pops" 3. 5-15-79 - "A Symphony success story"

Page 68

May 2, 1979 - Letter of Emily Nickerson to the Trustees - notice of 1979-80 agenda Page 69

1. May 1979 - Annual meeting of Friends of the C.A. Symphony April 25 - plans outlined for the coming season

2. June 1979 - Letter of Emily Nickerson to the Friends of the Symphony regarding the 1979-80 season

Page 70

1. July 6, 1979 - Community News - Article by Beth Albert, "Symphony supporters put themselves up for bid"

2. 8-11-1979 - Super symphony services auction to benefit the symphony

Page 71

July 12 - Article by Beth Albert about auction winner Ronald Gilson, “For $140, he will conduct 'Stars and Stripes Forever'”

Page 72

Program for the 27th Anniversary Concert on July 14, 1979 - Walter Eisenberg, Conductor; Melanie Macaronis, piano soloist

Page 73

1. July 16, 1979 - Review article by Steve Leonard - "1,000 Cheer Symphony, Tschaikovsky” 1812 Overture

2. July 9, 1979 - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony brings back concert cannon fire" Page 74 Treasurer's Report 1-1-79 - 8-24-79

Page 75

1. Aug. 18, 1979 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "A friendly trip to Lenox"

2. Trip to Tanglewood by bus, Aug. 5, 1979 - ticket cost $35

Page 76

Concert schedule for 1979-80 season; estimated concert budget for the season

Page 77

Program for Oct. 13, 1979 - Cape Ann Symphony Strings benefit for the Trinity Congregational Church Building Fund, Walter Eisenberg, Conductor; photo of Eisenberg and string section

Page 78

1. Oct. 10, 1979 - Article by Mary Sales, “Mozart, Handel on symphony program for Trinity benefit”

2. Oct. 15, 1979 – “Symphony ensemble plays to 300” - Trinity Church benefit

Page 79

Oct. 11, 1979 - Article by Mary Sales, "A little music for strings"; several photos of Walter Eisenberg conducting the concert

Page 80

1. Nov. 2, 1979 - The Friends of the Symphony invitation to "A Masked Ball" at Hammond Castle

2. Nov. 2, 1979 – “About 75 people attended Friday’s masked ball . . . “ Photos of the event

Page 81

Nov. 26, 1979 - Article by Mary Sales, "Eisenberg: music man on the move" - Walter Eisenberg describes his busy weekly schedule

Page 82

1. Nov. 7, 1979 - Community News - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony brings ballet here for holiday concert"

2. Ad - Annual Christmas Concert presents Peter and the Wolf and The Nutcracker on Dec. 1, 1979

3. Photo - Barbara Pontecorvo, of the Boston Repertory Ballet, dancing

Page 83

1. Program for the holiday concert Dec. 1, 1979

2. Nov. 29, 1979 - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony tickets going fast"; photo – “Kathy Murphy of the Boston Repertory Ballet performs”

Page 84

Dec. 3, 1979 - Review article by Mary Sales, "Christmas concert charms fans"

Page 85

Gloucester Daily Times, Dec. 3, 1979 - Photos - Boston Repertory Ballet performs "Peter and the Wolf"

Page 86

1. Treasurer's reports from 10-23-79 - 12-31-79

2. Dec. 5, 1979 - "25 years ago” - crowd saw the third annual concert performed by the C.A. Symphony

Page 87

1. Jan. 4, 1980 - Article by Brackett Tucker, "Eisenberg quits Symphony," - "Walter Eisenberg resigned as conductor of the Cape Ann Symphony . . . "

2. Jan. 7, 1980 - Editorial page, "A time to show support” for the C.A.S.O.

Page 88

1. Jan. 29, 1980 - "Symphony's Gordon dead at 80"

2. Jan. 30, 1980 - Editorial page - "Sam Gordon's legacy of joy"

3. Jan. 31, 1980 - "Family, friends, employees attend Gordon funeral"

Page 89

1. Jan. 30, 1980 - Article by Peter Watson, "Lena Novello, Sam Gordon will be praised Saturday” – Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce meeting

2. March 1980 - Sam Gordon honored by the City Council for his service to the city and the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra

Page 90

1. Feb. 5, 1980 – Symphony trustees annual meeting conducted by Emily Nickerson on Jan. 30

2. Jan. 29, 1980 – “Music scholarships” - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra to sponsor two musical scholarships for local students this year

3. Treasurer's report from 1-1-80 to 3-22-80

Page 91

1. March 1980 – “Haydn, Mozart and more” – public concert by Rockport Community Chorus and Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra

2. Program for Haydn - Mozart Festival, March 30, 1980 - Sonja Dahlgren Pryor, Conductor

3. March 19, 1980 - “Chorus and orchestra concert”

Page 92

March 31, 1980 - Photo – “Nearly 140 instrumentalists and vocalists performed at the high school yesterday”; article by Steven Hatch, "Sacred spirit envelops concert"; photo of conductor Pryor concentrating on the string section

Page 93

Ad - Concert – Haydn - Mozart Festival, March 30, 1980 - photo of Rockport Community Chorus rehearsal with the symphony

Page 94

March 24, 1980 - Article by Steve Hatch, "Orchestra and Chorus meld talents for memorial concert"; photo - Chorus and orchestra join in a Mozart-Haydn concert on March 30, 1980

Page 95

April 18, 1980 - Article by Mary Sales, "Pops concert moves to O'Maley rink"; photo of Conductor Sonja Dahlgren Pryor

Page 96

1. May 5, 1980 - Article by Mary Sales, "Cape Ann Pops means singing, dancing, humor"

2. May 12, 1980 - Article by Steve Hatch, "Crowd bubbles over Pops"

Page 97

Treasurer's report from 3-22-80 to 5-14-80

Page 98

C.A.S.O. - Minutes of meeting of Board of Trustees, June 11, 1980; Annual Budget report, June 20; and Manager's report, June 11, 1980

Page 99

1. June 1980 - Symphony scholarships presented to students for their musical talents

2. June 18, 1980 - Cape Ann Symphony will perform its 28th Anniversary concert on July 12 at Gloucester High School

3. June 24, 1980 – “Cape Ann Symphony keeps on struggling” - search for a conductor for the next 4 concerts

Page 100

1. July 1980 – “Cape symphony conducts auction, raises $7,500”

2. “Auction items going, going” – list of items to be auctioned

Page 101

July 1980 - Auction photos

Page 102, 103

July 10, 1980 - Community News - Auction photos

Page 104

1. July 9, 1980 - "Symphony in tune for midsummer"

2. Summer concert program. July 12, 1980

Page 105

July 14, 1980 - Article by Sarah Clark, "Orchestra honors Gordon"

Page 106

July 20, 1980 – Itinerary and details ofTanglewood trip planned by Friends of the Symphony

Page 107

1. Aug. 15, 1980 - Photo of Mary Norris French and Hollis French at Symphony picnic

2. Nov. 19, 1980 - Community News - "Mozart, medleys and a new conductor" - Guest conductor Royston Nash

3. Nov. 1980 - Reception planned after concert Page 108 Program - Nov. 29, 1980 - Cape Ann Symphony presents Christmas concert, Royston Nash, conductor

Page 109, 110

Photos, Aug. 15, 1980 - Trustees give symphony players a picnic at Linsky's, Gloucester

Page 111

Nov. 1980 - Symphony in fall concert; photo of English conductor Royston Nash rehearsing with the C.A.S.O.

Page 112 Dec. 1, 1980 - Article by Steve Hatch - "Symphony ranges far, draws on its strength"; photo of C.A.S.O. in Christmas concert

Page 113

Oct. 8, 1980 - Manager's report; programs - Nov. 29, 1980, March 29, 1981, May 16, 1981, July 11, 1981

Page 114

Cape Ann Symphony Manager's report, Nov. 12, 1980; Treasurer’s Reports 10-8-80, 11-12-80

Page 115

Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra roster, Fall 1980

Page 116

Fall 1980 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra policy regarding paid independent agents, reported by Manager David Benjamin

Page 117

1. March 3, 1981 - Letter of David L. Benjamin, Manager, C.A.S.O., to Michael Gigliotti regarding the librarian position

2. March 4, 1981 - Letter of Gigliotti to Personnel Committee, attachments dated March 3, March 2, 1981

3. Dec. 10, 1980 – “Symphony pays $3,000 for top caliber musicians”

4. Manager’s Report, 4-8-81

Page 118

Nov. 11, 1980 - Letter of Search Committee to the Board, C.A.S.O., regarding search for a new conductor

Page 119

Jan. 18, 1981 - "Cape Cod conductor wins baton"; photo of Royston Nash, new conductor, biography and resume

Page 120

Jan. 20, 1981 - Annual meeting of Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Assoc.

Page 121

1. Dec. 16, 1980 - Report by David L. Benjamin, Manager

2. Proposed budget for concerts calendar year 1981

3. Treasurer's Annual Report 1-1-80 - 12-31-80

Page 122

Temporary proposed annual budget C.A.S.O. Jan. 1, 1981 - Dec. 31, 1981

Page 123

By-Laws of C.A.S.O. adopted by the Board of Directors at meeting Dec. 16 - attested by Leah Knowlton, Secretary

Page 124

Jan. 22, 1981 - Report of Annual Meeting of C.A.S.O. Assoc. submitted by Judith A. Williams, Secretary

Page 125

1. Feb. 11, 1981 - Regular meeting of C.A.S.O. Association held in St. John's Parish House

2. March 11, 1981 - C.A.S.O. Manager's Report, Treasurer's Reports

Page 126 1. March 26, 1981 – “Concert a tribute to Sam Gordon”

2. C.A.S.O. Association invitation concert in memory of Samuel Gordon on March 29, 1981

3. Program for concert March 29, 1981 in memory of Sam Gordon

Page 127

1. March 24, 1981 - Gloucester Daily Times editorial - "Symphony equation works,” C.A. Symphony will play a musical tribute to its founder

2. Photo of trumpeter Dennis Alves

Page 128

Community News - Article by Steve Hatch on Sam Gordon memorial concert, "Strings were best surprise"

Page 129

March 30, 1981 - Photos - Helen Gordon greets friends at the reception in honor of her late husband; cellists Fern Meyers and Jeanne Bamforth

Page 130

1. C.A.S.O. program in honor of Sam Gordon, March 29, 1981

2. May 10, 1981 - Letter of Helen Gordon to the Symphony trustees thanking the Association for the wonderful tribute to her late husband

3. Photo of Royston Nash, Music Director

Page 131

1. “Nash wants to build 80-member orchestra” 2. March 29, 1981 – Letter of David Benjamin to the people on Cape Ann for supporting the symphony and honoring Sam Gordon Page 132 1. April 21, 1981 – “Jazz ensemble will play for the kids”

2. May 6, 1981 – “Conductor from England discovers American Pops”

3. May 15, 1981 – “The Kape Kinder Koncert” will be held on Dec. 12, 1981

Page 133

May 6, 1981 – Review article by Steve Hatch, “Symphony triumphs”

Page 134

1. May 14, 1981 – “Sip champagne and sing along”; photo of string section

2. June 10, 1981 – Manager’s report by David L. Benjamin

Page 135

1. May 16, 1981 – The Gloucester Rotary Club presents the C.A. Symphony in the seventh Annual Pops Concert

2. May 29, 1981 – Tanglewood trip planned

Page 136

July 9, 1981 – Auction to benefit the symphony, photo from the auction

Page 137

July 2, 1981 – Symphony’s Super Service Auction - list of items to be auctioned

Page 138

1. July 2, 1981 – “Over 200 services, objects donated”

2. July 1981 – “Daughter conducts father’s dream”

Page 139

July 10, 1981 – Steve Hatch article, “’Q, please. Q. Whole orchestra, please. Q . . .‘” Photo – Director Royston Nash makes his point with the orchestra; July 1981, “Symphony to feature concert pianist Virginia Eskin”

Page 140

July 10, 1981 – “Cape Ann Symphony concert” – Virginia Eskin will be featured at the 29th Anniversary Concert; photos – Royston Nash, Virginia Eskin

Page 141

July 13, 1981 – Article by Bernie O’Donnell, “Enthusiastic audience warms to the music”; photo - conductor Royston Nash leads the orchestra through one of its concert pieces

Page 142

Nov. 8, 1981 – Article by Jean Maginnis, “Director Nash, symphony open 30th season”; photo of full orchestra on stage

