GDT Through A New Lens

A Project by the CAM Teen Council

This online exhibit is an overview of decades of life on Cape Ann. Consisting of photographs pulled from the Gloucester Daily Times, this exhibit is broken down by individual photographers. Members of the CAM Teen Council sifted through thousands of negatives and microfilm to select a handful of snapshots from a collection of over 1,000,000 photographs. These selections represent the essence of a photographer's insight into Cape Ann life through the eyes of the Council. 

This is a project that the Teen Council has been actively working on throughout its summer session. They searched through thousands of negatives, microfilms, and online archival material to find photos that accurately represent their assigned photographer.  

They chose photos that they connected with: from ones that made them laugh, to ones that evoked heavy emotion. Going through piles upon piles of material made them grateful for modern technology, and they gained a greater appreciation for the hard work these photographers put in to create accessible media.  

This project reconnected them to days when they read the funnies - it made them nostalgic for a time that predated them. We hope you can join them in this walk through Cape Ann’s history.