Page 143

C.A.S. program booklet, Nov. 8, 1981

Page 144

1. Oct. 30, 1981 – Goings On – “$8,000 for Cape Ann Symphony”

2. Nov. 1981 – Letter to the Editor from Hannah Grover, “Symphony concert clearly outstanding”

3. “A symphony salute to Cape Scandinavians” – 30th anniversary

Page 145

Pamphlet – Plans for the 30th season series, 1981-82; invitation for refreshments after first concert

Page 146

1. Sept. 1, 1981 – Report of the long-range planning and community service committee submitted by Emily H. Nickerson (for Luis Molina)

2. Oct. 26, 1981 – Meeting of the Board of Trustees in St. John’s Parish House, John Eager presiding

Page 147

1. Treasurer’s Report 7-11-81 – 10-16-81

2. 1981-82 Symphony Concert Season Estimated Income and Expenditures report

Page 148

1. Dec. 1981 – “A ‘Kinderkonzert’ the kids will never forget,” photos of scenes from the rehearsal

2. Program, Kape Kinder konzert, December 12, 1981

Page 149

1. Dec. 1981 – Article by Karen Holstrom, “Children pack symphony show”

2. Notice about $7,000 raised at Super Symphony Service Auction

Page 150

1. Nov. 23, 1981 – “Muppets, music and merriment at kinderkonzert”

2. Dec. 1981 – Letter to the Editor from Val Babson and Carol McNeill, “Coverage of Kinderkonzert appreciated”

Page 151

Dec. 1981 – Letter to the Editor from Debbie Pearce and Lee Cunningham – “Kinderkonzert chairman thankful”

Page 152

1. 1982, Cape Ann Symphony News – Annual Meeting will be held

Jan. 19

2. Treasurer’s Annual Report from 1-1-81 – 12-31-81 and from 4-8-81 to 5-13-81

Page 153

May 13, 1981 – Manager’s report of Concert Expenses, Memorial, Pops concert, and Boston Fundraiser at Boston Sheraton

Page 154

1. July 8, 1981 – Super symphony service auction

2. July 27, 1981 – “Symphony Brass Ensemble” – the symphony will play on the opening day of the Sidewalk Bazaar

Page 155

Cape Ann Symphony 30th season program booklet Page 156 Board of Directors meeting Jan. 13, 1982

Page 157

1. Feb. 17, 1982 – Article by Steve Hatch, “Symphony’s free concerts may not last”

2. March 5, 1982 – Goings On – “Cape Ann Symphony” – Gilbert and Sullivan concert

Page 158

Ad - Cape Ann Symphony will present on March 14, 1982 “An Afternoon with Gilbert & Sullivan”

Page 159

1. March 8, 1982 – Community – Article by Steve Hatch, “Gilbert & Sullivan lives on here”

2. March 15, 1982 – Article by Lisa Miller “Gilbert and Sullivan come alive with a chuckle”; program notes

Page 160

1. March 30, 1982 – “Friends of the Symphony” - Annual meeting will take place at Bass Rocks Golf Club

2. May 11, 1982 – Community News – Article by Kevin Sullivan, “Rotary pops concert almost sold out”

Page 161

1. Community News – June 29, 1982 – Article by Greg Flemming, “Country music, Russian hymns, classics – Pops should please everyone”

2. Review article by Steve Hatch – “Pops concert great success for everyone”

Page 162

1. May 1982 – Charlie Currier and Rudy Macchi, Letter to the Editor – “Pops concert successful”

2. May 18, 1982 – Photo of Royston Nash conducting

Page 163

1. May 15, 1982 – Program booklet, Gloucester Rotary Club presents Cape Ann Symphony in the Eighth Annual pops concert

2. May 13, 1982 – “Rotary gets jazz with its Pops”

Page 164

Dec. 2, 1978 – Annual Christmas concert, Walter Eisenberg, Conductor, presenting Gloucester High School thespians - Margaret Eddie, Musical Director


Box 4

1967-1972 - Newspaper clippings and programs

1. Anniversary Summer Concert program, Aug. 30, 1967 - Haim Elisha, Conductor

2. Christmas Concert, Dec. 18, 1968 - symphony program; article by Margo New, "Conductor hails sound of Cape Ann Symphony"

3. Spring Youth Concert program, April 13, 1969 - Haim Elisha, Conductor, Lynn Chang, soloist

4. 17th Anniversary Concert program, July 9, 1969 - Haim Elisha, conductor, Judith Alban-Wilk, soprano

5. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 4, 1969; article by Susan Burke, "Concert ushers in Christmas season"

6. Children's Concert program, May 17, 1970, Haim Elisha, Conductor - Irving Anderson, Guest Conductor, David Powell, Soloist

7. 18th Anniversary Concert program, July 8, 1970 - Haim Elisha, Conductor, Michael Haran, violincello; article by P.B.K., July 9, 1970 - "Haran performance on cello highlights concert"

8. Dec. 3, 1970, Rockport Eagle, Article by Elizabeth O'Toole - "Cape Ann Symphony"

9. Dec. 10, 1970, Rockport Eagle, Photos - musicians rehearse for Christmas concert

10. Ad - Christmas concert, Dec. 13, 1970

11. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 13, 1970, Haim Elisha, Conductor; Soloists, Helen Gordon, violin; Ikuko Mizuno, viola. Card/notice. Photos – orchestra, Ted Johnson, Jr., horn. "Cape Ann symphony praised," Letter from Elsie Maynard Evans to the Editor. Article by Camilla Ayers, “Symphony’s gift melts winter woe”

12. Dec. 19, 1970 – Gloucester Daily Times Editorial Page - The Lookout, article by Paul Kenyon - "People make life interesting"

13. Super Symphony Services auction catalog listing 250 items. Article by Beth Albert about Ronald Gilson – “For $140, he will conduct 'Stars & Stripes Forever'"

14. Spring Youth Concert program, May 2, 1971, Haim Elisha, Conductor; Irving Anderson, violin; Michael Anderson, oboe. Article by Barbara Erkkila - "'Peter and the Wolf' dazzles young"

15. Summer Pops Concert, July 11, 1971, Haim Elisha, conductor - Guest conductor Patricia C. Darby, Daniel Hill, pianist. Article, “750 applaud Pops Concert”; Rockport Eagle, July 15, 1971, article by Michael Anderson, "Measure of music," article by Elizabeth O'Toole, "A night at the Pops"

16. Gloucester Seaport Festival program, Aug. 14, 1971 - Haim Elisha, conductor; Fredric Young and Calvin Kline, soloists. Article by Bill Cahill, "Gordon tribute stops music"; editorial, "Plaudits for Cape Ann Symphony"

17. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 5, 1971, Haim Elisha, Conductor; soloist, Roberta Frank

18. 1972-73 Inaugural Exercises, City of Gloucester, music by Cape Ann Symphonet, Wilton H, Syckes, Director

19. Gloucester Daily Times (no date) - Article by Patricia Casey, "Symphony to help ring in spring"; Spring Pops Concert, April 23, 1972, Haim Elisha, Conductor; soloist Eva Mesmer Schneider, viola. April 24, 1972 - article by Nan Cobbey, "Everyone gets a seat at concert"; photos. Rockport Eagle, April 27, 2972 - Article by Elizabeth O'Toole, "Cape Ann Symphony opens spring program”; article by Michael Anderson, "Conductor accused of 'showmanship'"

20. Spring Youth Concert program, May 28, 1972

21. July 10, 1972 - Community News - Article by Patricia Casey, "Totenberg to be soloist with Cape Ann Symphony"; article by Debbie Maguire, "Symphony story full of ifs." Program - 20th Anniversary Concert, July 15, 1972, Haim Elisha, Conductor; soloist Roman Totenberg, violin. Article, "Guest violinist inspires symphony." Rockport Eagle, article by Elizabeth O'Toole, "Cape Ann Symphony." Photo – charter members of symphony; note from Nickerson; program, 21st Anniversary Concert, July 15, 1973

22. Summer Concert, Aug. 19, 1972

23. Sept. 5, 1972 - Community News - Article by Miriam Selker Dodek, "Fancy meeting him here"

24. Christmas Concert, Dec. 3, 1972


Folder #2: 1973-1975 - Newspaper clippings and programs

1. Christmas Concert, Dec. 2, 1973 - Conductor, Haim Elisha; soloist, Amiram Rigai, pianist. Dec. 4, 1973 - Community News - Article by Patricia Casey, "Winter concert a success for Cape Ann Symphony"; photo of Amiram Rigai, pianist; Rockport Eagle, “Cape Ann symphony concert”; photo of Gardner Read

2. Spring Youth Concert program, April 28, 1974 - Conductor, Haim Elisha; violin soloist, Marijean Miller. Article - “Outside and inside the concert hall”; photo - Elisha conducting symphony during Miller's solo. Article, "First symphony scholarship to be presented at concert"; Rockport Eagle, photo of Marijean Miller

3. 22nd Anniversary Concert, July 20, 1974 - "Bank Night" program. Haim Elisha, Conductor; Edward Simons, violinist. July 24, Rockport Eagle, concert review article by Elizabeth O'Toole. July 22, 1975 - Article by Kevin Baker, "600 hear violin soloist"; article, “Guest violinist joins Cape Ann symphony for Saturday’s concert”

4. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 1, 1974 - Chester Roberts, Guest Conductor; Charles Walker, tenor soloist. Community News - Article by Marilyn Myett, "Orchestra's holiday concert features 'Nutcracker Suite.'" Dec. 3, 1974, Community News - Article by Marilyn Myett, "1000 give orchestra standing ovation." Aug. 29, 1974 - Community News, article by Marcia Murray - "Haim Elisha resigns - Chester Roberts picked to be symphony's first guest conductor"

5. Ad - Spring Youth Concert Sponsored by Mass. Council on the Arts and Humanities, April 6, 1975. Program, Spring Youth Concert, April 6, 1975 - Alan Grishman, Conductor; Patricia Knowlton, soloist. Photos of symphony players at annual spring concert, April 7, 1975. Article, "High school soloist wins overwhelming applause"

6. April 26, 1975 - The Gloucester Rotary Club presents the Pops orchestra of the Cape Ann Symphony in evening concert program at the Armory; article by Bill Cahill, "600 

expected at Pops concert." April 29, 1975 - Article by Marilyn Myett, "Champagne corks pop at Pops"; April 29, 1975 - Editorial page - "There's still plenty of good news to read daily." Name tag. "Violinist Alan Grishman to play at concert"

7. May 17, 1975 - "Summer concert symphony will add a little flourish to the bicentennial celebration"; photo - Sonja Dahlgren Pryor directs her Rockport Community Chorus during rehearsal. July 10, 1975 - Article by Phyllis Mann, Community News - "Pryor plans tunes from Revolution - concert to be, in part, tribute to bicentennial. June 19, 1975 - Community News - Article by Bill Cahill, "Symphony and chorus join forces." 23rd Anniversary Concert, July 12, 1975, with the Rockport Community Chorus, Bank Night - Sonja Dahlgren Pryor, Conductor. July 15, 1975 - Community News - Article by Phyllis Mann, "Combined concert draws 'biggest crowd ever'"

8. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 7, 1975. Article by David Reed, "Grishman returns to lead symphony Sunday concert"; Editorial - "Community involvement." Photo - Alan Grishman conducts Cape Ann Symphony during Christmas concert


Folder #3: 1976-1978 - Programs and newspaper clippings

1. Membership card

2. Spring Youth Concert program, April 11, 1976

3-4. Program, April 24, 1976 - The Gloucester Rotary Club presents the Pops orchestra of the Cape Ann Symphony in Evening Concert at the Armory. Program, July 10, 1976 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra presents 24th Anniversary Concert - Alan Grishman, Conductor, Berenice Bramson, Soprano

5. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 5, 1976 - Walter Eisenberg, Conductor, Melanie Macaronis, pianist

6. Program, April 17, 1977 - Spring Youth Concert, Walter Eisenberg, Conductor, sponsored by the City of Gloucester

7. April 23, 1977 - The Gloucester Rotary Club sponsors the Cape Ann Symphony in a night at the Pops concert program at the Armory; April 25, 1977 - Article by Deborah Laskey, "500 attend Pops concert"

8. Hammond Castle presents Cape Ann Symphony Chamber Players in a benefit performance program, July 17, 1977 - David Morrow, Director

9. Cape Ann Symphony 25th Anniversary Concert program, July 30, 1977 - Walter Eisenberg, Conductor; Davis Morrow, Assistant Conductor; Berenice Bramson, soprano

10. Christmas Concert program, Dec. 4, 1977 - Walter Eisenberg, Conductor; Guest Artist Roman Totenberg, violinist. Dec. 5, 1977 - "Violinist, cellist to spark Christmas concert"; review article by Barbara Hoffman, "Christmas present from orchestra"; photo of Eisenberg and Roman Totenberg performing

11. Spring Concert program, April 2, 1978 - Walter Eisenberg, Conductor; soloists Janet Mentus and Carlton Schneider

12. Program, May 6, 1978 - Rotary Club presents the Pops Orchestra of the Cape Ann Symphony at the Armory

13. Hammond Castle presents Cape Ann Symphony Strings, July 8, 1978 - Walter Eisenberg, Conductor

14. Ad - "Christmas Concert at High School - Christmas time Sing-Along, Dec. 2, 1978"; Community News, Nov. 28, 1978 - "Symphony adds 'Sound of Music' to sing-along holiday concert." Program, Annual Christmas Concert, Dec. 2, 1978 - Walter Eisenberg presenting High School thespians, Margaret Eddie, Musical Director. Community News, Dec. 4, 1978 - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony, students warm hearts of all"


Folder #4: 1986-1993 - North Shore and C.A.S.O. booklets

1. Program, May 18, 1986 - The City of Peabody Arts Council presents original music written by Nicolas Tgettes in the Frank L. Wiggin Auditorium, Peabody, Mass. Hellenic , May 15, 1986 - Article by Arthur Kanaracus, "Arts Council sponsors Tgettes Chamber Music Concert"

2. Program, Dec. 7, 1985 - Christmas Concert - The Newburyport Choral Society presents Bach's Christmas Oratorio and the German Magnificat by Schutz at Belleville Congregational Church, Newburyport

3. Program, Dec. 14, 1985 - Paul Madore Chorale and Orchestra, L. Paul Madore, Director, presents Christmas Pops party at Salem State College, South Campus Gym

4. The North Shore Music Theatre presents new Sunday Classical Series - Symphony by the Sea and North Shore Civic Ballet program

5. Program booklet - Sinfonie by the sea presents Third Season, 1983-1984, Royston Nash, Conductor, at Peabody Museum of Salem

6. Program, April 24, 1988 - Presbyterian Performing Arts Series - Essex County Chamber Chorus presents Spring Concert - works by Bach and Mendelssohn, Margot Warner, Director, Joseph Balsamo, pianist, in Lawrence, Ma.

7. Program booklet, June 15, 19 - The North Shore Chorus, celebrating 70 years, presents Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem at Gordon College Chapel, Wenham, Ma., Sonja Dahlgren Pryor, Conductor

8. Program, Dec. 20, 1991 - The Paul Madore Chorale presents its 10th Annual Holiday Pops Concert at Danversport Yacht Club, Danvers, Ma.

9. Program, Dec. 12, 1981 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra presents Kape Kinderkonzert at Gloucester High School, Royston Nash, Conductor

10. Program, March 2, 1992 - The Paul Madore Chorale and Orchestra presents Faust, music by Charles Gounod, at Marblehead High School

11. Symphony by the Sea presents 1992-1993 12th season series, Royston Nash, Conductor


Folder #5: Cape Ann Symphony Concert tape Cape Ann Symphony tape (no date)


Folder #6: Misc. Material

1. 40th Anniversary Season Winter Concert, March 21 and 22, Richard Vanstone, Conductor (year not noted)

2. Holiday Concert, Dec. 1 and 2 (year not noted)

3. Cape Ann Symphony presents Beethoven Symphony #9 with the Rockport Community Chorus and the Paul Madore Chorale, May 9, 10 (year not noted)

4. Pops Salute to America, "Pops a-la-Fiedler" - Beer, Wine, Music and Merriment, Sat. June 6 (year not noted)

5. "Everything sure sounds delicious," article by Marilyn Myett - 136-page cookbook prepared by the Friends of the Symphony (date not noted)

6. Conductor Richard Vanstone and the Cape Ann Symphony celebrate the holidays with "An English Christmas," Dec. 1, 1990. Memo to Mike Sochacki 11-16-90

7. 5-4-94 - Cape Ann Symphony Cable News show

8. Fall Concert "Celebration" with Maestro R. Vanstone featuring the Windhover Dancers, Ina Hahn, Director, Oct. 21, 22 (year not noted)


Folder #7: Symphony 2001-2002 season

1. 2000-2001 Season - Cape Ann Symphony program, Yoichi Udogawa, Music Director 2. 49th Season, June 2-3, World Premiere of "Spray," composed by Scott Ethier


Folder #8: Gloucester Daily Times

1. Jan. 27, 1961 - Formal portrait of Cape Ann Symphony after the concert; article by Paul Kenyon, "600 applaud Pops concert"


Folder #9 (1): Newspaper clippings 1971-79

1. April 29, 1971 - "Symphony concert free Sunday"; photo - Irving Anderson will be violin soloist at the concert

2. June 1, 1973 - Concert by The Cleveland Orchestra, 55th season, celebrating Gloucester's 350th Anniversary, Lorin Maazel, Conductor

3. July 12, 1975 - Program by the Rockport Community Chorus, 33rd season, with the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra, sponsored by Cape Ann Banks

4. June 2, 1977 - Goings On, Gloucester Daily Times - Chamber Orchestra, David Morrow, Conductor; Symphony Ball at Hammond Castle

5. April 9, 1979 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - Article by Mary Sales, "Young trumpet soloist a hit"


Folder #9 (2): C.A.S.O. newspaper clippings, 1979-1992

1. July 6, 1979 - Gloucester Times, Community News - Article by Beth Albert, "Symphony supporters put themselves up for bid"

2. 27th Anniversary Concert, July 14, 1979, Walter Eisenberg, Conductor. Community News, July 9, 1979 - article by Mary Sales, "Symphony brings back concert cannon fire"; July 16, 1979 - article by Steve Leonard, "1000 cheer symphony, Tchaikovsky"

3. Sept. 27, 1976 - Community News, article by Jo Bower - "Orchestra hires new conductor" - photo of Walter Eisenberg conducting his new orchestra

4. Nov. 7, 1979 - Community News - Article by Mary Sales, "Symphony brings ballet here for holiday concert"

5. Nov. 15, 1979 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - Tickets on sale for Christmas concert Dec. 1, 1979

6. Nov. 26, 1979 - Community News, article by Mary Sales - "Walter Eisenberg: music man on the move." Photo of W. Eisenberg conducting his new orchestra

7. June 1979 - Letter of Emily H. Nickerson to Friends of the Cape Ann Symphony; concert schedule for 1979-80 season

8. Dec. 3, 1979 - Review article by Mary Sales, "Christmas concert charms fans"; photos of scenes from "Peter and the Wolf "

9. Envelopes dated Dec. 7, 1979 - Gift to Cape Ann Symphony $5,000; Sam Gordon Chair $1,000, Helen Gordon Chair $1,000, from the Gloucester High School

10. Nov. 29, 1979 - Weekend section - Article by Mary Sales - "Symphony tickets going fast"

11. 1-21-89 - Gloucester Daily Times - News of the Cape Ann Symphony and plans for 1989 concerts

12. Oct. 7, 1990 - Boston Sunday Globe, North, weekly calendar - Cape Ann Symphony performs works by Copeland, Beethoven, Prokofiev and Liszt

13. 10-9-90, G.D.T. - "Cape Ann Symphony Launches 39th season with Rockport tribute"; photo of the orchestra. 10-9-90, Ad - Symphony Oct. 13 and 14 concert

14. May 31, 1991, G.D.T.- Community calendar - Cape Ann Symphony performs with B.S.O. cellist Ronald Feldman. Dec. 1991, North Shore Life, Music section - "Cape Ann Symphony Youth Chorus is set to present a program of music titled 'An English Christmas'"

15. Feb. 19, 1992 - Food page - Article by Marilyn Myett, "Everything sure 'sounds delicious,'" a cookbook prepared by the Friends of the C.A. Symphony

16. March 19, 1992, G.D.T. - Around Cape Ann - Cape Ann Symphony performs this week

17. March 26, 1992 - North Shore magazine, review article by George Harper - "Cape Ann Symphony's Winter Concert a tribute to the group's talent, efforts"

18. April 2, 1992 - North Shore magazine - Article by Bill Plant, "The joy of music celebrated at Cape Ann Symphony concert"

19. May 5, 1992 - Arts on Cape Ann - Article by Michelle LaRoche, "Symphony plans grand finale for 40th year"; Friends of Symphony taking orders for official Cape Ann Symphony T-shirts and sweatshirts

20. May 14, 1992 - North Shore magazine - concert review article by George W. Harper, "A rousing Beethoven's 'Ninth' from Cape Ann Symphony"

21. May 21, 1992 - Cape Ann Weekly - "Cape Ann Symphony Youth Spring Concert will perform 'Les Miserables'"

22. June 2, 1992 - Entertainment - "Cape Ann Symphony concludes 40th season with a gala, fun-filled 'Salute to America' Pops concert," Richard Vanstone, conductor

23. June 8, 1992 - Photo of the orchestra season finale

24. Oct. 6, 1992 - Arts on Cape Ann - "Symphony to premiere Jones' 'Waltz'"; photo of Rockport resident Charles Collier Jones

25. Oct. 16, 1992 - Around the Cape -Article by Dianne Palmer, "Vanstone elicits symphony's best" - Vanstone leads symphony into new season; photo of Richard Vanstone, conductor

26. Nov. 6, 1992 - Around Cape Ann - Article by Dianne Palmer, "Music man David Benjamin sets antic pace"

27. Oct. 21, 1992 - Photo of R. Vanstone conducting the Cape Ann Symphony 28. Nov. 24, 1992 - Symphony schedules holiday concerts, Mariana Green, violin soloist


Folder #10: C.A.S.O. Newspaper clippings, 1993-1995

1. March 9, 1993 - Around Cape Ann - "Symphony blooms in weekend concert"; photo of trumpeter John Schnell, soloist

2. April 30, 1994 - G.D.T. article by Alisha MacLean, "Alcohol ban cans concert"

3. May 3, 1994 - Editorial, "Alcohol stops music"

4. May 3, 1994 - Around the Cape - "Making music on Mother's Day - Symphony to conclude season"

5. May 5, 1994 - North Shore magazine - Ad - Frederick Mayer, pianist, will perform May 7 and 8 at Fuller School Auditorium

6. May 5, 1994 - North Shore magazine, Music page - "Cape Ann Symphony will play on May 7 and 8"

7. May 9, 1994 - Letter to the Editor from Eileen M. Ford, "Need response from Symphony" regarding "Alcohol stops music" (see #3 above)

8. May 9, 1994 - North Shore magazine, concert review article by Elizabeth Clark, "Mia Chung stirring soloist in Cape Ann Symphony's season finale"; photo of Mia Chung

9. May 20, 1994 - G.D.T. article by Alisha MacLean, "Symphony revives Pops in new style"

10. May 23, 1994 - G.D.T. editorial - "Symphony sends new message regarding serving alcohol on school premises"

11. Nov. 1994 - "Chorus does 'Messiah'" - Rockport Community Chorus of the North Shore will perform the "Messiah" under the direction of Sonja Dahlgren Pryor

12. Sept. 9 1994 - G.D.T., Rockport - "Chorus concert to help school music program"; photo of some members of the Youth Chorus

13. Nov. 24, G.D.T. - Record - Holiday Concert - Youth Chorus will perform on Nov. 27 under the direction of Ann Connelly Potter; photo of the Youth Chorus

14. Nov. 9, 1995 - North Shore magazine - concert review article by Julie Cleveland, "North Shore orchestra ventures beyond the classical 'chestnuts'"

15. Oct. 26, 1995 - North Shore magazine - article by Gail Rowe, "'Water Study' an appropriate theme for symphony season opener"

16. Nov. 30, 1995 - North Shore magazine - concert review article by Julie Cleveland, "Cape Ann Symphony, chorus pay holiday tribute to 'Toys'"


Folder #11 (1 of 2): Newspaper clippings March 19 - Nov. 23, 2000

1. March 19, 2000 - North Shore Sunday, calendar page - Music, What's Happening - "Cape Ann Symphony Spring Concert celebrates 'Shakespeare in Love'"

2. March 23, 2000, Gloucester Daily Times - Goings On - Symphony concert on April 1, 2000

3. March 26, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe, North Weekly, People and Places calendar, Classical Music - "Symphony spring concert April 1, 2000"

4. March 26, 2000 - North Shore Sunday calendar, "Cape Ann Symphony presents 'Shakespeare in Love'"

5. March 26, 2000 - Boston Sunday GlobeB, North Weekly, Night and Day page, article by Wendy Killeen "Shakespeare would love this concert"

6. March 28, 2000 - G.D.T. Goings On - "Symphony Spring Concert April 1, 2000"

7. March 30, 2000 - Boston Globe, calendar page - listings - Cape Ann Symphony concert on April 1

8. March 30, 2000 - The Evening News, Salem, Mass. - North Shore calendar, "This Weekend" - Cape Ann Symphony presents "Shakespeare in Love," guest conductor Karla M. Kelley

9. March 30, 2000 - G.D.T. - Goings On - Symphony Spring Concert April 1 and 2

10. April 1, 2000 - The Boston Globe - Calendar Choice, March 30 - April 5, 2000 - Cape Ann Symphony Spring Concert

11. March 30, 2000 - G.D.T. Weekender, "Symphony takes on Shakespeare"

12. March 30, 2000 - G.D. Times Arts on Cape Ann, Cape Ann Calendar - Spring concert on April 1 and 2

13. April 1, 2000 - Community Calendar - April 1 and 2, Spring concert

14. April 2, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe North Weekly, People and Places - Photo - Guest Conductor Karla M. Kelley leads the Cape Ann Symphony Spring Concert

15. April 2, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe Calendar, Classical Music - Cape Ann Symphony Spring Concert

16. April 19, 2000 - G.D. Times, Goings On - Cape Ann Symphony concert "The American Century" will be May 13 and 14

17. April 20, 2000 - G.D.T., Goings On - Cape Ann concert May 13 and 14, 2000

18. May 2, 2000 - G.D.T. Goings On - Cape Ann Symphony concert presents "The American Century" May 13 and 14, Guest Conductor Yoichi Udagawa

19. May 7, 2000 - North Shore Sunday Calendar, Arts & Leisure - Cape Ann Symphony will perform "The American Century" May 13 and 14; every woman in the audience will receive a flower

20. May 7, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe Calendar, Classical Music - The Cape Ann Symphony presents "The American Century" on May 13 and 14, Yoichi Udagawa, Conductor; Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra presents "The American Century" - American Composers and their Music

21. May 11, 2000 - G.D.T. Weekender - "Symphony celebrates American Music"; photo of orchestra members rehearsing; photo - Symphony prepares for the concert

22. May 11, 2000 - The Salem Evening News, This Weekend - Photo of Yoichi Udagawa, conductor of the Symphony

23. May 11, 2000 - The Boston Globe Calendar May 11-17 - Calendar Choice, "The American Century" concert May 13

24. May 13, 2000 - G.D.T. Goings On - "Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra presents 'The American Century' concert"

25. May 25, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times article by Gail Mountain, "Symphony hires new conductor"; photo of Yoichi Udagawa as a full-time conductor

26. May 2000 - "Horning In - Cape Ann "Symphony concert features trumpet solos"

27. May 25, 2000 - G.D. Times article

28. July 22, 2000 - Art on Cape Ann - "A celebration of summer to benefit Cape Ann Symphony"

29. June 24, 2000 - Talk of the Times, "Music to their ears" - Marcia Norton, President of the Symphony, gives a reception for the new conductor, Yoichi Udagawa

30. July 24, 2000 - Boston Herald, Lifestyle, Social Calendar - Summer tasting to benefit Cape Ann Symphony and welcome its new conductor, Yoichi Udagawa

31. July 27, 2000 - The Boston Globe Calendar, Benefits - Summer tasting at Veranda Restaurant to benefit the Symphony

32. The Boston Globe Calendar, July 27 to Aug. 2, 2000, Eastern Mass. - Cape Ann Symphony - Yoichi Udagawa conducts works by Rossini and Beethoven

33. July 29, 2000 - Arts on Cape Ann - Photo - Yoichi Udagawa, conductor, debuts

34. July 29, 2000 - Gloucester Times Editor's Choice - Music - "Pops plays up a storm"; Arts on Cape Ann, Sneak Peek - introducing new conductor

35. July 30, 2000 - The Boston Sunday Globe, People and Places - Summer Pops concert at Stage Fort Park

36. July 28, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times, Editor's Choice - "Symphony conductor debuts"

37. Aug. 2, 2000 - G.D. Times, Goings On - "Pops concert Aug. 5 at Stage Fort Park"

38. Aug. 3, 2000 - Cape Ann Summer Sun - Article by Lou Mandarini, "Playing up a storm - Symphony brings pops concert to park"

39. Aug. 5, 2000 - The Boston Globe, Living Arts, Family Datebook - Free Cape Ann Symphony Summer Pops Concert, "Playing up a storm"


Folder #11 (2 of 2): March 19 - Nov. 2000

1. Aug. 5, 2000 - The Boston Globe, Calendar Choice, Aug. 3-9 - "Playing up a storm" - Newly appointed conductor Yoichi Udagawa leads Cape Ann Symphony

2. Aug. 7, 2000 - Photo of French horn section of Cape Ann Symphony at concert

3. Aug. 7, 2000 - Photo of fireworks, "Pops with a bang" - concert at Stage Fort Park, more than 2000 people attended the concert

4. Nov. 19, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe, Arts Week, Nov. 19-25 - Cape Ann Symphony "Holiday Bash" with Acme Big Band

5. Nov. 23, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times Weekender, Article by Mort Kaplan - "Band, chorus join forces for the holiday concert"

6. Sept. 28, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times, Arts on Cape Ann - Around the Cape - Symphony subscriptions now being offered by the symphony; Oct. 5, 2000 - Symphony subscriptions

7. Oct. 8, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe North Weekly, People and Places, Article by Wendy Killeen - "Yoichi Udagawa debuts with symphony," Yoichi is the new music director of Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra"; Photo of Y. Udagawa, "Eyes on the baton"

8. Oct. 8, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe North Weekly Calendar, Classical Music - Pianist Miyuki Otari will join the Cape Ann Symphony for performance on Oct. 14 and 15

9. Oct. 12, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times - Photo - Joseph Simcox of Rockport plays viola and Kristine Atherton of Shrewsbury plays cello during a rehearsal of Cape Ann Symphony

10. Oct. 12, 2000 - The Boston Globe Calendar, Oct. 12-18 - Cape Ann Symphony to perform on Oct. 14 and 15

11. Oct. 12, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times Weekender, Article by Mort Kaplan - "New season, new conductor - Yoichi Udagawa debuts with the symphony." Photo - pianist Miyuki Otari will perform with the Cape Ann Symphony

12. Oct. 14, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times, Report Card - Symphony for the first-graders

13. Oct. 19, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times Weekender, Article by Mort Kaplan, "Conductor Udagawa charms symphony audience"

14. Nov. 19, 2000 - Boston Sunday Globe North Weekly, People and Places, Night and Day - Article by Wendy Killeen, "Big bands face off in Gloucester on Nov. 25-26

15. Nov. 22, 23, 24, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - "Cape Ann Symphony kicks off the holiday season with the Big Band Holiday Bash Nov. 25

16. Nov. 23, 2000 - The Boston Globe Calendar, Nov. 23-29 - Choice - The Big Band Holiday Bash concert

17. Nov. 27, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times - Photos by Mike Dean - Music for the holidays with Acme Big Band

18. Dec. 20, 2000 - Gloucester Daily Times, Article by David Joyner - "Many businesses rise to the occasion - all year round, companies quietly donate to causes"


Folder #12: Newspaper clippings from April 15, 2001 to Nov. 9, 2001

1. April 15, 2001 - North Shore Sunday, Article by Gary Freeman - "In concert Mor better - recorder soloist Daphne Mor looks forward to opening Cape Ann Symphony concert"

2. May 22, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times - Goings On - "Cape Ann Symphony welcomes cellist Ronald Feldman, a Boston Symphony Orchestra member"

3. May 26, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - "Cape Ann Symphony welcomes cellist Ronald Feldman"

4. May 27, 2001 - Boston Sunday Globe North Weekly, article by Wendy Killeen, "Feldman guest with Cape Ann"

5. May 27, 2001 - Boston Sunday Globe Calendar, Classical Music - Concert with Ronald Feldman

6. May 31, 2001 - The Boston Globe Calendar from May 31 to June 6, Listings - Classical Orchestral Concert 6-2 and 6-3 with Ronald Feldman

7. May 31, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times Weekender - Premiere highlights this weekend's concert; photo - members of the Cape Ann Symphony rehearsing

8. May 31, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times Weekender - Photo of Ronald Feldman - "Cellist Ronald Feldman to perform, has received wide acclaim"

9. May 31, 2001 - The Salem Evening News North Shore Calendar This Weekend - Symphony concert with Ronald Feldman

10. May 31, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times - Photo of Yoichi Udagawa - Practice makes perfect rehearsing for this week's concert

11. June 1, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - Symphony will perform June 2 and 3

12. June 5, 2001 - Gloucester Daily Times - Photo of Ronald Feldman playing with the Symphony

13. Sept. 9, 2001 - Boston Sunday Globe, People and Places - Article by Wendy Killeen, "Symphony comes of age - at 50 Cape Ann Orchestra is semiprofessional with a respected conductor"


Folder #13: Misc. photos of the Symphony

1. Photos, conductor (no dates)

2. Misc. photos, 1990s - Youth Chorus

3. Youth Chorus - mid-1990s

4. Misc. photos of conductor and members of the symphony orchestra


Folder #14: Symphony - newspaper clippings and programs 1971-1982

1. April 29, 1971 - Photo of Irving Anderson; photo of Michael Anderson and Margaret Anne Eddie, a musical storyteller

2. July 12, 1975 - Program, 23rd Anniversary concert with the Rockport Community Chorus

3. June 20, 1977 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - Chamber Orchestra

4. June 1, 1973 - Gloucester 350th Anniversary celebration presented by the Cleveland Orchestra, Lorin Maazel, conductor

5. April 9, 1979 - Gloucester Daily Times, Goings On - Article by Mary Sales, "Young trumpet soloist a hit"

6. Photo - Big Bird visited during the Around the World trip

7. Photo - Helen Gordon greets friends at the reception held in honor of her late husband

8. Photo of Jim and Patti Knowlton

9. Program notes

10. March 26, 1981 - A tribute to Sam Gordon

11. 1982 - Gloucester Daily Times, Article by Barbara Hoffman - "A melodic anniversary for Cape Ann Symphony"

12. Photo of Royston Nash - "New musical director of Cape Ann Symphony wants 80 members for the orchestra"

13. 1980 - Photo - Cape Ann Youth Chorus


Blue folder 5: 1952 - 1962

1. Photo of Sam Gordon

2. Photo - no name

3. 1952 - 1962 - sketches, puzzle

4. 10th Anniversary Concert, Aug. 16, 1962 - program and concert notes


Blue Folder 6: 1962 - 1972

1. Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra 10th Anniversary Concert - Armand Vorce, Conductor, Leo Litwin, soloist, Aug. 16, 1962

2. Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra program at St. Peter's High School, Dec. 14, 1967 - Haim Elisha, Conductor

3. Sub-Committees, Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra, 1969 season. General Chairman - Mrs.Eels; members list - Finance, Membership, Publicity and Public Relations, Concert Arrangements

4. Photo of Haim Elisha, Cape Ann Symphony Conductor

5. Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Treasurer's Report for March 19, 1969 - May 7, 1969


Scrapbook 2: 1954 -1956 Loose pages

1. Annual Report - Jan. 1956, to the Trustees, Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Association

2. Nov. 2, 1954 - Photo of six lovely teenagers to be usherettes at tomorrow's concert; program for tomorrow night

Page 1

Four Musical Festivals Scheduled for 1954

Page 2

1. Jan. 2, 1954 - Symphony Notes

2. Portrait of Ike done by Cape Ann Summer resident

3. Magnolia, Jan. 13, 1954 - Mrs. John P. Hartt, Jr., Letter to the Editor - local fiddler

4. Jan. 18, 1954 - Symphony Notes

5. Jan. 19, 1954 - $3,500 needed for Symphony budget

6. Jan. 25, 1954 - Photo - Mrs. Dorothy Primm, clarinetist and pianist, and Mrs. Helen Gordon, violinist, will perform at District Nurse Annual Meeting tomorrow

Page 3

1. Empty envelope, C.A.S.O. - Fund Appeal for 1954

2. Dec. 31, 1953 - Annual Report of the Symphony prepared by Waldon J. Anderson, Treasurer

Page 4

1. Jan. 22, 1954 - "Cape Ann Symphony Elects Officers, Three Trustees"; "Irving Anderson, Symphony Violinist, on Tour with the Pops"

2. Jan 27, 1954 - Photo at Annual Meeting of District Nursing Assoc.

3. Jan. 29, 1954 - Gloucester Daily Times editorial page - "What the Symphony Has Done for Cape Ann"

Page 5

1. A question of Sam Gordon to Andrew A. Jacobson

2. Jan. 26, 1954 - Symphony Notes

3. Letter to the Editor by Rose Nicolosi - "Thinking (?) Out Loud!," Feb. 2, 1954

4. Feb. 9, 1954 - Local Symphony Y Men's Club speaker's topic

5. Feb. 13, 1954, letter from Ronald E. Brown to the Gloucester Daily Times - "Rhythm 'N' Reason"

6. Feb. 16, 1954 - "Three G.H. School Students Playing at the C.A. Symphony Orchestra Concert on Feb. 25," photo by Barbara Erkkila

7. Notice - Concert on Thursday, Feb. 25

8. Ad for Wm. G. Brown Co., Feb. 3, 1954

Page 6

Feb. 25, 1954 - Program of C.A. Symphony Orchestra 

Page 7 1. Feb. 26, 1954 - "The Lookout" - Henry Bollman writes about Cape Ann Symphony

2. March 6, 1954 - Letter to the Editor - "Rhythm 'N' Reason"

3. March 13, 1954 - Ronald E. Brown, Letter to the Editor - "Rhythm 'N' Reason"

4. March 18, 1954 - Symphony Notes by Peter N. Anastas, Jr.

5. March 24, 1954 - The Rockport Legion Band and three C.A. musical artists were featured at a musicale presented by the Riverdale Methodist Church Men's Club

Page 8

1. March 25, 1954 – “Our Symphony Plays Next on a Sunday”

2. April 1, 1954 - Symphony Notes by Peter N. Anastas, Jr.; Ronald E. Brown writes in "Rhythm 'N' Reason"

3. April 16, 1954 – “Spring Music for Afternoon Concert on the 25th”

Page 9

1. "The Lookout," April 21, 1954 - Stan Jensen reviews

2. April 21, 1954 - Rose Nicolosi article - "Especially for Women"; photo of Dorothy Primm, soloist at concert Sunday

Page 10

1. April 23, 1954 - West Parish - Mrs. Ethel Ireland, letter to the Times, "Music on Sunday"; free bus service to the Symphony; Ward 1 Wanderings

2. April 24, 1954 - Cape Ann Symphony plays Sunday afternoon at 3:30, program

3. Photo of Dorothy Primm – “Dorothy Primm plays Piano in Rocky Neck Home Kitchen

Page 11

Program of Symphony Orchestra for April 25, Francis Findlay, Conductor Page


1. April 26, 1954 - Eugene Gancarz article – “Symphony plays on Appreciation Theme”

2. "'Squam Sewing' Bee Elects Mrs. Bloom," May 27, 1954

3. Gloucester - "The Lookout," April 28, 1954 - Stan Jensen views

Page 13

1. April 22, 1954 – “Milks Present Free Concert Monday night”, July 26

2. April 29, 1954 - "Symphony Trustees Pleased with Concert; Next in July”

3. Gloucester Times - "Through the SUNGlasses," editorial page - article by John T. Bethell, "A New Look in Concerts?"

4. April 23, 1954, Summer Sun - program of Music Festival, 1954

Page 14

1. Article from "The Lookout" by Stan Jensen - "Help Each Other," 6-8-54; “Symphony Board sets Concert, Hopes for ‘54 Music Festival”

2. June 28 1954 - Times article, "July 29 Set for Concert by Symphony"

3. July 1, 1954 - "Letter Box" - letter from Howard Adelman, offers to aid Symphony

4. July 6, 1954 - "Art Festival Units Promise Busy Month"

5. July 9, 1954 - 1954 Festival of Arts - tentative program

Page 15

1. July 21, 1954 - "Cape Ann Symphony Set for Finest Concert Yet"

2. Summer Sun, Readers’ Forum Page, July 23, 1954 - letter to the Editor by Clancy, Gloucester - "Clancy as Laureate"; Summer Sun, July 23, 1954 - Rocky Neck - summer concert; "Orchestral Music, Piano Recital Principal Features of Program"

Page 16

1. July 23, 1954 - Community Calendar; Summer Sun, July 23, 1954 - article by Stanley Jensen, "Symphony Booms Under Scottish Baton"

2. July 25, 1954 - Boston Sunday Herald, article on musical Festival at Gloucester this week

Page 17

1. Summer Sun - "SUNGlasses" page, 7-26-54 - "Moments Musicale,” “Busy-ness Bodes"

2. July 27, 1954 - Piano recital tonight, 8:30, High School

3. Gloucester Daily Times, editorial page - "Festival Flavor is Fine"; photo by Alex Stoddard of Hannah Grover and Harold Bell checking scores in preparation for the Festival concert

Page 18

July 28, 1954 - "Symphony Plays Tomorrow as Musical Festival Climax," program for the evening; July 28, 1954 - Gloucester Daily Times, editorial page article - "A Very Fine Thing"; "SUNGlasses" - article by John T. Bethell - "Music, Among Other Things, in the Air"

Page 19

July 28, 1954 - Article by Peter N. Anastas, Jr. - "Symphony Program Notes Reveal Variety of Music"; "SUNGlasses" page - articles, "Symphony Spotlight" and "On Baton-Tip View"; July 29, 1954 – “Free Symphony Concert Tonight at 8”

Page 20

1. Gloucester Daily Times, July 30, 1954 - Photos by Merton M. Webb - "Music on the Wharf" and "Dance Pattern Shown by Swedish Folk Dancers of Boston"

2. Gloucester Daily Times, article, July 30, 1954 - "Symphony Best Yet for Festival"

Page 21

Third Annual C.A. Festival of the Arts, 1954, Music and Dance program, July 29

Page 22

1. Aug. 3, 1954 - Letter from Howard Curtis to the Editor - "Festival Chief Thanks Aides in Music Week"

2. Summer Sun article by Jacqueline Darcy, 8-13-54 - "New Trio Puts E. Gloucester on Musical Map"

3. Aug. 20, 1954 – “Wife with Father – Lindsay-Crouse Party to Benefit Symphony"; Cape Ann Summer Sun calendar

Page 23

Letter, July 27, 1954, from C.A.S.O. to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Crouse regarding participation in C.A.S.O. coffee party on Aug. 24; letter to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lindsay thanking them for willingness to participate in benefit coffee party

Page 24

1. Gloucester Daily Times editorial page, Oct. 3, 1954 - "Facts About Festivals"

2. Letter to the Editor of the Times, 10-6-54, by Harold Bell - "Cape Ann Symphony Stands on Own Feet Financially"

Page 25

1. Nov. 15, 1954, article - "Chorus of 40 to Sing with Cape Ann Symphony" 2. Nov. 13, 1954, article - "Urge All School Children Take Up Musical Studies"; photo by Barbara Erkkila of Dorothy Baxter Primm of the C.A. Symphony, a concert pianist, who was presented with a "piano cake" as a door prize

Page 26

1. Nov. 16, 1954 - announcement – “Trumpet Story by Ahola at PTA Meeting”

2. Gloucester Times editorial page, Nov. 18, 1954 - "Great Musical Experience" Page 27 Nov. 19, 1954 - Gloucester Times article and photo by Barbara Erkkila - "Symphony Chorus Director Long Active in Singing," photo - Mrs. Lloyd O. Runkle at the organ of the Universalist Church

Page 28

1. Summer Sun, "The Lookout" - editorial page reviews

2. Gloucester Times, 11-17-54, editorial page - "Music You Love . . . People You Know"; two ads for C.A. Symphony - A Special Choral Group

Page 29

Photo of “six lovely teenagers” - usherettes will be escorting music lovers to their seats; review of Symphony program

Page 30

Nov. 30, 1954 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra, John Murray, Conductor, program for the evening

Page 31

Dec. 1, 1954, Gloucester Times - article by Myron Tarr, "Symphony, Singers Please Big Audience"; photo of Mrs. George Soini

Page 32

12-1-54 - Letter to the Editor by Samuel T. Williamson, Rockport - says Festival shouldn't rattle tin cup, could be self-supporting; "Cool and Crazy," article by Archibald Raven, 12-4-54; "The Lookout," 12-3-54, Miss Ann Stansbury of Rockport offers eloquent verse on the Cape Ann Symphony

Page 33 (Empty)

Page 34

1. Feb. 16, 1955 - Article, Harry L. Gage elected Vice-President of C.A.S.O. Assoc., "Symphony Vice-President Sees Music as Attraction"; photo of Harry Gage

2. G. Times article, 2-18-55 - "Keep ‘Em Playing Theme of Cape Ann Symphony"; Letter Box - Letter to the Times Editor from Elizabeth deVicq - "Favors Art Commission"

Page 35

March 3, 1955 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Notes. "The Lookout" – Stan Jensen discusses his role at rehearsals

Page 36

March 11, 1955 - Article by Barbara Erkkila, "Audience Pleases Symphony Players"; photo of Conductor John Murray

Page 37

Feb. 23, 1955 - Times editorial page - "An Art Commission"; letter to Letter Box, Times Editor, by Harry Gage, Annisquam - "For Art Commission"

Page 38

1. March 11, 1955 - Article by Barbara Erkkila, "Audience Pleases Symphony Players"; photo of John Murray, Conductor of C.A. Symphony

2. March 31, 1955 - Gloucester Times article - "Symphony Players Dance, Bid Margarita Bon Voyage"; photo - Miss Margarita Gounaris with Bon Voyage corsage

3. March 24, 1955 – “Murray Named as Conductor, Jacobson Next"

4. April 27, 1955 - Announcement of Symphony concert on May 25

Page 39

1. April 5, 1955 - "The Lookout" - Stan Jensen reviews; Times article - "Dime-A-Head Fund Sought for Symphony"

2. April 27, 1955 - Times editorial page - "What - Another Appeal?"

Page 40

1. Article by Sam Williamson - "’Music You Love by People You Know’ to End Festival with Free Concert” (no date)

2. May 23, 1955 - Times article - "School Teacher Has an Imported ‘Beanshooter’," photo of Frank W. Balcomb, bassoon player with the Symphony

3. May 24, 1955 - Ad for Cape Ann Symphony - free concert May 25

4. May 25, 1955 - "Symphony Set for Concert Tonight at 8"; Times editorial page, May 24, 1955 - "Something for Nothing at Last"

5. May 25, 1955 - 18-year-old Gilbert Brown, trumpet soloist at C.A. Symphony concert; "Lanesville Boy to Play beside Father at Symphony"

Page 41

1. Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra program, Andrew Jacobson, Conductor, May 25, 1955

2. May 26, 1953 - "Enthusiasm Keynote as Symphony Plays"

3. May 26, 1955 - Sports Editor comments on the Symphony

Page 42

Cape Ann symphony Orchestra rehearsal on May 24, 1955

Page 43

1. "The Lookout" – notes on Leonid Milk, 6-1-55

2. "The Lookout" - "Back in Rockport," 7-21-55

3. Gloucester Times article, July 7, 1955

4. Gloucester Times editorial page - "Famous Recording Artist to Headline Music Festival," June 24, 1955

5. July 28, 1955 - Announcement from Ray Bentley regarding the rehearsal for the Festival

Page 44

1. "The Lookout" -"The Cape Ann Symphony"

2. Aug. 19, 1955 - Article by Barbara Erkkila - "Symphony Soloist Practices in Cellar"

3. Aug. 21, 1955 "Symphony Concert Tomorrow Evening," program

4. Aug. 23, 1955 - Symphony program announced

5. Aug. 24, 1955 - Editorial page - "Here's Harmony for All"

Page 45

1. 8-24-55 - Ad for Symphony Free Concert, climax of 1955 Festival of the Arts

2. 8-25-55 - Ad - Symphony Concert Tonight

3. Aug. 25, 1955 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Festival Concert booklet

Page 46

1. Aug. 26, 1955 - Article by Peter N. Anastas, Jr., "Symphony Features Rockport Soloist PlayerComposer"

2. Photo of Dolores DeCosta of Rockport, soprano soloist at C.A. Symphony concert

3. Sept. 3, 1955 - Gloucester Times article, "Local People Give $2273 for Flood Aid"; C.A. Symphony Orchestra collected $467 at concert

Page 47

1. 10-15-55 - Editorial page - "Cape Ann Symphony Asked to Pay Tax on Donation Dinner"

2. Gloucester Daily Times, Dec. 7, 1955 - Article, "Glee Club, Cape Ann Symphony in Special Christmas Concert"

3. Photo by Berthold - Albert Veara, Pierce Grover, Alfred Bernard and Muriel Steele, rehearsal at G.H. School for a special concert

Page 48

1. Editorial page - Dec. 7, 1955 - "Local Schools Excellent, Believes Elizabeth Lamb"

2. Gloucester Times, 12-10-55 - "Glee Club, Symphony Present Christmas Concert"

3. Gloucester Times, 12-12-55 - Article by Doris Berthold - "Cape Ann Symphony Tunes Up for Concert This Wednesday"

Page 49

1. Photo of Attilio Poto, Guest Conductor of C.A. Symphony Orchestra - listens thoughtfully at rehearsal for Wednesday concert

2. Dec. 13, 1955 - "Chorus to Sing with Symphony Tomorrow Night," program

3. Dec. 13, 1955 - "The Lookout" - article by Henry Bollman on concert program

4. Dec. 13, 1955 - Editorial page - "Music for the Listening"

5. Dec. 14, 1955 - "Symphony Plays, Chorus Sings at H.S. Tonight" Page 50 (Empty)

Page 51

1. Dec. 15, 1955 - Gloucester Times editorial page - "Christmas Story in Music Features Symphony Concert"

2. Gloucester Times, Jan. 17, 1956 - Article by Harry L. Gage - "Ex-Mayor MacInnis Heads 1956 Cape Ann Symphony"

Page 52 (Loose papers)

1. Dec. 14, 1955 - C.A.S.O., Attilio Poto, Conductor, Christmas Concert with the cooperation of the G.H. School Glee Club, Miss Eleanor F. Moore, Director - booklet

2. Cape Ann Symphony is presenting its winter concert on Feb. 25 at G.H.S., program for the evening

3. Symphony Notes - handwritten page

4. Jan. 1955 - Constitution and By-Laws of the Cape Ann Symphony Association

5. Harold Bell, Jan. 1955 - Annual Report

6. Harry L. Gage, Jan. 16, 1956 - Annual Report

Page 53

1. Mrs. Ruth Pappas, Letters to the Editor, Jan. 21, 1956, Feb. 2, 1956, regarding support for the Symphony

2. Feb. 4, 1956 - Henry Bollman article in "The Lookout" regarding the musical program of the Symphony

3. Feb. 25, 1956 - Symphony concert in Lynn tomorrow

4. March 17, 1956 - "May 3 Set for Concert by Symphony"

Page 54

1. artists - photo of Helen Gordon, Dorothy Primm, and Irene Zager - members of the C.A. Symphony Orchestra

2. G. Times - March 28, 1956 - Announcement - Symphony plays next Wednesday, May 3, at G.H.S.

3. May 1, 1956 - "Mozart Music at Symphony on May 3"

4. May 2, 1956 - Photo by Doris Berthold - Ushers at Spring Concert on Thursday evening

Page 55

1. Times article, May 2, 1956 - "May Music: Mozart, Modern - Symphony Program May 3," Chester Williams, Conductor

2. May 3, 1956 - Photo - Dorothy Primm, pianist, is the feature soloist for this evening's concert by C.A.S. Orchestra

Page 56

1. May 4, 1956 – Article by A. Myron Tarr – “With easy assurance and unfailing artistry Cape Ann Symphony . . . “

2. Gloucester Daily Times editorial page, May 31, 1956 – “Aid to Cape Ann Symphony”

3. Gloucester Times article, June 1, 1956 – Cape Ann symphony now rehearsing for their next concert in early August

Page 57

1. June 26, 1956 – Article - Contributors to Symphony may have names on program

2. July 3, 1956 – The Rockport Community Chorus will hold its Summer Concert July 9

3. July 10, 1956 – “Rockport Community Chorus Pleases with Folk Songs”

4. July 13, 1956 – Gloucester Times editorial page – “Symphony Night a Heavy Date”

Page 58

1. July 26, 1956 –“Symphony Has Two Events in One Week”

2. July 31, 1956 - Letter of Peter Bell to the Editor - many Bass Rockers will attend a musical, "Guys and Dolls," Aug. 6 - the proceeds will go to the Symphony of Cape Ann

3. 3-1-56 - Ad - North Shore Music Theatre will present "Guys and Dolls" on Monday evening, Aug. 6

4. Aug. 2, 1956 - Letter to the Editor, Gloucester Times – “Roger Babson Recommends: Give to the Cape Ann Symphony"

5. Nancy Larter, Trustee, writes to the Editor - "For the Symphony"

6. Aug. 2, 1956 - Doris Berthold photo – Sam Williamson is hit twice by Nat Simpkins for benefit tickets for "Guys and Dolls" at the N.S. Music Theatre

Page 59

1. May 1, 1956 - Photo of smiling Symphony Committee members discussing the musical "Guys and Dolls" event for the benefit of C.A.S.O.

2. March 1, 1956 - Article by R.L.B. - "Pixie Hope Holiday Sparks Music Theatre 'Guys and Dolls'"; Cape Ann calendar for Aug. 6

Page 60

1. Aug. 3, 1956 - Photo by Peter Anastas - Ken Gore and Tom Nash rehearsing the coming concert

2. Aug. 3, 1956 – Photo – promotion for "Guys and Dolls"

3. Aug. 3, 1956 - "Symphony Benefit, Concert Coming Next Week"

Page 61

Cape Ann Symphony contributors, 1956, through July 1

Page 62

1. 8-7-56 - Editorial page - "Symphony by the Sea"

2. 8-7-56 - Gloucester Times article - "Cape Ann Folk at Music-Theater to Aid Orchestra"

3. 8-7-56 - "Singers to Join Symphony for Concert on Thursday"; photo of Conductor Andy Jacobson

4. 8-7-56 - Photo of young ushers for the coming concert

Page 63

1. Aug. 8, 1956 - Photo of women of the Symphony making plans for the coming concert

2. Times article, 8-9-56 - "Symphony Plays Tonight at 8"; photo by Peter Anastas - members of the Symphony Orchestra passing the bow before the concert

Page 64

1. Aug. 9, 1956 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra concert program, Andrew Jacobson, Guest Conductor, with the Rockport Community Chorus, Edwin B. Stube, Director

2. 8-10-56 - Article by P.N.A. - "Cape Ann Music Makes People Happy"

Page 65

1. 8-10-56 - Photo by Peter Anastas - "Andy laughs as someone cracks a joke before the Cape Ann Symphony Concert"

2. 8-10-56 - Times article - Musical Story Hour Saturday

3. 8-16-56 - Henry Bollman article in "The Lookout"

4. Manchester Cricket - 8-27-56 - "C. A. Symphony Benefits from Guys and Dolls"

6. Beverly Evening Times, Aug. 31, 1956 - Article, "Gloucester Music Group to Sponsor Show, Concert"

Page 66

1. 8-17-56 - "The Lookout" - article, "For That Very Reason"

2. Nov. 1, 1956 - "C.A. Symphony Orchestra Plans for New Concert"

3. Nov. 28, 1956 - "Yule Concert Next Thursday”

Page 67

1. Photo - Pierce Grover is surrounded by musical instruments

2. Nov. 23, 1956 - Article by Henry Bollman, "Sentimental Ramble: 'The Rockport Stradivarius'"

Page 68

1. Beverly Times staff photo - "Four Story High students will be among the usherettes at Christmas Concert," 12-4-56

2. 12-5-56 - Photo - Manchester girls to usher at Gloucester concert Thursday

3. 12-4-56 - "Symphony Plays for C.A. Thursday Night," program

4. 12-5-56 - Ad - "Christmas Concert, John D. Murray, Conductor"

Page 69

Dec. 7, 1956 - "Symphony Gives Glowing Concert"; Manchester Cricket - Six Story High Seniors ushered at concert; envelope - many various newspaper clippings and notes about the Symphony Orchestra


Scrapbook 3: 1959 - 1961

Page 1

C.A. Symphony Orchestra concert, Jan. 17, 1959 - booklet

Page 2

1. Jan. 6, 1959 - G.D. Times article, "Music by and for Cape Ann People"

2. Manchester, Mass., Jan. 9, 1959 - Article on C.A. Symphony concert Jan. 17; Jan. 16, 1959 - concert Jan. 17 featuring William Cook, piano soloist

Page 3

1. Gloucester Daily Times, Jan. 13, 1959 - Article by Nat Simpkins, Exec. Vice Pres., "Nat Simpkins Reports on Symphony, 1958"

2. Article by Henry Bollman, "Cape Ann Symphony Featuring Milhaud Music"; photo of William Cook, soloist with Cape Ann Symphony

Page 4

1. Jan. 15, 1959 - Photo by Charles A. Lowe of C.A. Symphony Orchestra rehearsing

2. Article by Jackie Darcy - "Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra - Teachers, Doctors, They All Become Musicians for a Night"

Page 5

1. G.D. Times, Jan 19, 1959 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "Dreamy Voyage on the Wings of Music"

2. G.D. Times article, Jan. 22, 1959 - "Membership Range Fantastic: Vorce"

Page 6

G.D. Times, May 23, 1959 - Article by Henry Bollman, "Our 'Pops' Concert Will Take Place on July 14"

Page 7

1. July 9, 1959 - "Arts Festival Opens July 26"

2. G.D. Times photo, July 10, 1959 - Mrs. Archie Horne presents tickets to Acting Mayor Manuel F. Lewis for Symphony Concert

3. G.D.T., July 13, 1959 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "Our Pops Concert Tuesday"

Page 8

1. G.D.T., July 13, 1959 - Article by Esther McLaughlin, "Symphony's Ladies Can Sail, Teach - and Play"

2. July 14, 1959 - "Pops Concert Is Set for Tonight"

Page 9

Photo by Lowe - Orchestra gives Concert on Seven Seas Wharf for the first time; July 15, 1959 - article by Jackie Darcy, "Harbor Lends Its Magic to Make 'Pops' a Huge Success"

Page 10

Various photos by G.D.T. photographer Charles Lowe at the first pop concert at Seven Seas Wharf, July 16, 1959; July 16, 1959 - article - "Pops Will Be Annual Affair"

Page 11

July 22, 1959 - Article by Henry Bollman, "Festival Will Run 21 Days - Program Covers Nearly All Arts;” Club calendar for July and August

Page 12

1. 8-12-59 - Club Calendar of events for Aug. - Sept.; "Symphony Plays Thursday at 8"

2. Aug. 11, 1959 - Gloucester Daily Times editorial page - "Music in the Cape Ann Air"

Page 13

Cape Ann Symphony booklet of ads Page 14 Summer calendar for Aug. 13, 14, 15, 1959; Club Calendar from Aug. 7 - Aug. 29

Page 15

1. Aug. 12, 1959 - "Cora Chase Williamson Will Sing with Symphony Thurs."

2. "Goings On" in Rockport, Aug. 13

3. G.D.T., 8-13-59 - "Brahms Waits for Flutist"

4. G.D.T., 8-15-59 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "Brahms Thrills Concert-Goers"

Page 16

Aug. 15, 1959 – Various photos in Women’s World, Jacqueline Darcy, Woman’s Editor – National Honor Society members served as ushers for concert

Page 17

Aug. 15, 1959 - Photo by Lowe; "Symphony Group Presents Concert Free to Public"

Page 18

Aug. 20, 1959 - "The Lookout" - "Hostesses Had Fun"; "Descants to Give Rockport Concert” featuring Dolores DeCosta

Page 19

Dec. 17, 1959 - Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert, Armand Vorce, Conductor, program

Page 20

1. G.D.T., Nov. 21, 1959 - "Our Symphony to Go on ‘Tour’” on May 27

2. Dec. 7, 1959 - Concert will begin 1/2 hour later

3. Dec. 12, 1959 – Photo - "Six Hellenic-American Girls Will Usher for the C.A. Symphony Christmas concert"

Page 21

Dec. 16, 1959 - Gloucester Daily Times editorial page - Samuel T. Williamson, editor and author, "Good News at Rocky Neck," "Tomorrow Evening, Go See, Go Hear"; Dec. 17, 1959 - "Orchestra to Play Tonight"

Page 22

1. Dec. 18, 1959 - Article by Eleanor F. Moore, Supervisor of Music in the Gloucester schools, "Vorce, Orchestra Win High Praise"

2. Dec. 18, 1959 - Letter to the Editor by Frances R. Trisorio, Supervisor of Music, Marshfield, "Noblest Gesture"

Page 23

1. G.D. Times, March 12, 1960 - "Ipswich Deaths Are Investigated - Double-Suicide Theory Is Probed" – C.A.S.O players recall they were orchestra members

2. April 12, 1960, G.D.T. - "Woman's Club Will Visit Cape Ann Nursing Homes"

3. G.D.T., April 16, 1960 - "Symphony Plans a Spring Concert" Page 24 Gloucester Daily Times editorial page - March 28, 1960 - Article by Henry Bollman, "Music a Friendly Power - Symphony Not Impersonal"

Page 25

April 20, 1960 - Article by Henry Bollman, "Stirring Music by Great Composers Will Be Played by Our Own Musicians in Thursday's Symphony"

Page 26

1. April 21, 1960 - Spring Concert at the H.S. - program

2. G.D. Times, 4-21-60 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "Spring Concert Tonight"

Page 27

1. April 22, 1960 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "500 Attend Spring Concert Here"

2. G.D. Times editorial page, May 26, 1960 - "Symphony to Play Friday in Marshfield High School"

Page 28, 29

Boston Sunday Globe, April 24, 1960 - Photos - Various Quincy Symphony members playing their instruments

Page 30

1. June 1, 1960, G.D.T. - "Cape Symphony Thrills Marshfield"; photo - "Mayor Boudreau wishes best to Sam Gordon and Orchestra"

2. Gloucester Times, "The Lookout," 6-21-60 - Article by Barbara Erkkila, "They Heard Themselves"

3. Gloucester Times, 6-11-60 - "Cape Ann Symphony on Radio” - Station WJDA, Quincy

Page 31

1. G.D.T., 7-28-60 - "Symphony Plays on Aug. 25"

2. Aug. 1, 1960 - "Festival Events Here in Aug.” - Aug. 1 to Aug. 13 3. Summer calendar from Aug. 19 to Aug. 26

Page 32

1. Aug. 19, 1960 - Photo of blind Rose Hoffman of Dorchester at a piano during rehearsal for the next performance of C.A. Symphony; "Symphony Leader Seeks Perfection"

2. Aug. 20, 1960 - Article by Barbara Erkkila - "Blind Girl Inspires Adults, Waved a Rattle in Time to Music"

Page 33

1. Photo of three people (no identification)

2. G.D.T., Aug. 23, 1960 - Article, "Familiar Names in Symphony Concert"

3. G.D.T., Aug. 24, 1960 - "Offenbach to Rodgers for Symphony Goers Thursday;” program for the evening

4. Aug. 25, 1960 - "Concert Is at 8 Tonight” - Rose Hoffman, Soloist

Page 34

Gloucester Times editorial page, Aug. 25, 1960 - "Profits for Producer"; "Listen and Watch” - summer concert

Page 35

Summer Concert, Aug. 25, 1960 - program

Page 36

1. Aug. 25, 1960 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "Music Lovers Hail Blind Youngster"

2. Aug. 30, 1960 - Letter to the Editor from Robert E. Larter, Symphony V.P. - "Praises Simpkins’ Orchestra Service"

Page 37

1. G.D. Times, Dec. 20, 1960 - "60 at Dinner for Cape Symphony"

2. Oct. 26, 1960 - Article by Carol Marino, "Violinists Needed by Symphony Here"

Page 38

William J. MacInnis, President, letter to Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra for 1961 season - list of officers and trustees; annual memberships now due for 1961

Page 39

Jan. 26, 1961 - Midwinter "Pops" program and concert notes, Armand Vorce, Conductor

Page 40

1. G.D.T., Jan. 5, 1961 - "Symphony Plays on January 26"; photo - violin section of the C.A. Symphony rehearses for concert Jan. 26

2. Jan. 19, 1961 - "Horn Soloist at Jan. 26 Concert"

3. Jan. 25, 1961 - "Symphony Concert is Tomorrow"; program for the evening

Page 41

1. Jan. 27, 1961 - Photo by Lowe - Full Orchestra at last night's Pops concert

2. Jan 27, 1961 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "600 Applaud Pops Concert Here"

Page 42, 43

"Cape Ann Symphony 'Pops' Concert Proved Worth Braving the Snow Storm"; several photos of ushers and symphony lovers

Page 44 (Empty)

Page 45

Spring Concert, May 11, 1961 - program

Page 46

1. May 9, 1961 – Photo - Our Lady C.Y.O. Members to usher concert on May 11, 1961

2. G.D.T., 5-2-61 - "Spring Concert on May 11"

3. G.D.T., 5-12-61 - "Spring Concert Full of Spirit"

Page 47

1. Letter to the Editor, May 17, 1961, from Robert E. Larter, "A Few Words to Young Musicians"

2. G.D.T., 5-10-61 - Photo of Helen Gordon, Cape Ann Symphony soloist; article by Eleanor Dexter, "Symphony Audience to Hear Violinist's Degree Work"

Page 48 (Empty)

Page 49

1. July 5, 1961 - Symphony Group Meets

2. July 6, 1961 - "Pops Concert Here July 20"

3. July 11, 1961 - "Symphony Auxiliary Holds Inaugural Meeting"

4. July 17, 1961 - "Pops at Gloucester at Seven Seas Wharf"

5. July 13, 1961 - "Arts Festival Show Opens July 23 for 3 Weeks"

Page 50

1. G. Times, July 14, 1961 - Article by Margaret E. Irving, "Symphony Gives Concert July 20"

2. July 19, 1961 - "Pops Concert Is Tomorrow"

3. July 19, 1961 - "Symphony Plays Tomorrow - Concert on the Waterfront"

Page 51

1. Club Calendar of Events from July 19 to Aug. 2

2. July 19, 1961 - "Symphony Auxiliary Lists Aims for Coming Year"

3. July 20, 1961 - "Pops Concert Is Tonight"

Page 52

1. July 21, 1961 - "Cafasso's Absence Is Criticized"

2. July 21, 1961 - "The Lookout" - "Picturesque Concerts"

3. July 26, 1961 - "Festival Presents Music Tomorrow"

Page 53

1. July 25, 1961 - Letters to the Editor - Letter from Robert E. Larter, "Says Thanks for Symphony Orchestra"

2. July 28, 1961 - Letter to the Editor from Dorothy Burnham Rose - praises Cafasso for concert announcing

3. July 29, 1961 - Letter to the Editor from Ida May Lesser, "Criticism 'A Sour Note'"

Page 54

July 22, 1961 - "An Evening of Music" by Helen Gordon, violinist, and Myron Press, pianist, on July 27, 1961 at West Parish School

Page 55

Aug. 31, 1961 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra program, Aug. 31, Armand Vorce, Conductor

Page 56

Aug. 26, 1961 - Club Calendars for Aug. and Sept.

Page 57

1. Aug. 24, 1961 - "Miss Trisorio to Feature Symphony Concert on Aug. 31"

2. Aug. 25, 1961 - Summer Calendar from Aug. 25 to Aug. 31

3. Aug. 30, 1961 - "Symphony Plays Tomorrow"

Page 58

1. Sept. 1, 1961 - Article by Margaret Curtis Brown, "Concert-Goers Enthusiastic"

2. "Audience of 700 Applauds"; photo of six young ushers Page 59 Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra – booklet, Dec. 7, 1961

Page 60 (Empty)

Page 61

1. G.D. Times, Oct. 25, 1961 - "Orchestra Unit to Aid WGBH-TV"

2. Club Calendar from Dec. 7 to Dec. 11

3. Nov. 15, 1961 - "9-Year Old Girl Symphony Soloist"

4. Dec. 4, 1961 - "Girl of 9, Charms Rehearsal Hearers"

Page 62

1. Dec. 6, 1961 - Photo - Lisa Goldman, 9 years old, shakes hands with Conductor Armand Vorce

2. Dec. 6, 1961 - "At 9, Lisa Goldman Has Played with Fiedler and the Pops"; "Cape Symphony Plays Tonight"

Page 63

1. Dec. 8, 1961 - "9-Year-Old Pianist Wins High Praise," article by Margaret Irving

2. Dec. 8, 1961 - "Student Musicians Chosen for District Orchestra"

Page 64

1. "Lisa Charms Symphony Audience"

2. Photo - Lisa with parents, Conductor Armand Vorce, and instructor Leo Litwin; photo of group of ushers at the concert

3. Photo of Sam Gordon


Scrapbook 7: 1962 - 1968 Loose programs, etc.

1. Article by Barbara Hoffman (no date) - "A melodic anniversary for C.A. Symphony"; photo - Walter Eisenberg conducts orchestra during solo by Berenice Bramson

2. Spring Concert, March 21, 1963 - Armand Vorce, Conductor; soloists - Helen Gordon, violin; Dr. A. Alter, viola

3. Anniversary Summer Concert, Aug. 30, 1967 - program and a list of C.A. sponsors for l967. Haim Elisha, Conductor

4. Christmas Concert, Dec. 18, 1968, program - Haim Elisha, Conductor, Ernest Triplett, soloist

5. Christmas Concert, Dec. 13, 1970 - Haim Elisha, Conductor - program and program notes

6. Summer Pops Concert, July 11, 1971, program - Haim Elisha, Conductor; Patricia C. Darby, Guest Conductor; Daniel Hill, pianist

7. Gloucester Seaport Festival Pops program, Aug. 14, 1971 at Milton L. Fuller School

8. Annual Christmas Concert program, Dec. 5, 1971 - program and sponsors list

9. C.A.S.O. – 10th Anniversary Concert, program and notes

Page 1

Easter Concert, April 26, 1962, Armand Vorce, Conductor - program and notes

Page 2 (Empty)

Page 3

1. Letter from Robert E. Larter, Nov. 30, 1962, to the Board of Trustees, C.A.S.O., Miss Grace McGinley, Secretary, stating that he is resigning from the Board of Trustees, C.A.S. Orchestra

2. Letter to the newly elected Trustees, Jan. 18, 1962

Page 4, 5

List of all Symphony Orchestra members' names, addresses and phone #s as of March 9, 1963

Page 6

1963, eleventh season of Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra, William J. MacInnis, President, list of officers and trustees

Page 7

Spring Concert, March 21, 1963, Armand Vorce, Conductor - program and concert notes

Page 8

Letter from C.A.S. secretary to Mr. Isaac Patch, Jr. informing Mr. Patch of his election as Honorary Trustee for life

Page 9

May 7, 1964 - Lowe photo - City Councilors become members of the C.A.S. Orchestra, Armand Vorce, Conductor

Page 9a

May 7, 1964 – G.D.T., May 7, 1964 – “Cape Ann Symphony gives concert with ‘something for everyone"

Page 9b

Spring Concert, May 6, 1964 – Armand Vorce, Conductor, Francesca Trisorio, Contralto, Salvatore Perrone, Xylophone

Page 10

1. Summer Concert program, Aug. 21, 1964 - Mildred Zucker, solo pianist

2. Aug. 26, 1964 - Note of thanks from Mildred Zucker to Mrs. Jeswald for the bouquet of roses sent to her

Page 11

List of C.A. Symphony Orchestra members as of Oct. 7, 1964 with names, addresses and phone #s

Page 12

Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Treasurer’s report, Nov. 10, 1965 - Dec. 15, 1965

Page 13

Dec. 1, 1964 - Christmas Concert with Gordon College Oratorio Choir, Herbert Hankenson [sic], Conductor - program, Messiah

Page 14

Jan. 1, 1966 - Symphony Orchestra Annual Treasurer’s report

Page 15

May 14, 1965 - Letter of Mrs. June Jeswald to Mr. Herbert Hankinson regarding the end of his appointment as conductor of the Symphony

Page 16

May 14, 1965 - Spring Concert, Herbert Hankinson, Conductor, Albert Weaver, soloist - program and concert notes

Page 17

Ad, July 14, 1965 - Cape Ann Symphony Pops Concert, July 15, 1965, Jerome Cohen conducting, Linda Segall, piano soloist

Page 18, 19

Anniversary Summer Concert, Aug. 26, 1965, Jerome Cohen, Conductor, Elinor Preble, flutist; lists - Symphony Orchestra officers, trustees, and personnel

Page 20, 21

Aug. 1965 - Gloucester Times, article by Margaret Irving - “Cape Ann Symphony draws many North Shore players”

Page 22

Report by Robert MacLeod, President; notes and programs for the year 1966 and 1967 Spring Concert

Page 23

Christmas Concert, December 9, 1965, Jerome D. Cohen, Conductor - program and program notes

Page 24

Letter of Thanks from several player-members for opportunity to play with Symphony Orchestra

Page 25

April 30, 1966 - First Children's Concert given by Symphony Orchestra, program; photo - Cape Ann Symphony to give concert

Page 26

Aug. 25, 1966 - 15th Anniversary Concert, program, Jerome D. Cohen, Conductor, Helen Gordon, Concert Mistress, Myron Romanul, soloist; officers, trustees, and members of the Orchestra

Page 27

Dec. 6, 1966 - Full page ad for the Christmas Concert featuring St. Ann's Boy's Choir under the direction of Sister M. Loyola

Page 28

Dec. 7, 1966 - Christmas Concert at the Gloucester High School, program, Jerome D. Cohen, Conductor

Page 29

Dec. 1966 - Editorial page, article by John C. Reilly, "Cape Ann Symphony Christmas Concert"

Page 30, 31

Charles Lowe photo - Boys of St. Ann's Choir rehearsing for the annual Christmas Concert; program for Dec. 7 concert

Page 32

C.A. Symphony Orchestra Treasurer's Report 12-15-65 - 4-6-66

Page 33

C.A.S.O. Annual Financial Report, Balance on Hand Jan. 1, 1966, submitted at Feb. 15, 1967 meeting

Page 34

Spring Youth Concert sponsored by the Gloucester Kiwanis Club, Sunday, May 7, 1967 - Dr. Campbell Johnson, Conductor, Lynn Chang, Violinist, B. Gerard Dawkins, Narrator

Page 35

G.D. Times, 1967 - Article by Paul Kenyon, "Symphony's new music gets cool reception"

Page 36

Sept. 19, 1967 - Letter from Mrs. June Jeswald to Mr. Samuel L.M. Barlow for speaking for the Symphony at the summer concert

Page 37 Dec. 14, 1967 - Concert at St. Peter's High School - program

Page 38

Annual Report, 1967, C.A.S. Orchestra, Balance on Hand as of January 1, 1967

Page 39

Treasurer's Reports, C.A.S. Orchestra March 15, 1967 - April 19, 1967 April 19, 1967 - June 7, 1967 June 7, 1967 - July 19, 1967 July 19, 1967 – Aug. 9, 1967 Aug. 9, 1967 – Sept. 13, 1967 Sept. 13, 1967 - Feb. 15, 1968

Page 40

Treasurer's Report, C.A.S.O. - June 26, 1968 - July 31, 1968

Page 41

Letter of Mr. Brad Bell to all friends of the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra urging continued financial support of the Orchestra


Scrapbook 8: 1972 - 1974

Page 1

The Rockport Eagle, April 26, 1973 - Article, "An Overture for Sam,” Spring Youth Concert, Haim Elisha, Conductor, May 6, 1973 - program and program notes

Page 2

Jan. 14, 1972 - Editorial page, "Symphony to offer additional concert"

Page 3

Charles Lowe photo - Soloist Eve Mesmer Schneider and French horn player Ted Johnson rehearse for April 23 Spring Pops Concert

Page 4

April 11, 1972 - Article by Patricia Casey, "Symphony to help ring in spring"; photo - George Young practicing for April 23 Spring Pops Concert

Page 5

Photo, April 22, 1972 - Pops Concert musicians rehearse for April 23, 1972 concert

Page 6

Ad for concert - Spring Pops Concert by the C.A. Symphony Orchestra, Conductor: Haim Elisha, Soloist: Eve Schneider - April 13, 1972 at 3 PM, sponsored by the City of Gloucester

Page 7

Gloucester Daily Times, April 24, 1972 - Article by Nan Cobbey, "Everyone gets a seat at concert"

Page 8

Card for C.A.S.O. Spring Pop Concert

Page 9

Gloucester Daily Times - Photo, April 24, 1972 - "Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra performs before 800 persons yesterday afternoon in Pops Concert"

Page 10

Ad, May 26 and 27, 1972 - Youth Concert at Gloucester High School

Page 11

Gloucester, May 27, 1972 - Article by Phyllis Mann, "Musicians will bring jungle to life" in performance of The Jungle Book

Page 12

Spring Youth Concert program, May 28, 1972, sponsored by Lepage's division of Papercraft and Gloucester Supply Co. Haim Elisha, Conductor; Soloist, Margaret A. Eddie, Contralto; Lois Steele Clapp, Piano; Narrator, Chester Roberts

Page 13

Gloucester Times - Article by Phyllis B. Mann, "Symphony growls, trumpets jungle story" at Youth Spring Concert

Page 14

(No date) Community News - Article by Patricia Casey - Roman Totenberg, violinist, to be soloist with Cape Ann Symphony

Page 15

Monday, July 10, 1972 - Photo of Roman Totenberg, violinist

Page 16 (Empty)

Page 17, 18

20th Anniversary Concert, 1952-1972, July 15, 1972, program - program notes sponsored by Cape Ann Bank & Trust Co.

Page 19

July 17, 1972 - Editorial page, "Guest violinist inspires symphony"

Page 20

1. Aug. 17, 1972 - Photo of Janet Pranschke - to sing at concert, short article about her work

2. Ad for C.A. Symphony Orchestra Summer Pops concert, Aug. 19, 1972, conducted by Haim Elisha - soloist, Janet Pranschke, soprano

Page 21

Summer Pops Concert program, Aug. 19, 1972

Page 22

1. Aug. 21, 1972 - Times article, "Symphony concert: nostalgia & pops"

2. C.A.S.O. audience survey card

Page 23

Aug. 22, 1972 - Article by Miriam Selker Dodek, concert review - "Haim Elisha adds 'meat' to summer pops concert"

Page 24

1. Sept. 5, 1972 - Photo - Haim Elisha conducts Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra

2. Sept. 5, 1972 – Article, Community News, by Miriam Selker Dodek, "Fancy meeting him here"

Page 25

1. Sept. 18, 1972 - Gloucester Times article, "Cape Ann Symphony begins new season"

2. Nov. 15, 1972 - Times article, "Trumpeter to solo with local symphony"

Page 26

Nov. 18, 1972 - Article by Patricia Casey, "The Gordons prepare for concert"

Page 27

Dec. 1, 1972 - Article by Patricia Casey, "Symphony to give concert featuring trumpet soloist"; photo of Rolf Smedvig, solo trumpet

Page 28

Sunday, Dec. 3, 1972 - Christmas Concert, Conductor, Haim Elisha, soloist, Rolf Smedvig, trumpet - program and program notes. List of names of Cape Ann Symphony sponsors for 1972

Page 29

List of members of the orchestra, officers, and trustees

Page 30

Ad, Dec. 1, 2, for Christmas Concert Dec. 3, 1972 at Gloucester High Auditorium

Page 31

Dec. 4, 1972 - Article by Patricia Casey, "1300 hear Cape Ann Symphony"; photo by Charles Lowe - Musicians perform yesterday afternoon during concert in high school auditorium

Page 32

Article, "Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Elects Officers for 1973” at the Tavern

Page 33

Article by Patricia Casey, "Two soloists featured with symphony Sunday." C. Stephen Young, twelve-year-old pianist, will be a guest soloist and Donald B. Nikola, bassoonist

Page 34

May 4, 1973 - Photo of pianist C. Stephen Young

Page 35

Ad in Gloucester Daily Times - Youth Concert in Honor of Gloucester's 350th Anniversary - Soloist, Stephen Young, pianist; Don Nikola, bassoonist; Haim Elisha, Conductor. Sunday, May 6, 1973, sponsored by LePages Co. and Feldman Construction Co.

Page 36

Gloucester Times - "Symphony overture written for 350th” - …“Cape Ann Overture” was played by the Cape Ann Symphony at its Youth Concert for All Ages on Sunday afternoon…“

Page 37

July 12, 1973 - Ad in the Gloucester Times - Help Us Celebrate the Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra’s 21st Anniversary, sponsored by the Cape Ann Bank & Trust Co.

Page 38

1. July 13, 1973, Gloucester Daily Times - Photo of Roman Totenberg, violinist

2. Article by Patricia Casey, "Symphony concert to feature violinist" Roman Totenberg

Page 39

July 14, 1973 - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra 21st Anniversary Concert, July 15, 1973, Haim Elisha, Conductor, Roman Totenberg, soloist

Page 40

Program, Twenty-First Anniversary Concert, Sunday, July 15, 1973, and program notes

Page 41

List of members of the orchestra

Page 42

1. Ad, Aug. 17, 1973 - Summer Pops Concert, Aug. 23, 1973

2. Ad - Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Free Summer Pops Concert, Aug. 23, at Fitz Hugh Lane. Soloist: Ralph Smedvig, trumpeter

3. Aug. 20, 1973, Gloucester Times - "Symphony Pops concert features poem narration"

Page 43

Program of C.A. Symphony Orchestra Summer Pops Concert, Aug. 23, 1973 at Fitz Hugh Lane. Conductor, Haim Elisha; Rolf Smedvig, trumpet soloist; Miriam Selker Dodek, poet

Page 44

Nov. 29, 1973 - Gloucester Times article by Patricia Casey, "Symphony offers free concert - Israeli pianist to play work by local composer"; photo of Gardner Read, composer

Page 45

November 30, 1973, ad - Christmas Concert Conducted by Haim Elisha; piano soloist, Amiram Rigai - Sunday, Dec. 2, 1973

Page 46

C.A. Symphony afternoon program, Dec. 2, 1973, and program notes

Page 47

List of members of the Orchestra Pages 46a, 47a List of Sponsors of the Cape Ann Symphony for the year 1973

Page 48

Gloucester Times - Article by Patricia Casey, "Winter concert a success for Cape Ann Symphony"

Page 49

Photo by Charles Lowe - Israeli pianist Amiram Rigai plays a premiere performance of "Rhapsody USA" by Jacques Miller

Page 50

1. Gloucester Times - April 11, 1974 - "First symphony scholarship to be presented at concert"

2. Gloucester Times, Ad, April 24, 1974 - Youth Concert, April 28, Violin Soloist, Marijean Miller

Page 51

Gloucester Times, April 25, 1974 - Article, "Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra performs youth concert Sunday”

Page 52

Spring Youth Concert, program, April 28, 1974 at G.H. School Auditorium

Page 53

Ad, July 12, 1974 - Cape Ann Symphony presents a "Bank Night" Concert on July 20, 1974, Edward Simons, violinist

Page 54

The 22nd Anniversary Concert "Bank Night" program for July 20, 1974

Page 55

List of Trustees, Honorary Trustees, and Members of the Orchestra

Page 56

July 22, 1974 - Article by Kevin Baker, "600 hear violin soloist"; photo of the orchestra, Haim Elisha, Conductor

Page 57

Nov. 29, 1974, ad - The Cape Ann Symphony Orchestra Presents “A Christmas Program," Guest Conductor, Chester Roberts, on December 1, 1974

Page 58

Community News - Article by Marilyn Myett, "Orchestra's holiday concert features 'Nutcracker Suite'"

Page 59

Nov. 27, 1954 - Gloucester Times photo - Chester Roberts directs his musicians at rehearsal for Christmas Concert

Page 60

December 1, 1974 - Christmas Concert program at G.H.S., Chester Roberts, Guest Conductor; Charles Walker, Tenor Soloist; sponsored by Gloucester Engineering Co., Inc.; program notes

Page 61

List of members of the Orchestra and trustees

Page 62, 63

List of sponsors